
December 12, 2009

Nouk's Lithium Hair Converted by Anubis360

Download for teen - elder females at Anubis Under The Sun

File name: NoukLithiumHair_byAnubis360


  1. You are alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  2. Anubis- is there any way you could make the hair a sims3 pack download? I can't download it now but I really, really want to!

  3. I can't believe people thought you were dead MS3B! xD (has anybody heard about naps? :P)

    Anon above: I don't know if I can! I would re do it with Workshop, but I'm starting to hate that tool right now XD. If someone discovers the way to convert .package to .sims3pack, I will upload it again. But there's nothing I could do now, sorry! :/

  4. I'm finding that I really don't like Nouk's meshes much. :/ Conversion is well done and all... for what was there.

  5. why do you hate workshop? Isn't it easier that ctu?

  6. ^ It's TSR content. TSR content is notoriously spyware-ridden, although I'm pretty sure that content created with it is safe. My only problem is that I have, in the past, had issues compressing Workshop content, but I don't know if that's still an issue.

    The hair looks quite nice, Anubis. Thank you for sharing it with us! :)

  7. omgg. Ili! (i love it) :]]

  8. The hair is very pretty. The only constructive points I could think of is that the texture could be a little.... hmm... how to put it. Not darker, but more contrast? What texture you can see is very pretty and well done. But you can't see it very well in the game. So the hair ends up looking almost untextured and plastic. I'd also make the part that's considered the tips (for color) a little longer. You can barely see the change in color at the tips because they're the very tippy tips of the tips (ok, yeah, that's retarded-sounding. I admit it). But I can also live with it as is :D

  9. ^ it's very nice and i thank you for it anubis, but i have to agree with these criticisms. i'll download it anyway though because it's still nice as-is. :)

  10. glad to see you back MS3B

    seriously though, people always assume the worst. lol.

    Anubis.....Another great hair that i cant wait for my girl sims to flaunt

    thank you

  11. cute textures not perfect but its still pretty good...a million times better than i could ever do.

  12. Gorgeous! The shape and everything is very natural, I'm glad to see it converted.

  13. There is a way to make a simspak a regular package file. I've only done it once so my memory is not that great. But I believe that you go to saved sims and compress it using winrar or whatever zip system you have then you just right click and send it to your designation. I had to do this for some of my Sims so others could download them. By all means if I have gave these direction wrong...correct me. I do hope this helps.

  14. There is a way to make a simspak a regular package file. I've only done it once so my memory is not that great. But I believe that you go to saved sims and compress it using winrar or whatever zip system you have then you just right click and send it to your designation. I had to do this for some of my Sims so others could download them. By all means if I have gave these direction wrong...correct me. I do hope this helps.

  15. ^ I'm not sure I understand what you're saying, sorry. I was referring to the Compressorizer Redux, which reduces the filesize of packages, not to compress them into zips or rars or whatever. Windrar can be used to compress regular files, but not to extract packages, as far as I'm aware.

    Delphy's multi-pack extractor from MTS extracts packages from Sims3Packs, but not the other way around. It's a fantastic program and I use it every time I download a Sims3Pack that's not from the store.

  16. Anubis, I love your hairs. If you convert more hairs will do it for children not just teen through elder?

  17. I'd love for this hair to be pooklet'd the mesh is sort of err. The strands of hairs I wish they could be fixed so they look slightly more natural.

  18. "ends up looking almost untextured and plastic"
    Agreed. This hair seriously needs to get retextured :(

  19. Thank you Anubis, I really appreciate the conversion of Nouk's hair. I think it is well done and normally in my game the textures are nice.

  20. If Peggy had made this, people would've been ripping this hair apart.

  21. ^ The double standard, I see it!

    I know this isn't the best place to come for help seeing as it's not a gameplay forum, but I've gotten answers to questions before and thoiught I'd give it a shot.

    Has anyone heard of this? I updated my game to 1.7.9 w/o WA; then I had to uninstall my game. My game is now back to the patch before 1.7.9 but it's saying I need to re-install all my Sims3packs. I tried to do this and it won't let me install. I'm checking my game now to see if my Sims3packs show up in game.

    Thanks in advance if anyone knows! :)

  22. Remember that you're free to retexture it! :)
    Just wait for Abbey or missbonbon if you don't like the textures.

    PS: I don't hate workshop, is just that the "release candidate" has some issues that are annoying. I find it easier to use than CTU anyway.

  23. Delphy made a small tool that converts packages to sims3packs, but once it is converted it doesn't have one of those small pictures in the launcher, just the name. It shows up completely normal in game. I've successfully used it for hair before.

  24. its very nice =] thankyou x

  25. This hair would do well with a more contrasting texture. Somewhere between Peggy's greasy textures and your soft ones. :)

  26. Yeah, it looks great with the lighter colors, but not so much with darker colors :(
    Nice mesh, tho.

  27. I'm not a big fan of this. As per usual, I dislike Nouk's mesh design. However, I'm also not a big fan of this texture. I'm curious as to what it will look like if/when someone retextures it.

  28. I like it. Does it sit high on the forehead, anyone who has seen it in game?

  29. No, it sits pretty well on the head. The part in the hair is noticeable on very contrasting hair/skin colors, but really not that bad at all. And doesn't have the balding issue that Peggy's hairs have.

  30. Nouk does best with short hair and ponytails. I've never been a fan of any of her longer hairs. This just didn't look right in game for me. :/

  31. It didn't look right in my game either.

  32. Thanks calico, I'm getting it.
