
January 17, 2010

AMASIMS Hair 14 Conversion by Infusorian

Available in package or sims3pack files - for teen - elder

Download at Infusorian's Blog

Package file name:



  1. Though im not digging the hairline , Thank you so much for this conversion!!! I needed more curly or wavey hair. Thank you!

  2. that looks terrible

  3. I am realy not a big fan of Infusorian`s hair conversions. There are lots of others who can do this much, much better (no offense). Converting clutter was pretty great in. Should stick to it.

  4. I hate that it's not a head, it's a face + hair, if you know what I mean. They don't blend at all.

  5. I agree :) It looks like she has put on a wig ;) Or like someone would photoshop it realy badly.

  6. I dunno what to think of this hair

  7. I tried it in my game and it didn't go over well. A lot of gaps. Deleting it.

  8. A good first attempt, though I probably won't keep it. It's probably more the fault of the mesh itself and how the hair texture gets blurry when you port it straight into Sims 3 from Sims 2.

    If the converter is reading this, she should keep at it. Maybe of the really good hair converters and retexture-izers needed practice before they were able to get to where they are now. (I miss Cazy T-T)

  9. ^ I agree, it's a nice attempt but it needs a bit of work. I really like the style (very useful and versatile), but the gaps are distracting and the textures is a bit muddy. If the mesh errors were fixed I'd get this in a second, especially with tidier textures. I bet if Infusorian keeps making hairs he/she will come up with some really nice stuff.

  10. ^ Definitely! I applaud him/her.

  11. Um, no. I would like more good curly/wavy hair as much as the next simmer, but this is awful. The style is NOT versatile, it looks like the awful perm my cousin had in the early 90s. It looks absolutely fried, and more crispy than wavy.

  12. Hello, you web very well, my name is ivan, i have web the sims.

  13. Above anon, I think he means mesh instead of web.

  14. Hair like this usually stands straight out when they move their heads or bend over. It's like it's starched. I think I will pass on this one.

  15. I agree that this would be very versatile with the mesh bugs fixed and a sleeker texture. It's a normal, everyday sort of hairstyle that a lot of people wear.

  16. i love the style, it is indeed a normal, every day style hair that real people would wear. that said, i looked at the screens someone posted and even the preview screens show faults, lovely style i just think it needs a bit of work
    other than that, A for effort and style! id deffo download if it wasnt for the bald kinda bits!
    ps. i love this model, theres something about her.... i loved her on the short bob hair posted not long ago too! lol :)

  17. It's so ugly. in game it looks 10 times worse

  18. You know the person who made this is probably reading this!

    comments like

    "eww this is disgusting"

    is not fair. You try making a hair and a mesh and see what it looks like and then we can all laugh at you! Think of the persons feelings.

    Personally its not the style of hair I'm interested in. But its a great try!

    (don't listen to other peoples comments)

  19. I agree it's not my favorite hairstyle but it's a heck of a lot better conversion than I could ever do and trust me I've tried. The hair is a little too poofy. If it was less poofy it might be something I would dl. I'm not saying it's good to criticize with "UGLY HATE IT" but everyone is entitled to their opinion even though I don't I don't like it.

  20. Hmmm. Maybe you can turn the poofiness meter down, and not have it splay over the shoulders as much.
    Honestly, I couldn't do ANY better, so I applaud you!

  21. Iván solla said...
    "Hello, you web very well, my name is ivan, i have web the sims."

    I think he means: "Hello MS3B, your site is good, I've also had a site (blog) for the Sims 3."

  22. Er, she (he?) didn't CREATE the mesh, just converted it. I think a lot of the criticisms people are sharing should be directed towards the original creator.

  23. ^It's a conversion, I'm sure the mesh was fine for TS2. So no, it's not their fault if the converter doesn't know what she's doing.

  24. ^ Hair meshes that seemed to work for Sims 2 don't always work as well for Sims 3. For example, a lot of Nouk's awesome meshes look strange in Sims 3, even though they were usually my favorite hairs in Sims 2. I think it's the way Sims 3 renders and shades- you can't use the same neat tricks to get a hair to look nice as you could in Sims 2.

  25. ------------
    is not fair. You try making a hair and a mesh and see what it looks like and then we can all laugh at you! Think of the persons feelings.

    You know I am really sick of these self righteous comments. People do not have to be designers to judge another's designs. If it is wrong for one to say a design is bad then it is also wrong for one to say it's good. The owner of this blog never suggested that all comment's be partial towards the designers. Stop preaching your hippie mumble jumble and allow others to speak freely.

  26. Constructive criticism is good its just when people say "yuck its so disgusting" or something like that its not fair.

  27. I downloaded this, and tried it in my game. There are gaps all around. So I had to delete it.

  28. she looks like an owl

  29. looks like it's for sims 2... hair and face doesn't blend >_<

  30. looks like it's for sims 2... hair and face doesn't blend >_<
