
December 20, 2009

Pink by ChazDesigns

Download at The Sims Resource


  1. Wow that looks exactly like her :)

  2. Looks nothing like her at all!!

  3. It looks so good because he's probably using a face mask. Chaz does some pretty realistic-looking Sims using them.

    But...I refuse to download anything from Chaz, no matter how good it looks. He's an immature jerk. I've seen him shamelessly attack rival creators on MTS, hijacking their threads to leave insults over and over, completely ignoring the mods when they told him to stop. That's not the kind of person that I want to have anything to do with, so I certainly won't support his CC.

  4. Doesn't look a thing like her...

  5. Another world famous Chaz masked Sim. No thanks.

  6. Creepy facemask is creepy, no thx

  7. It looks like her but I really don't like the face mask!

  8. well yea i kinda see her. its just that facemasks look so...fake. its creepy to have that walking around with normal sims. the only non-creepy looking facemask ive seen for the sims 3 was for the sarah michelle gellar sim over at mts. a subtle mask is nice, but over-the-ones are beyond freaky.

  9. It looks like her, but the face mask doesn't fit with the skintone which makes it look pretty weird :S

    And I agree with Katana, I won't support his CC!

  10. does anyone else think that if she had elf ears that she would be the perfect elf ?? lol i randomly thought of that i hate the face masks cuz they look creepy to me :D

  11. Nty. I doubt it looks even slightly similar to Pink without the facemask.

  12. lol chaz. I'd never download a thing from him.

    And the facemask is creepy.

  13. she looks like a man or a butch lesbo. (no offense to lesbians) i HATE his face masks!
    he always makes them stupidly darker than any colour possible for the skin tones provided so it looks dumb and you can obviously tell its a mask. like he goes over board with the stupid "shading" its like they fell in mud or their face is dirty. theres another artist by the name of G2creations i believe and their masks are subtle and nice and not overbearing and they do good likenesses etc. but as for the above comments i had no idea he was like that i wasnt going to DL in the first place but now im not lookin at anymore of his stuff what an turd-ass, get over yourself

  14. Wow so many comments so quick, awesome!

  15. Can someone please explain what a face mask is?

    I saw one of this guy's TS2 creations, Megan Fox I think, and when a bunch of people asked him to please stop making his downloads Subscription Only, he was pretty rude in response. Jerk.

    She looks way too butch. Pink should take offense to this.

  16. a facemask is just that, its cc created by people making celeb sims to make their creation look more like the real person. mts isnt a pay/subscription site either ...... so i dont know where you saw that...

  17. "... Pink should take offense to this."

    Oh yeah, and I would pay good money to see her kick his patootie!
    :P @ Chaz!

  18. looks more like tabatha coffey to me

  19. Chaz used to post his stuff up on TSR, that's where I saw the Megan Fox.


  20. lol that would be a hilarious fight! ^

  21. Ugh, her face is a different color than her body. If you're going to photoskin at least match the skin color in the photo.

  22. what's up w/ masks anyway? is it a tool they use to create the sim? how would a sim look w/out the mask?

  23. Oh no, Chaz is working on sims for sims 3?


  24. Yyyyuck, photoskinning is never good. For a while I thought we wouldn't have to see it in The Sims 3. :(

  25. chaz does make some pretty good sims but the mask dosnt match the skintone hopefully when people learn more about sims 3 cc people would be able to make non replacement skintones like in sims 2 where you could just choose a random one lol

  26. "what's up w/ masks anyway? is it a tool they use to create the sim?"

    It's a custom makeup mask photoskinned from real pictures of the person in question, so the face looks more like theirs. Basically, it's cheating.

  27. ^ You're probably right that the comment you quoted was made by Chaz. Insulting and swearing at people is exactly his style.

    That said, I do disagree with you. I think this looks a LOT like Pink. But as other people have said, it only looks like her because of the facemask, which makes her skin look dirty...and it's cheating, like someone else said.

    Besides, even if she were 100% perfect, I don't download stuff made by jerks.

  28. ..Isn't photo-skinning as opposed to modifying a blush makeup, done in a similar manner... Is there much of a difference. You say it's cheating, therefore anyone else using a similar technique, such as G2 creations & stefan@mts are cheating as well? You may as well add that using CC is cheating as well. Apart from the Paris Hilton, no-one else it seems, has managed a credible likeness to a celeb without using something (extra sliders, CC...) So I guess what I'm asking is.. when is it not cheating? And why should we care if it is?...

  29. I don't care about the face mask, it looks like her and that's all that matters! Off to download.

  30. doesnt look like Pink..... not at all

  31. "..Isn't photo-skinning as opposed to modifying a blush makeup, done in a similar manner... Is there much of a difference. You say it's cheating, therefore anyone else using a similar technique, such as G2 creations & stefan@mts are cheating as well? You may as well add that using CC is cheating as well. Apart from the Paris Hilton, no-one else it seems, has managed a credible likeness to a celeb without using something (extra sliders, CC...) So I guess what I'm asking is.. when is it not cheating? And why should we care if it is?..."

    I don't really think that makes much sense. Custom hairs and sliders just give you more options to choose from, whereas facemasks take the face directly off a celebrity and slap it on a sim. I don't think they compare at all. The difference is that a generic blush is just a blush, a haircut is just a haircut. Facemasks are made specifically for a specific character. Of COURSE they look like the real person, because the real person's face as been glued onto the sim...of course there will be a resemblance.

    When other people are using only sliders and generic makeup, facemasks seem like cheating to me. Yes, it still takes a lot of talent to make the facemask and the sim itself, but it takes a lot more talent to work with sliders and makeup. Everyone fawns over facemask sims and how realistic they are, but they are the equivalent of photoshopped preview images, IMO.

  32. Oh my gosh It looks ALOT like her!! Good find!
    Sehana Fortress Blog
    SehanaFortress Entertainment
    Sehana @ MTS

  33. what king of skintone is that?! oh i luv this sim, totally like pink! :)

  34. Looks like she put her head into a bowl of liquid makeup lol

  35. Sure, if Pink were graphically disfigured by scalding hot mercury, then that sim would look like her.

  36. ^ Actually, no. That would be "were."

    Happy (Late) Grammar Day!

  37. is the mask he is using from stefan scarlet johanson sim? oh my gosh it is! Chaz is actually stealing stefan's or using stefan's work? whos the better creator now, Chaz?

  38. isn't that the Rhianna facemask that's been around awhile ?

  39. I like it though I think the mask would look better if there was less contrast and the same colour as the skin, which I know is very hard to do as I have tried myself!

  40. This sort of reminds me of the rapper Eve. I'm downloading it just for that reason.
