
December 18, 2009

Meryl Streep by Audrey

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Meryl Streep is pretty, although I think her Simversion is a bit creepy. :o

    Nice work though. :)

  2. Haha, it really does look like her.

  3. It really does look like her :o
    Good job :)

  4. Yeah, no offense to this person but Meryl Street is much prettier than this. This Sim kind of looks like a creepy witch that eats children. I think the face is too long and the chin too pointy but they got her facial features right on.

  5. I actually think this is a pretty good representation, for a Sim. It's so hard to make real people; Meryl Streep has very distinctive features so I recognized this sim on sight, even if the real woman is prettier.

  6. I appreciate that it's hard to make exact replicas of real people. This one is pretty good. More recognizable than many of the other celebrities people have tried to create.

  7. I really think this was made well. Someone wrote that the chin and nose were too pointy, but that's really what she looks like. I think what's throwing you off is her eyes. But if you hold a hand over the top part of her face, her nose and mouth look very close to the real woman. And I have to say, I think Meryl is so pretty!

  8. Thanks for the positive feedback.

    I did model her on a much younger Meryl Streep, when her face was thinner. If you pop into MTS,you will see the pic I used and it is pretty damn close to the original. For me, it matters that she is instantly recognisable as Meryl and I think I have achieved that.

    I also think Meryl is pretty, so if she comes across as 'ugly', it was not intentional. Audrey

  9. ^ If you modeled her after a younger Meryl, my opinion just went up. I think this DEFINITELY looks like a younger Meryl Streep; the real woman has aged beautifully (one of those people who only improves with age), but I think this looks very much like a younger version. Great job.

  10. Yeah, it looks a little creepy. Very "wicked witch of the west" in features, but it also looks a hell of a lot like her. Maybe the Sim artist wasn't able to capture Streep's warmth, but he/she created a more than reasonable clone.

  11. I would rather get comments like the one above, than 'she looks nothing like her'. So thanks for your comments and to the Anon above that, thanks for the re-evaluation. Audrey

  12. ^agreed. I was wondering where the 'she looks nothing like her' comments have gone too... Maybe the usual commentators have seen reason & decided to either make reasonable critique or decided to leave it & move on...

  13. ^ Don't tempt them! ;)
