
January 29, 2010

Ayane (from Dead or Alive) by LadyFrontbum

Download at LadyFrontbum Sims & Stuff


  1. Looks nothing like Ayane but it's a beautiful sim!

  2. I think it does look similar to her, at least in the Ninja Gaiden series. Either way, she's a pretty sim that's a change from Ladyfrontbum's "usual"

  3. i wouldn't have guessed its ayane, but i love it! very pretty

  4. Thanks for the comments! I had trouble making her look like Ayane since every photo I found looked different. Don't you hate that? :D I ended up focusing on the one photo that was sent by email when it was requested. :)
    Made for a nice break from the celeb sims too.

  5. what skin does she use? my sims boobs NEVER look that good :(

  6. She uses peggy's skins. I'm not sure how the effect is managed in the last picture though... unless the lingerie is helping, along with the boob sliders.

  7. "I had trouble making her look like Ayane since every photo I found looked different. Don't you hate that?" - VERY true. Great job nonetheless, I can only base my judgement on DOA version as that's the only one I've seen, so I guess I'm a bit bias lol!

  8. Not sure about the boobs in the last shot, it could be the lingerie is helping them look nice and squooshy.

    SuperSwifty, it probably would have helped if I actually knew who she was, lmao. But yeah she was a request so I just grabbed whatever pics looked easiest to create her with. :)

    Thanks everyone!

  9. I think the face is a bit too wide, but I can't say she's unattractive in any sense of the word. Really love the hair color.

  10. LadyF.B is a really talented creator...I don't care what this sim is from, she just looks..uh..interesting ;) Her bust area is especially interesting.

  11. It would look a lot better if this was done in Sims 2. It fails so hard just because it's Sims 3. I didn't know Ayane had Downs Syndrome?
