
December 22, 2009

Newsea's Temporary Site

I didn't see anything new, but here is the link to Newsea's temporary site.


Thanks, anon:)


  1. I think they can afford a site, why are they still using a free hostings? Oh right, I almost forget how GREEDY they are.

  2. Of course they can, they're just lazy and greedy. And yeah, Baidu didn't restricted their blog for no reason. Nothing happens without a reason.

  3. Probably because they were posting the names of people they 'caught'.

    Wonder where the hate list on this site will be.

  4. This is the message you get when you enter to Newsea's old site:
    "Space due to violations of the agreement, the space has been to restrict access to or deleted!"
    ^Google translator's translation :P
    Even though it's not being specific (and it's like default

    ^ I can think about two reasons: pay items or the that they put a big sign with "thieves" names.

  5. ^I meant (and it's like default message :P)

    ^^Agree with you Anon

  6. No matter what the reason was, I'm amused that the site went down.

  7. Is this new hair? I like it but can't find it...would someone pretty please put up a link. :-)

  8. I'm laughing at the "Baidu shut us down for no reason!!!" message.

  9. Nevermind...for some odd reason I thought it was free... $3 for some pixels?! I will wait on the cave.

  10. And are right...EVERYTHING happens for a reason! Lol!

  11. I think Peggy is behind this because she was jealous of newsea. Kinda how Britney would like Lady Gaga to die so she can be relevent again.

  12. And how is Newsea relevent?

    The technical issues that plage Peggy meshes are also in Newsea meshes, also Peggy maintains a steady output as Newsea is stuck on TS2 days without any real increase of technical progress.

    Also Peggy distribution is faster, Newsea is much slower.

    The only reason people look at Newsea is because how difficult its to get it, not because its better since it sure as hell its not.

  13. I guess it doesn't really matter how we feel about the meshes
    Peggy and Newsea are laughing all the way to the bank-o :)

  14. Newsea probably get shut down for pay items. AFAIK, most free webpages don't allow you to use them for "commercial purposes".

  15. I kind of feel bad.

  16. Holy shit on a biscuit that hair is gorgeous and the model is stunning.

  17. Hahaha Baidu doesn't like Newsea.

    And I bet this blog will get shut down also.

  18. LOL is it wrong that I'm laughing at newseas misfortune? also if peggy did do it, shes the lesser of the two evils so I'd actually congratulate her if she did which of course she did not LOL'S.

  19. lmao wonder what happend? but it wont be any diff just another pay site i think it was for puttin up peoples personal info as well

  20. "Holy shit on a biscuit that hair is gorgeous and the model is stunning."

    That's my new favorite line XD

    While that hair is actually one of newsea's that I like, I think the model is.... meh.

    So Hi-baidu finally shut newsea down huh?

  21. So I'm confused...
    Did somebody hack their site or what. For whatever reason her norm site isn't working....
    I found myself COL = Chuckling out loud.

  22. Okay wait... I thought Juice and Newsea were the same person. And I thought Juice/Newsea used to be partners with Peggy.

    I hate this game.

  23. lol, newsea finally got what was coming to them,oh and um newsea maybe your blog got closed because you had people personal information on your frontpage....just a guess.

  24. "And I thought Juice/Newsea used to be partners with Peggy."

    I believe they used to post hair at Peggy's site. I have no idea whether or not they get along with her, though.

    You've got to love the nerve of using free website hosting, though. Everything they get from the "donations" is pure profit... talk about being greedy.

    Where can I download it ?
    It isn't on the site.
