
December 30, 2009

New Donation Hair by Newsea

Download for both genders and all ages at Newsea



  1. i actually think this is really cute and it actually doesnt look fruitastic on the guy it looks good. i like her male sim too *waits for sims cave =]

  2. At least somebody liked Liana's bozo the clown bow dress!

  3. Looks cute, it just needs to be a little bit lower so the forehead doesn't look so hugeeee

  4. I think it's..... cute?!?!?!

    I think I need a medical help.

  5. It would look better if the hair on top wasn't so messy, but it's still cute.

  6. very very cute!! *sitting beside KAI waiting on the cave too*

  7. This is cute, but it looks like it sits a bit too high up the head. I'll ass until somebody more skilled fixes it :D

  8. Gooorgeous! I'd whistle at it if I saw it walking by me. :)

    Can't wait until it's up for DL!

  9. Gosh, I love it! I want this badly[2] D=

    Good job, newsea. :D

  10. I like it ! can't wait!!!

  11. Very beautiful, but no way to have all these hairs in games anymore.. I don"t understand why some people continue to create such beautiful things, without taking count of the fact that our games are not able to stand for downloads anymore (since world adventures). It"s very frustrating. After many crashes, I've reinstalled my game, and it works well now, but without any downloads.. If I put downloads, I have many crashes.. And it's the case for a lot of gamers. Are you, talented creators, aware of that? Sorry for this topic, but I'm tired with EA and it's awful politic

  12. My game works fine with WA and custom comtent. I have not had one single crash since i moved my framework.

  13. Very pretty! I have to agree, however, that it looks like it'll need to sit lower on the head, though. It doesn't look as bad in the picture for the female sim, but it looks like her face was positioned higher. The male sim looks like his face is in a normal place and the hair looks high up on the head because of it. But other than that, absolutely gorgeous.

    As for the crashes, I think it's only certain CC that does it. I don't use furniture or anything. I just use hair, a couple of clothing pieces and a few makeup things and EA store stuff. I was fine until a downloaded sim from the exchanged added in a ton of things and I started crashing all the time (including in the middle of saving, thus losing the save file). But I recently deleted the majority of the crap that it added and it seems more stable now. I also don't have a ton of hairs and things in the game, so that may also help :)

  14. I haven't had any problems since WA, although I currently refuse to get the new patch (hate the idea of store content being shoved in my face ingame. I won't patch unless that can be disabled D<).
    Honestly, I assume creators create because they play the game too. So they would be aware if EVERY game had problems with cc, because they would too.

  15. Gorgeous hair, I really love this! I have hundreds upon hundreds of .package files and I download new things weekly, I'm actually surprised my game hasn't exploded on me.

  16. store content isnt actually shoved in your face ingame with the new patch, i noticed it once, and that was when i was looking for it because i had just updated. unless you want to stick with an old version and no more expansions youll have to update eventually. like i say its hardly noticable, thes a tiny icon on the sim panel. but anyway you muppets who complain need better pcs (or to ditch the macs) cos iv got tons of cc, and with most problems all you need to do is get the bluelotobjectfixer from mts or delete the files that mess your game up. i dont download core mods so i cant comment if theyve messed your game up...

  17. Is this at the cave yet?

  18. The man looks like one of those terrible 80s shows characters, and it's so lol. Death to paysite creators. I seriously have no doubt AT ALL that NEWSEA/Peggy get their 3D meshes from alternative FREE sites. There's just no way they're chugging out elaborate high poly meshes this fast.

    Then they modify them for use in SIMS 3. Then ask for MONEY. It's ridiculous. Anyone who believes otherwise is an idiot. I'm sorry, but why would you create all those extra poly's for a game that lags TERRIBLY with it. It just doesn't happen! Plus it's been proven in the past that the meshes were stolen from blender sites and so forth. Anyways I'm probably talking to the choir.

  19. Normally I don't like hairs like this but this is very cute. Plus its almost realistic and not so cartoony in my opinion. I'm sure someone will fire back with how not real it is but yeah

  20. beautiful. nothing negative here


  22. Be patient on simscave guys, you don't know how hard it is to get newsea hair, and it's not like you're paying for it either.

  23. Iys perfect. I love it! newsea is improving on their styles.

  24. Wow That's cute

    I can't wait for Antonella to share it with us.
    [Thank you very much for your kindness]

  25. Unlike an earlier anon, I think it does look fruitastic on guys. Ew gross I don't want townies walking around with this hair.

  26. i love it :D Newsea always has the best hair.

  27. I love newsea's hairs but I refuse to pay for them

  28. sorry if this is random but what does pf mean? i know af is adult female and cf is child female but is pf elder or toddler or what? :/
    iv just been DLing from sim cave ..... lol im waiting for this one too! not for guys though, i like my men manly =] thanks for any help xxxxx

  29. This is really lovely for ladies!

  30. everyone keeps saying to find things at the sims cave. in what forum are new things listed? or is it a random type treasure hunt in there?

  31. I really like it, it would have been perfect for guys too if it didn't have the long hair part in my opinion. I agree that is looks less cartoony :)

  32. at anon above: you have to have an account at the simscave to download

  33. can someone let us know when this is at the cave? =D

  34. Why not simply look yourself? Have people really become this lazy? "ow!

  35. This is actually cool and REALISTIC... not like other ones I've seen..

  36. well i wasnt asking you personally anon... people ARE normally kind enough to post on the pay hairs when they are at the cave so screw u ;]

  37. Yeah I second that.
