
December 28, 2009

Razor Accessories Set by Annihilation

Download at The Sims Resource


  1. o_o seriously, this is a bit...absurd

  2. lol, actually, that's awesome and perfect for my story. I'm sure I can find a character who'd wear razors as jewelry.

  3. yeah that is a little weird.
    Wouldnt it constantly cut you?

  4. Because cutting yourself is sooooo cool and emo. Omgz, people who cut themselves must have like major emo issues and wear black and listen to dark depressing music. Omgz!!

    Has TSR completely given up on any kind of standard system here or are they no longer a "PG" site?

  5. Aha-ha, I have a mate who comes to exams with this necklace. I will suggest that she try the earrings as well, who knows, profs at the literature department might appreciate it.

  6. I didn't actually made them as Emo Accessories. Personaly I don't apreciate their kind of hm.. style.

    In fact, rasors aren't hard-linked only with suicide, I saw some not-suicidal and adequate (in some extent)) punks and goths wearing them.

  7. i'm not into any type of emo style, but strangely enough i sort of like the pendant

  8. hiya rose has updated with a hat and a donation hair i think :_)

  9. you people need to get off your damn high horse, it's just razors jesus. Over reacting much, wow.

  10. you people need to get off your damn high horse, it's just razors jesus. Over reacting much, wow.

  11. I've worn one of these before, and it didn't cut me. They work differently than you might think. It's the center part that can cut you, not the straight rim on the outside.

    And I'm not Emo. I just thought it looked cool. My razor is vintage anyway, it's like 50 or 60 years old, but it's still in good condition, no rust or anything.

  12. i think they look pretty cool it doesnt mean you cut yourself if you wear razors as jewelry and its not associated with just "emo" kids, it can be associated with any tard that thinks pain will make their probs. go away besides get real people why the hell would someone PROMOTE self harm? really? people read to much into stuff and blow things out of proportion get over it its almost 2010 theres better things to worry about.

  13. I'm sure you could, Lunar. :P

    I think I can find someone who could wear this in my story as well.

  14. I'm surprised to see this on TSR and though it's not my kind of thing, it looks well made going by the picture alone.

  15. i don't think it's overreacting to be creeped out/grossed out by a chain w/ a bloody razor dangling from it. wearing bloody spots will NEVER be appealing to the masses

  16. Agreed. Anon above.

  17. I think they're neat but they're kinda unsettling at the same time :)

    might DL the earrings, I think they're neat like that

  18. Yay for new nonfloral necklaces!

  19. I am so tired of hearing things referred to as emo! We used things like this for jewelry and wore all black clothes but it was goth or punk. I hated the blanket terms as a teen and I still hate them now. It was an insult to those that were really into the goth scene or punk scene. Yes those are 2 totally different styles though some seem to not understand it is one thing to copy a style it is another to live a certain way. Before us I am sure others did similar but had a different name for it. The one with blood is part of the set because some will like that others will use them without blood.

    Sheesh people get worked up over content for a game! I imagine some of you are offended by having realistic and gender specific nude skins as well, to each their own. If you don't like it or find it offensive don't download it. I highly doubt the rest of us need to hear you take offense to an object. How about tell us if it works & how it looks in game. I am downloading the set and will make sure if they suck or don't work to come point that out right away!

  20. As the parent of a child who cut herself, this bothers me. But I guess it is just a game...but I won't download it and I hope most people realize that its not a good thing in real life.

  21. i get what the creater was trying to do, but adding blood to one of them is defiantly insinuating.

  22. eeewwww bloood that is emo

  23. lmfao, people dont even know what emo is or isn't anymore. Didn't know accesories could be "emo". Do they cry too?

    For fuck's sake it's just pixels.

  24. Actually it's just vertices and polygons))

  25. Geez to many little kids on this site

  26. i get what the creater was trying to do, but adding blood to one of them is defiantly insinuating.
    I agree. o.o
    I honestly wouldn't have connected it to cutting or emo if they hadn't made that one. I know it's beating a dead horse, but for those who think people are overreacting, if you know someone who self harms (or are acquainted with it) you'd probably think along the same 'oh god no what in the world is this' lines too.

  27. It's always good when you have a choice, didn't it?
    That's why I've made three variations of textures. Personaly I prefer plain(in center), but still, different people - different tastes.
    I didn't thought that bloody one will cause so much displeasing.

    Why do you think that blood is concearned only with suicide and emo? That's polysemantic symbol.
    Anyway, symbols remain just symbols. You are too worried about their meanings. That's just earings IN FORM OF razors, not a real razor to cut yourelf, and it didn't mean to be it.

    So if I'll make a Celtic Cross (and i'm going to do it) will you se it's cocerned with fascist Germany or a war or something else to say your valuable pish?

  28. Look up fashion history. I am was a teen in the seventies and the razor fashion, necklaces, earrings, belts, clips for shoes, were the rage. It symbolized for me "I will cut a bitch" even tho the items were dull and had no function. Nope wasn't into punk either, wasn't allowed in "da hood"! LOL!

    I like them, Annihilation. Perfect scale and look great. Thanks, now I can make some "Shiv Bitches" in my game.

  29. Why do you think that blood is concearned only with suicide and emo? That's polysemantic symbol.
    Anyway, symbols remain just symbols. You are too worried about their meanings. That's just earings IN FORM OF razors, not a real razor to cut yourelf, and it didn't mean to be it.
    I don't think it was just the blood - rather, the blood on the razor that caused people to connect it. Razors are razors, but with popular culture being pervaded with the emo subculture nowadays it's not too much of a long shot to get cutting or emo from a bloody razor. The symbol has seemed to evolve in recent culture, and since the majority of sims players are young (or just too versed in popular culture) it makes sense that they'd call it emo (for lack of a better word) because that's what it's associated with now for some odd reason o.o
    Anyway, good job on them :)

  30. I also cut myself, helps alot and it's great hehe ;)

  31. ^Get help or remove yourself from the gene pool, post haste. And this is an old thread so I'm guessing nobody will be bawwing about how "mean" I am. I'm not mean, I'm honest. And cutting yourself is retarded.

    I like these, though.

  32. I really dont think this associated with the "emo" style.
    This is an old style.
    Besides not all "emo" people cut themselves. && not everyone who wears dark makeup, && wear tons of black are "emo".
    Im not "emo".
    Btw, anyone heard of "scene kids"? My friends(who are more or less "scene") would go gaga over this.
    I like 'em! ;)
