
December 16, 2009

Miss Cutie Outfit by The T

Download for teen - adult at Mod The Sims


  1. Cute, but pretty slutty looking for anything but beachwear. Maybe if you lived in a hot climate it wouldn't seem that way.

  2. Yeah, I'd only use this for swimwear.

  3. ^ Have to agree with both comments. It'd be cute on the beach...or for an "out of control teen" on the Maury Povich Show. ;) (Does that show even still exist?)

    I'm glad to see TheT back with more stuff, though. If I recall correctly, I liked a lot of his TS2 stuff.

  4. it's cold outside in simville

  5. I like the bottom, not so much the top.

    PS: I hate when he puts in the upload name "-my MTS2 picked upload remake for MTS3-". We DON'T need to know that! It's quite annoying me! u.u

  6. For all of you who say this is slutty, you would hate it where I live. Girls dress like this on a regular basis. Kinda makes sense when it's 85 degrees most days though.

    Also, Maury Povich does indeed still exist. Though most of his shows these days are about paternity tests. ^^

  7. I've lived where it's 85 everyday, and I'd still consider this slutwear. It's kind of cute but I couldn't put it on just any sim.

  8. I like it, great for beachwear, or swimwear. My teens need it. Thanks T.

  9. Wow.. 'slutwear'. So showing belly button and thighs are slutty, huh? Why so scared of naked skin? o_O
    I wont download it, not because it's 'slutty' but because it's not my style.

  10. I'm not at all afraid of showing skin. But massively exposed midriff + bikini/bra straps + short shorts = slutwear OR beachwear. It would look fine on the beach. But if someone at the grocery store wore this, they'd look like a slut. Sorry.

  11. ^^ Yeah, it's slutty. If a person wore this anywhere besides the beach, she'd look skanky as hell.

  12. The human body doesn't bother me. I'm not a prude or something. But quite frankly, there are limits to the level of skin a person can show before people start judging them. Dressing like this would not MAKE you a slut, but it would make you LOOK like one. Maybe our society isn't totally logical when it comes to that sort of thing, but come can't tell me that the average person could wear this sort of thing on a daily basis and NOT have people think she were slutty. Maybe in SOME places, but not most.

  13. Fortunately, I don't pick my wardrobe based on what other people will think of me while I wear it.

    You want to think I'm slutty because I show some skin, that's on you.

    Most people who would wear something like this in real life probably don't care what the rest of you think of their clothing choice.

    Have fun on your throne of judgment passing down life lessons for the rest of us. :)

  14. Just the fact that you would say someone in this outfit LOOKS slutty is the problem. You can quibble about the details all you want, but you're still pretending to have some moral high ground over other people because of how they chose to dress.

    My point is that I don't CARE if you think I LOOK slutty or you think I AM slutty. It's your opinion and it doesn't matter to me.

    It's fun that you're offended enough to tell me to fuck off though. Have fun with that.

    PS- Yes I am judging you based on your comments. At least I'm not judging you based on what you're wearing right now.

  15. Anon would have been in the wrong if they said, "Everyone who dresses like this is a slut." What they actually said was more along the lines of "Someone who dresses like this might not be a slut, but many people would think they looked like one." Based on the comments here, that's true for a lot of people. Maybe that's judgmental, whatever. I know that if I had a teenage daughter, I wouldn't let her leave the house dressed like that unless she was going to the beach. Would I think the clothes made her a slut? No, but I'd be afraid of how people would react to her, not because I care what they think but for her own safety. There are a lot of creeps out there.

    To some people it looks slutty as everyday wear, okay? If you can't deal with those opinions, sorry, but deal with it.

  16. "Wahahahaha. Telling someone not to insult others and following it up with, "Don't be a bitch." PRICELESS."

    Yeah, but they didn't start it, the other person did. That's the difference.

  17. "It's your opinion and it doesn't matter to me."

    Then why are you trying to change it?

  18. Ah yes, the "She started it" defense.

  19. Glad you admitted to it. That makes me feel better. xD Geez, this is a lot of drama over nothing. Who the fuck even cares?

  20. "I know that if I had a teenage daughter, I wouldn't let her leave the house dressed like that unless she was going to the beach. Would I think the clothes made her a slut? No, but I'd be afraid of how people would react to her, not because I care what they think but for her own safety. There are a lot of creeps out there."

    I agree with the idea behind this. The clothes don't make the woman, but sadly they do impact the way people treat us. These clothes WOULD be interpreted as slutty by many people, and I wouldn't want myself or anyone I cared about to be mistreated as a result of wearing them. If I saw someone dressed like this at the post office, I wouldn't think "what a whore" but I would still *know* that her clothes are, for many people, provocative.

    It's a little like wearing a swastika. You might not be a Nazi but people will think you are. (I know, it's not the same sort of thing, but it's the same idea). No it's not fair, but it's how the world works.

  21. "No it's not fair, but it's how the world works."

    That is the exact attitude that should be avoided. Think of how many things are wrong about the world. Should we just not fix them simply because 'that's just the way it is?'

    We should be focusing more on making people understand WHY it's wrong to judge a person based on superficial things like the outfit they're wearing.

    But whatever, this is a Sims blog about clothing in a game, not the real world.

    Download the outfit if you like it. Move the hell on if you don't.

  22. "That is the exact attitude that should be avoided."

    I agree, but guess what? It's not going to happen overnight, even if everyone in the world tries, which they won't. So you know what's gonna happen? Some people are still going to think this looks slutty, some are not. FUCKING DEAL WITH IT.

    "Download the outfit if you like it. Move the hell on if you don't."

    Please take your own advice. They are not going to change your mind, and you aren't going to change theirs. They will still think it looks slutty. OKAY?

  23. This is still going on? lulz

  24. ^ hahahaha totally

    and they tried to make it sound like he/she was being tolerant, when she can't even tolerate other people's opinions about something dumb like this!

  25. If I had my way we'd all be allowed to be nudists if we wanted to, but where I come from it's just not classy to let it all hang out like that if you're going to the bank or picking your kids up from daycare. Even if you're the sweetest person in the world it'll just end up looking like you want attention, even if that's not what you intended. For the beach or the gym or maybe even certain types of clubs, sure.

    Beyond that though I actually think the top is pretty cute. My main issue is that the belt looks very painted-on especially the buckle. I don't mean just that it looks flat because flatness doesn't bother me except with huge ruffles and bows. I mean that there isn't enough shading/details so it looks kind of cartoony.

    I do think it makes a super cute bathing suit or even athletic wear, but I'd like it better without the belt.

  26. where did the topic change come from? you guys are lame. it's just a game
