
December 01, 2009

Sylvester Stallone by barty

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Hmm, not bad. His head needs to be a tad bit wider, though.

  2. No resemblence whatsoever!

  3. Looks a lot like him. He needs a wider head and nose however.
    Amazing Job! :D

  4. Great job!!! A very close resemblance!!

  5. not too shabby...head needs to be wider and shorter same with the nose.

  6. pretty good I have to say

  7. It's close enough that I recognized him. Still needs a lot of work though.

  8. I think the resemblance is very good, but a wider/shorter face would definitely help. Good job, though.

  9. It's a "close but no cigar" for me. Sly has a very specific look, and while some of the basic features are right here, I don't think it really captures it. I wouldn't have known it was him if I wasn't told.

    (Yes, yes, it's hard to make people in TS3 even though the archives of this very site refute that completely. You're speshul. Candy. Butterflies.)

  10. I like how people talk like they could do better. I think that's an incredibly well done celebrity sim. It's not easy and if you all know how to do it so much better, then go ahead.

  11. ^ *Most* people actually left very helpful critique about how it could be made to look MORE like Sylvester Stallone. Nothing wrong with HELPFUL criticism, if you ask me, and no need to get all defensive about it.

  12. Helpful criticism yes, but plain rude no.

    Anon - "No resemblence whatsoever!"

    actonthat - "It's a "close but no cigar" for me. Sly has a very specific look, and while some of the basic features are right here, I don't think it really captures it. I wouldn't have known it was him if I wasn't told."


    Peoples attitudes on here absolutly piss me off, so god damn judgemental, if you can't create like these people can shut your mouth take your fingers off the keyboard and keep you negative, low ass comments to yourself...

  13. ^ Uhh... I'm sorry I couldn't tell who it was? I will next time...?

    Also: Your own advice-- take it. No one here is having a temper tantrum except you.

  14. I know right? For the most part, pretty much all the comments are constructive. What, like that ONE anon said "no resemblence whatso ever" was the only non-constructive comment.I mean it looks great, just some adjusts here and there and it would look even better!

    So stop it with the immature hissy fit and get over it, you're getting angry over 1 anon. The comment actonthat wasn't even rude, you just took it that way.

  15. I kinder understand where that person is coming from, with out fail on all most every item on this blog, someone has something negative to say. It's a shame, and unfair to the person who puts all there effort into creating.

    This is precisely the reason I don't put anyting I create up as I am only new to meshing and don't need my confidence knocked out of me by someone who probably has no idea how to do it or how much work goes into to doing it.

    I am not here to start a argument, just stating whats true from my point of view.

  16. P.s I could tell straight away who this sim was meant to be, I am a huge fan so maybe I just realised quicker than someone who isn't so familer.

  17. Besides what been said so far (nose and head are thin), I think the eyes look very feminine. The brows coupled with the eyes looks like that on a hot female supermodel, not a man. I would have gone with bushier eyebrows, maybe not as accurate, but to take away the feminine look on his face.

    I don't think actionthat is rude, he (she?) has a sarcastic humor way of posting and maybe people should chill a bit. What is with this blog where "I'm so h000000rny!!!!!!!!" comments are more appreciated than constructive criticism?

  18. Actionthat is just a rude lonely little person with nothing else to do but get on this blog almost everyday and post negative stuff. Action...let's see what you have to offer!

  19. I totally agree and have you looked at actonthat's blog!!! pot calling the kettle black!

  20. I don't have time to read all the bitchiness above. The few few posts were enough ....

    Anyhow, when I first saw this Sim uploaded, I knew immediately it was Sly and was very impressed. I did also immediately think "his face should have been a little wider", but in saying that, it's still a great job and I for one, appreciate the creators effort.

  21. ^ Just popping in because the comment about my blog confused me a bit. It's my personal journal and, yes, the entries are private because the internet is a public place and I'm not interested in sharing personal info.

    If you're that incredibly offended by concrit, please, by all means, crit some of my work. It doesn't scare me because I'm a big girl. In fact, I'd love it... I like being told where I need to improve, and what doesn't really work. Because it helps make me better. See how that works? (FWIW, I don't share TS stuff... because digital art and I aren't pals.)

    I get that it's unfun to be told something you made isn't 100% perfect, and when I started posting crap online I had n00b tantrums about it, too... but eventually you realize people are trying to help you and you get over it.

    *shrug* As for my tone: I have realized over and over again from my activity elsewhere that it tends to come off as more biting than I intend, and even holier-than-thou. While the former I'm kind of okay with, I never intend to sound condescending... it's a function of the way I talk IRL not translating well into dry writing.

    But yeah, keep trying to break in to my personal journal. Classy. Or you could just friend me on LJ, let me know who you are, and if I know you I'll let you in. O___o

  22. "I started posting crap online"

    FYI, didn't mean to imply anything about the piece we're commenting on. I meant it as a synonym for "all kinds of stuff."

    Normally I wouldn't retcon something so inane, but you guys seem like you could take that and run with it. Any luck hacking my LJ yet??? (Oh, and that was a joke. Something intended to be funny.) (I'm being really PA now, I'll stop.)

  23. Maybe those of us who remember Sly in his younger years have an easier time seeing the resemblance. I think he looks great and very similar to Sylvester Stallone. Great job!! His eyes and mouth are especially good.

  24. Yeah I agree! I wish I could make sims that looked so real, I envy the talents of others!

  25. That looks JUST like him. Excellent work!

  26. what the hell are some people talking about? this is the best resemblance i've seen thus far! it's exactly rocky. i think people are picturing the young rocky (people who said it's not like him), but man, it looks just like the older stallone. great job!

  27. The Sim is good. Not 100% exact, but very good for the tools at hand. I do agree that the face is a tad long.

    As for people whining about CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and taking this opportunity to rag on actonthat...grow up and get over it.

  28. Needs a shorter nose but looks like him though..

  29. People, stop trying to raise other people! it will not work okay?!
    i love sylvester and this looks just like him! love love love

  30. wow!! look at those lips! i knew who it was straight away.
    why is evey post an argument on here?
    grat sim btw xx

  31. "(Yes, yes, it's hard to make people in TS3 even though the archives of this very site refute that completely. You're speshul. Candy. Butterflies.)"
    ..went completely over the top of my head - must be getting long in the tooth...

  32. Y'know, there's been a few comments on here about face masks - & I've had my doubts about them as well - but to resemble the actual celebrity in fine detail pretty much hasn't been accomplished all that well - okay, the vanilla Paris Hilton one looked a lot like her - but not without looking custard faced. That seems to be the crox here - people want the advances made in sims 2 replicated here in sims 3 - some, tenfold. Right now, masks (implemented properly) seem to be the only way to get the finer details, as it seems to clearly show here - my 2 cents worth anyway...

  33. ^ You can't really compare facemask Sims with the Paris Hilton, the only reason she could not be perfected was that there are no tools available to take away the custardness, not even a facemask would fix that. That's impressive when the tools are so limited. With this Sim, there are "obvious faults" that could easily be corrected if you have the experience to make celebrity Sims. And that's the reason people leave constructive criticism, so that creators learn what to change to get the right look. Unfortunately, a lot of people think constructive criticism is insulting because they only want to hear "It's perfect!" and "Best Sim ever!" comments. Just because we say "The face is too thin" dosen't mean we don't appreciate the work put into the Sim. I completely agree with actionthat about "You're speshul. Candy. Butterflies.", creators are "shielded" from anything remotely negative, even things that could help them improve their work. I create Sims myself and I don't mind getting constructive criticism, because that has taught me things that I didn't even think about. I don't upload Sims on the internet simply because there are far worse people than those who leaves constructive criticism.
