
December 16, 2009

The Sims™ 3 Create a World Tool – BETA*

Create your own worlds for The Sims 3

Put the power of world creation into your hands! Create and share unique new worlds that you design with The Sims™ 3 Create a World Tool – BETA. Download for free and step into the shoes of The Sims 3 development team by using the same tools the team uses to create worlds and towns for The Sims 3. Design and build entire worlds for your Sims, or begin your creations with pre-made Sunset Valley or Riverview terrains. Expand your creativity, and share your creations online through The Sims 3 Exchange.


Design entire worlds for your Sims, from choosing terrain patterns and roads to placing lots, vegetation and neighborhood accents like water towers and lighthouses.
Start with a blank canvas, or modify the terrains that formed the basis of Sunset Valley or Riverview.
For advanced designers, bring your creativity to life by creating and importing designs from Photoshop and other graphics programs.
Expand your landscape features and building options with The Sims 3 Create a World Tool – BETA with The Sims 3 World Adventures expansion pack, or items from The Sims 3 Store.
Share your worlds through The Sims 3 Exchange.

* PC Only


  1. Killed my launcher (I only get 'Not Responding' with it now, before it closes) and all store content installed with the launcher is gone. Even totally legit stuff.

  2. I have literally waited FOREVER for this! (or atleast since they promised a year ago)
    thankfully they kept their promise!
    the world is not ready for the creations I'm about to release from the dangerous depths of my imagination *muah haha*

    *edit* after reading the first post. I'm not willing to get complications and reinstall like I did for the patches. I thought it was suppost to be a seperate program. I guess thats why they call it BETA. can anyone brave enough test it out and report here please?

  3. MS3B are you gonna download the tool and make worlds to share? : )

  4. "pc only" im upset, i have nothing but macs in my house

  5. Direct link:

  6. can you use this on the base game?

  7. a new update (1.8) just came out, maybe it's required for the tool to work right?

  8. Unfortunately, EA never claimed the tool would be Mac-compatible. In fact, I'm pretty sure they stated that it would be Windows-only from the get go.

    I'm interested to see what other people can make with this, but won't be trying it myself.

  9. Yeah, you must PATCH to 1.8 so you can use CAW. Now the launcher has been fiddled with and all the ill-gained EA store items will be null, and all things through TSR are kaput!

    EA, last time it was .packages, now Sims3Packs for security. I wonder what the next patch will break?

  10. B, what you mean, does this new patch break something else? again?
    Patch 1.6 and 1.7.9 broke many of my .packages, most of them I had to convert them to .sims3pack in order to work properly and avoid blue lots.

  11. Aw, hell, are you serious?
    I don't like to dl things that are still in beta, but I've been looking so forward to this! And I sure as hell don't want to lose all my "sort of legitimate" content. FFFFFFU.

  12. Downloads in .sims3pack form will not work in the new patched game at all. Pescado is currently fixing the problem, but I believe you must download AM.

  13. oooooook

    lets see
    downloaded the tool
    informed i have to upgrade
    so i did

    upgraded 2 patches

    the tool by itself was working but
    i thought that EDIT IN GAME WOUld be better

    yea not yet...
    my screen is black basically....i can see my menu bar but i dont know whether to wait ....or reboot my computer

  14. oooooook

    lets see
    downloaded the tool
    informed i have to upgrade
    so i did

    upgraded 2 patches

    the tool by itself was working but
    i thought that EDIT IN GAME WOUld be better

    yea not yet...
    my screen is black basically....i can see my menu bar but i dont know whether to wait ....or reboot my computer

  15. ^Just to be clear, this isn't just "sort of legitimate" store content that doesn't work. ANY CC .sims3packs (including TSR) won't work in the patched game.

  16. ^^just popped the battery desktop will be thrilled

    going to try again with game booster on

  17. i didnt mean to post that twice, are you guys serious though??? ALL sims3packs wont work with the new patched game???? WHAT?

  18. Typical EAxis. ;) No patches for me until Pescado fixes their screwups.

  19. Oh.. god, I'll not install these, since it's a BETA tool yet, and it's from EA for god sake, there's got to be plenty of bugs. lol

    And about .sims3pack, c'mon before it was .package, now it's the default that was intended to be as workable in any future version .sims3pack?

    Seriously... >.>

  20. .package and now sims3packages? God, EA hate CC! a shame must of us like the game more cuz of the CC >_<

  21. Actually, EA never made that claim-- I think you're referring to a claim that Thomas @ TSR made. Which, really, it's their own fault for depending on a company that is notorious for its buggy games.

    Pescado has figured out a way to fix it, but as of yet nothing has been released on his end.

  22. ok i can get the tool to work normally just not in EDIT IN GAME MODE...not just yet

  23. My installed this patch, but now i need new computer, it exploded :(

  24. I like how EA doesn't seem to know how their own games work. Like, at all.

  25. every time i try editingame mode my screen goes black and nothing happens

  26. Just so you know I wouldn't install the patch my game has pretty much died and won't even let me open up the Launcher.

  27. ok well awesome mod def doesnt work with the new patches which sucks asssss

  28. i cant get into the ts3 folder either wtf

  29. my game seems to be working just fine but it seems as forum is not working, am i the only one???

    I really want the edit in game option but it freezes up my computer basically

  30. Can anyone confirm the .sims3pack rumor about the new patch?

  31. OH MY GOD. Everything EA has released in the past month has been unbelievably buggy. Their patches, their expansion, some of their online Store content ... and now this CAW tool. I'm disgusted by them, now. They need to fire some of their employees. Seriously. Fire someone, EA. I was enjoying the base game before they released all this shit and ruined my game.

  32. i can confirm the sims3pack rumor, my game started without any issues and i run vista on a laptop hmk

    everything is fine
    the patch added a new feature where you can download things from the ts3 store

    the only thing that might mess up your game is core mods like awesomemod so you will have to remove them

    i just did and ive been updating you guys on it

    since i deleted awesomemod i hope i can get the CAW tool to work in edit in game mode

  33. The .sims3pack rumor, is about that almost any of the CC installed on the launcher is showing up in the game. Can you go the the buy mode and see if there's still your CC in it?


    I think the last one is the earlier conversion of this hair.

  35. I must admit, it's kind of funny that EA's grand tool wipes out even their own launcher content.

    Did someone really say "Pescado who?" What simulated rock have you been living under? :P

    And yes, it was stated to be PC-only from the get-go.

  36. ^^ gonna have to check buy modes and all other modes are still around

    altho the cc does show up on my sims so thats good, ill keep u guys posted

  37. Hmmm, I'm in two minds about installing this... Maybe I'll do a massive backup and then try it. I really want to create my own worlds!

  38. @Margaret Pendragon:
    Not everyone uses awesomemod or visits de b00ty, so don't expect everyone to know who PESCADO is. Why do people have to be like this? geez...

    Also, bravo EA, you just manage to mess with TS3 more and more. Now we'll need a patch that pathes the patch patching so they can patch CAW.

  39. allright all my custom content is still there even with CAW installed.
    this include store stuff and hairs i found thru this fabulous page!

  40. EA really needs to start sending Pescado checks for fixing all their bugs.

  41. ok just cus the custom content is still there doesnt mean it will show up correctly
    my sim has become a mutant
    im posting screenshots in abit

  42. Haha, waiting to see those screenshots!

  43. im uploading them now....

  44. omgg. from somones opinion. should i download this.......i download stuff from TSR, so it shows up on the launcher, and i have alot of custom content pakages. O_O idk if i shud do it. i still cant download World adventures because of it......its still sitting in the box.....:{

  45. Note, the errors showed up mainly for every child female, i tested out the categories in there and these are just the basic ones...i could have been on image shack for ever...i didnt get to fully test everything out though

  46. I see this as nothing new regarding posting it as 'beta' the only difference is they should have labeled sims3 as 'beta' and wa as 'beta' because that's exactly what they all are. By announcing that this new tool is beta they can now say safely that any problems with our games or computers is are fault! I have not updated, patched nor will I install this new tool which requires a new patch/update whatever. I can still play my game though I can't retrieve any of the new store stuff I bought a few day's ago. I'm really hating ea right about now. They put sims3 full of bugs and glitches then wa with bugs and glitches and updates and patches with bugs and glitches! EA is stupid and I feel stupid for investing in it!

  47. LOL, damn it!
    After seen this screenshots I'll not install any thing until someone patches the patch. (how ironic)

  48. My .sims3pack files all show up correctly in game. I don't have these warping problems you do, but then again, I have no CC for kids.

  49. some of my female toddler stuff is missing too......sad, i have mutant toddlers lol

  50. The problem is not directly related to CAW, but the new patch necessary to run it.

  51. i have cc store items for all categories, but also where my girl is completely blue shes wearing a WA outfit thats not custom content, so both custom content and in game outfits are affected. Im checking other age groups right now, i found out that my sim in the first pic doesnt have feet because the shoes dont show up. I am tempted to delete the CAW tool to see what happens without it. I dont think they shouldve released the new patch AND the CAW tool on the same day. For me its like they gave me an early bday gift gone completely wrong

  52. This is a shame. Don't you feel we are being like guinea pigs to EA? We pay for their products and all we receive are bugs and patches to patch the patches.

    I'm done with Sims 3 until they fix everything. And even then, there would be 4823748375346 patches to install.

    I am not updating it anymore, i will play it as it is right now if anything.

    EA sucks.

  53. @anon above...I agree totally with you...I will play as is!!

  54. ok so from what ive gathered, with the new patches it seem like children and toddlers dont have it so good as displayed by my screenshots, as for the other age categories they seeem to be ok.....seeem .... i didnt go thru them all fully

    (i posted the screenshots)

    i just hope that eventually ill be able to launche CAW in EditInGame mode, my laptop keeps freezing every time i try that option

  55. ok this is my last batch of screenshots for you guys, since i barely have custom content for boys they showed up fine and i didnt take their pics,

  56. hmmmmmm... iinstalled the new patch and downloaded CAW erlier... i didnt remove any of my downloads and i also kept the body slider mod in place when i updated....
    i read all of this and looked at the barrage of complains on the sims facebook page and can i just say.... am i the only one with no problems? all of the sims3pack files are still there, all of my store hairs ect and those from tsr are still there, my launchers fine, everything shows up great in my game and i use tons of CC ... the store tool works perfectly in game although i probably wont use it.... i havent tried out CAW yet though because im afraid ive tainted it by getting this far without any problems....

  57. are your child sims outfits showing up correctly if you have custom content for them?

  58. I'm with the ones that are having problems with CC, some objects don't show up in the game, Sims with custom clothes showup odd or with invisible parts. And I don't have CAW installed, just the new patches.
    It's not the first time I get frustated with EA. ¬¬

  59. i was looking forward to this so much. i KNEW i would need to patch, which i refuse to do. i guess i'm stuck with the base game and no ep's since they patch your game when installed. i'm pissed.

  60. Stuff like this makes me never want to patch my game. It's not like I can, anyway. :( (The launcher stops working completely and the ts3.exe process is killed within two seconds of clicking on it if I update past patch 1.4.6)

  61. Isn't it obvious yet that EA is trying to boicot custom content users? And what's more, why the hell would they do that? CC is what keep us happy about the game, if anything. EA seems to be run by a bunch of hysteric programmers on crack.

  62. anon who asked me if cc on my child sims is working ok... i just went and checked and its fine, i looked at the pics someone posted with their child sims legs missing/funny colours ect ... mine looks like this sorry its a poor pic, hes wearing cc clothes and a store hair which will no longer work on my friends game with the update... i have no idea what im doing right!!

  63. Can anyone still install stuff using the launcher after getting the patch? I certainly can't. :/

  64. i can install things using the launcher sadly it seems to be slower than usual. as for those who have no problems whatsoever you are part of the lucky few, congrats. sadly theres no prize. lol

  65. The launcher is laggy and slow, but works if you are patient.

    Also, the prize is that I get to play my game with no errors. :P

  66. I don't know why EA thinks we would be interested in being able to buy store content in our games. I feel like it's already shoved in my face by the launcher. Having it intrude in my game is the last thing I want. I guess the profits from the store aren't going as great as EA had hoped they would.

  67. @the anon who acted like an ass about my Pescado comment - I don't use Awesomemod, and I still know who Pescado is. Most people do know that name if they've ever looked around many of the community sites for The Sims, and most people who view this blog do, as well. My comment was also clearly meant to be somewhat in jest. "Why do people have to be like this?"
    Chill the fuck out. Gah.

  68. I'm not too worried about the .Sims3Pack content breakage...I trust Pescado to fix it, and I convert everything but Store content to .packages anyway.

    "Pescado who?"

    I just cried a little.

    "Not everyone uses awesomemod or visits de b00ty, so don't expect everyone to know who PESCADO is. Why do people have to be like this? geez..."

    Pescado is kind of like God in Sims modding. It's really, really hard to avoid hearing his name if you've spent more than 5 minutes on a CC site, and certainly not just MATY and PMBD. Don't take our surprise personally.

  69. I haven't downloaded the patch or CAW yet... I do wish that having the store integrated into the game could be toggled off in the options menu. I'm never going to download content while I'm playing and I'm not thrilled about having something else to bog down the game. That said, I'll wait and see... I figured I'd give it a couple of days and see where everything's at before I update.

  70. Reported workaround @ MATY (Note: You must have the framework installed for this to work):

    "I cut the Mods>Packages folder to the desktop and let the launcher handle the updates (both the base game & the expansion are store bought). I then copied the contents of the DCCache folder to Mods>Packages after having created a folder there called dbc files. And lastly, I modified my Resource.CFG file (using notepad) as follows:

    Priority 500
    DirectoryFiles Mods/Packages/... autoupdate
    PackedFile Mods/Packages/*.package
    PackedFile Mods/Packages/*/*.package
    PackedFile Mods/Packages/*/*/*.package
    PackedFile Mods/Packages/*/*/*/*.package
    PackedFile Mods/Packages/*/*/*/*/*.package
    PackedFile Mods/Packages/*.dbc
    PackedFile Mods/Packages/*/*.dbc

    Hope it helps. My game is running with no crashes & so far all my custom content is showing up."

    What would we do without Pes & the folks at MATY to fix EA's screwups, eh?

  71. The official site is down for maintenance at the moment. I'm sure if there are major bugs due to the CAW or a patch (and not just due to core hacks conflicting with the game) this means they're fixing the problems stemming from their side of things. I sincerely doubt they mean for .packages or .Sims3Packs to not work and suggest we not make any assumptions until they put their fixes in. If there's a black screen of death, things are obviously not working as intended.

  72. This is why I never updated my game past 1.4.6 and I will never update until patch 2.0 (whole new game lol) comes out.

    I never really wanted CAW (wouldn't know how to use it) anyway. So life is still good.

  73. Meh, not everyone has problems like this. I'm totally patched to 2.3 and have CAW. So far I'm playing with no problems.

    Yes, I know EA sucks, but some of these problems have to be user created and not the fault of the game makers.

    Most casual gamers = retarded when it comes to anything beyond click and install. ;)

  74. I did install the patch and all my ill-gotten Store items (clothes and furnishing) is still in the game, just don't have the same functions. I mean, the Store items are not marked as Sims3Packs because I used the MATY way of keeping all my CC that was installed thru the launcher. All the items that are from TSRW tool are showing too, and they are marked as Sims3Packs.

    Whew, just happy I have all my stuff I installed before the patch, just don't know if I can successfully install anything new in the launcher til the TSRW tool gets updated. Just tried to download a older sims3pack and it didn't install, but the new in game button to install things from the Store worked. Don't know if shared EA store items will go thru in the future, at least not til a new process can be figured out.

  75. My launcher DIED.Had taken out mod folder, resource config. file and the d3dx9_31.dll file from folder Game/Bin. Thought I did everything right........ yet again, but no....... stupid thing killed my launcher. No files or patterns to be seen in the launcher. I have a shortcut icon to the game direct, bypasses launcher and just starts the game and all tsr and sims3pack files are in game. I even pressed the new shop button, downloaded the free coffee maker mach. thingey and launcher opened, I can see the file but it will not let me choose install so I gave up. Went into my sims kitchen and hey presto the coffee mach. is in the panel for small kitchen items ???? How can this be?? I am going to put my mods folder and resource cfg file back in and start up again without launcher, can't waiy to see what happens.

  76. I Installed it w/ no problem. Launcher works fine. In the README file it says: This is an EXPANSION for the sims 3.. you must have the sims 3 installed in order to play..... You MUST UPDATE YOUR GAME FOR THE TOOL TO WORK.... And the in-game shop tool.... is just a button you DO NOT have to use it! Hope this helps every1

  77. i'm the one who gave screenshot updates yesterday evening, along with the borked up sim children's clothing. lol.

    I did notice some custom content went missing....

    ok only ONE thing but to me its important....what vanished is the custom nails sims can have, i lost the tsr version of custom nails..didnt lose,
    but its not showing up.

    And i really dont want to deal with CAW until some one can show me how to add a layer, and how to get my laptop to NOT freeze on a black screen whenever i go to the editingame option.

    i'll stick to simple simming for now.

  78. "Yes, I know EA sucks, but some of these problems have to be user created and not the fault of the game makers."

    Not true. EA is notorious for screwing up their own games. For example:

    "I have a lot of stuff I paid for from the store, that was downloaded from the store, that is also gone, as well as Riverview, and I can't re- Download Riverview or those store things ether, even the free stuff that I got myself is gone, and I have no CC or hacks/mods at all."

    My point is that patching is not difficult to do, assuming you're doing it from the launcher.

  79. I've had no problems since losing everything and starting over, after installing I am not ready to risk that and do the update and install this. I would like to, but again, my game is running great. No crashes, no blue lots, no problems at all. I really hate that updating and adding new things is so risky.

  80. yea MS3B i feel like that too, i think it is best to not DL any patches until someone sorts this out, also if EA make a patch to fix the patch that was supposed to fix the other patch i would be wary.

  81. absolutely everything works perfectly for me, when i clicked edit in game in the CAW tool i did have a black screen for a while and it did worry me, but i left it and it loaded up perfectly, just take into consideration that its loading up a whole new world in game.. id just go away and leave it for a while... if its still on the black screen when you come back obv then assume its not working for you... and if you already did this sorry, this is just what i experienced xx :]

  82. When EA broke package files, half the (over-dramatic) Sims community spazzed out and called for "DEATH TO THE PACKAGE, SIMS3PACKS FOREVA!" even though all unborked packages worked fine if you had your framework set up properly. MTS and the threads here were inundated with freakouts and arguments about how evil packages are, even though they are infinitely superior.

    Now Sims3Packs break, and there's a fix almost immediately? I am more than a little disappointed that we couldn't cause more heartache for TSR, but I'm glad things are running relatively smoothly again.

  83. To the Anon that refuted my claim of SOME of the problems being user created.

    Yes, I realize that EA is notorious for problems, but what you failed to do was read for content. I said some, not all, of these issues could have been user error.

    Just because you know how to do everything right doesn't mean everyone else that has issues does.

    And many of these crashing problems and so forth are due to people not removing or fully removing core mods and other incompatible mods before attempting to install updates.

    That is not EA's fault.

  84. ^ Agreed. So many problems I've read about have been the result of frameworkfail, tightpants etc. Yeah, EA releases buggy work pretty often, but there are also a lot of stupid people (and smart people who do stupid things), and a lot of CC that can complicate the matter.

  85. Everything works fine for me, and for a lot of other people too.

  86. My game works just fine. All content, be it legally purchased, ill-gotten, EA, TSR, Sims3pack, .package, etc., is working as it did prior to the patch. Everything is there, and I am able to add new sims3packs to my game just as I did before.

    Because AwesomeMod caused me to be unable to install sims3pack files and otherwise borked my launcher a few weeks ago, I had already removed it from my game. (Don't know why this happened, it was probably my fault in some way but taking it out made my launcher work again. ::Shrug:: ) The only other thing I removed prior to patching was my "No Mosaic" hack. All CC and several slider hacks were left in.

    I may be one of the "lucky" ones, but I'm beginning to think that if you are careful and remove ALL hacks and mods prior to patching everything will be just fine and your game will not randomly explode. Then add them back in slowly. We all freaked out on EA when WA came out and the Blue Lots of Death started happening, and it all turned out to be a CC/user-caused problem, not an EA error at all. These problems with the launcher most likely are as well.

    So yeah, sorry for the block of text there. By the way, I do miss my facial slider hack from AM but you have to admit... being able to make the surface of the moon for my simmies to live on kinda makes up for it...

  87. ^Everything's working well for me, too, with no loss of content or anything. I did have a bit of oddness with Riverview briefly disappearing because I foolishly didn't back up my worlds, but I followed the instructions on MATY and it's all golden now. I don't want to count my eggs before they hatch, but I *think* my game is running as well as ever. I'll be the first to admit that I'm lucky, but it just goes to show that EA didn't *entirely* screw things up.

    Then again...I have AwesomeMod, which fixes a lot of EA's mistakes to begin with. :P Oh, and I'm pretty sure AM has facial sliders now, too, Sooperacorn. :)

  88. it broke my launcher... >(

  89. ok....

    wheever i click on the icon. It starts to load, and then says the sims 3 data was not found....

    What does this mean??

  90. Situation around last bunch of patches looks like this (s3 1.10 wa 2.5):
    1. all the custom contents from ea store and tsr (read: sims3packs) are gone.
    2. Even when I tried to reinstall whole game from its basis and without any packages,frameworks and core mods, sims3packs wont install after 1.8. (its always stated "success" but item is still not installed)
    3. either you have legally, illegally ghhghhghgfhghboughbought o

  91. Sad...If Pescado is your god, then you lead a sorry little demented life. It's pathetic how so many of you fawn on him. He is arrogant and socially caustic. Morally indifferent to all the tripe going on around him on that site which is rife with Skin Heads and Srormfront fans (some straights and mostly gay). Al I can say is, better to pay for a service than to spend your time lathering some lowlife's boots up with your tongue. The guy is such a Nazi. He programs a lot of crap into his little hack, forcing you to live with his twisted, inhuman values. Like he only cares about gain of power and skills, doesn't value children so the mod makes your Sims neglect their children. He's sadistic so he likes your Sims to suffer, wet themselves, etc. In other word, he's a creep. If you can live with that then go for it. He should make people pay for the mod with money rather with their human dignity. He attracts such lowlifes anyway. He's found his little niche, and plenty of hanger-ons to keep him company...
