
December 17, 2009

Skinny Jeans For Males by New One

Download at One Billion Pixels


  1. Can never have enough male clothing!

  2. Thanks for these! I agree with the first anon saying that we can never have enough male clothing. :)

  3. They're nice, but I like Aikea's better.

  4. ugh i hate skinny jeans on guys

  5. I like skinny jeans on guys AND girls. I think I prefer the textures on Aikea's version, but like the others said, we need more clothes for guys! Thanks for adding to our collections, NewOne.

  6. Better not say you prefer someone else's version, last time somebody said that about her tattoo and she blew a gasket. ;)

    The jeans are really cute. Thanks.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. That's.. not needed. o.0 ... does someone need anger management classes?

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Have you ever even spoken to NewOne? I've found her to be quite nice whenever I've had contact with her. I like Aikea as well, but I prefer not to compare personalities of different creators, just because.. well, have you ever been compared to someone you know, either negatively or in some other way? It's not much fun. Different people cannot be expected to behave exactly the same way.

  11. No offense but I agree Aikea is the BEST!!!
    She made way cooler stuffs than NewOne.
    Aikea deserves all praises.
    I LOVE all her stuffs she made for TS2.
    Again Aikea is the BEST!!!

  12. "I prefer not to compare personalities of different creators, just because.. well, have you ever been compared to someone you know, either negatively or in some other way? It's not much fun. Different people cannot be expected to behave exactly the same way."

    There have been posts deleted so I'm not sure who that was directed at, but to clarify just in case: I'm not comparing their personalities, I'm comparing two CC items that they did similarly but in different ways. And I, personally, like Aikea's jeans better. That doesn't mean I don't love NewOne's freckles, or her tattoos, or her paintings...etc etc. It also doesn't mean that I don't think these are nice, because I do.

    I'm a tiny bit disappointed that I missed the deleted posts, because they must have been pretty inflammatory to get MS3B to snuff them. XD

  13. Wasn't talking to you Katana. xD .. Someone spammed something nasty a bunch of times, and then said Aikea's the best, and dissed Newone again. They were not talking about the CC at all, just being insulting. And that post you quoted was by me, I just accidentally posted as an anon as usual when I meant to post as myself. xP

  14. Look too fake, like rubber.
    The textures are ugly.
    I agree with Katana, Aikea's jeans are wayyy better than this.
    Aikea's pawn this hundred times.

    Ugh, so fugleh!
    Not to mention the sim is too skinny.

    The creator should stop making sims, custom contents and let others like Aikea do their job.

    Just my honest opinion.

  15. This guy looks like he hasn't eaten in three years.

  16. The quality is really poor. I cannot believe MS3B featured something like this here.

    Not downloading at all. Thank You Very Much!
    I like Aikea's better.

  17. Oh My, what is the problem this "one" poster have with NewOne? Funny thing... NewOne can give a matter less f*** what you think.

    Sick of posters with an axe to grind wasting space on the interwebs. *giggles*

  18. "Wasn't talking to you Katana"

    Thanks for letting me know. I see that anon has returned. I just figured I should clarify that I wasn't bashing NewOne too, since that one jackass is doing it over and over. :)

    To the anon: Oh, well. If you don't like skinny jeans or skinny sims or the textures on don't have to download them. That's up to you. If you don't like the content then there's nothing wrong with saying why, but attacking the creator is pointless and rude.

  19. LMFAO dammmmn!!! drama i kinda feel sorry for that newone kid. i personaly dont like the jeans because it makes the sim look too skinny but damn! lol

  20. If you think it's bad here, (or was until it was cleaned up) look at the last thing Newone did, Mia? .... there's a lot of spammy comments there that mimic the ones that were deleted this morning.

    Sad really. I wonder what problem that person has with Newone.

  21. Nice! Now my dudes can have more jeans than just Aikeas - yay variety! :D Mmmm, skinny jeans on skinny guys.. *drools heavily on keyboard*

  22. "I wonder what problem that person has with Newone."

    To be fair, I saw a thread where NewOne didn't carry herself very well. She lashed out so strongly at perfectly polite criticism that some people promised never to download her stuff again because of her attitude. It was a while ago and my *guess* is that this person is still mad about that.

    But that's the past. She was mad, and she dropped it eventually. She did react a little immaturely but hey, we all get angry sometimes. I just wish this person would drop it, too.
