
December 22, 2009

Updates by Aikea Guinea

The hair has been updated and there's no face shine, and there's now a Sims3pack version of the Sim available. There's also a male version of the boots.

Download the fixed hair, the male boots and Sim3pack Sim at Club Crimsyn

The file name for the hair is the same, so the new will replace the other version.

File name: Aikea Guinea - F Hair Sussie 1600 Conversion


  1. YAY! .sims3pack!!!!!

  2. Thanks you for the fixed hair!! Just nabbed it!!

  3. Thanks for the fix, Aikea. I love this hair. It looks so great in game.

  4. Awesome. I love the boots, and I'll def use the hair now that there's no shine. Thanks!

  5. I really hope that those who are having problems with package files will fix it instead of using Sims 3 packs because they are bloated and useless. The S3P files cause more havoc than good.

  6. Omg, the girl looks like Emilie Autumn! <3

  7. Is there a way to contact Aikea Guinea? Other than through OpenID?

    I saw a very similar Sim on the exchange yesterday. Same red hair, same outfit, small details differ. So someone 'stole' this from her.
    I thought I would mention this. Emilie Autumn is how she called this, 'made' by Fawnchanel. But if I'm wrong, sorry.

  8. ^^ I am not surprised, those people always do that. Bad thing that EA took away the ability to post something in their page. Better yet, just make a post about it in the forum.

    Sneaky bastards!

  9. post their name frannie....

  10. i guess they cant get ther sim to actually look like this without downloading from aikea though....

  11. emily autumn much...........?
