
January 21, 2010

fanseelamb hair conversion by Infusorian

This is for teen - elder males and is available in .package and .sims3pack files:)

Download at Infusorian's Blog

.package file name: fanseelamb_hair_conversion_by_Infusorian


  1. too high on the head D:

  2. This has been nicely converted but im not a big fan of the hair itself. Love their stuff in general though!

  3. 1st anon, It's not high. look at the original hair.

  4. Adorable! I loved this hair in TS2. Also, it had that size of a forehead in TS2 as well, it's just part of the mesh.

  5. Ooo, thanks Infusorian. Trying it out today.

  6. I know guys in real life with this hair!It's cool!

  7. I didn't really like this style in TS2. However, I must say, the conversion itself is gorgeous. Great job : )

  8. looks like a long toupe

  9. That hair looks adorable!

  10. It is too high. Not your fault though. He has no hair behind his ears and the last pic further validates the too high claim. Nice conversion though.

    Your male model is cute. He reminds me of Aikea's guy.

  11. Looks good but it needs to be lower on the head... if that's not your fault, I apologize, but still no downloading from me...

  12. "looks like a long toupe"
    I lol'd.

  13. i love this hair, but that weird emptiness on the sideburn on the second pic is killin me D=

  14. I totally missed those gaps in that second pic. Jeez. Seeing as how this is what ts2 hair looks like, it's not your fault Infu, lol. It's a good conversion, but the source hair itself just sits too high on the head.

  15. if this is a conversion of the 'sweet bed head' hair, it is sitting high on the head. I love the texture and the reworking of the 'bangs' area but it does need to come lower. Just a little more work and this will be absolutely stunning.

  16. "Adorable! I loved this hair in TS2. Also, it had that size of a forehead in TS2 as well, it's just part of the mesh."

    Then it's a pretty bad mesh, look at the side shot o_O Good conversion though

  17. Since I'm not a creator and don't know how it works, I have a question. When you "convert" a hair from TS2 are you able to make tweeks to it to improve it or not? Because this would be absolutly awesome if it wasn't so high on the head. I know if I could convert and it was possible to change the original mesh, I would make improvements to the mesh rather than leave original flaws. But that's just me. It is beautifully done... just too high. :(

  18. I get that the original mesh is that high, but it's totally going to keep me from downloading this. It looks too weird.

  19. i would have downloaded except for the ear gap, it drove me away. other than that, excellent <3

  20. I am following up with in game comments to assist Infusorian. I have tried this on a number of my own sims and game generated sims in sunset valley. The hair is different on every sim which is sometimes a problem with some of the ea store female hairs but this was a little more extreme. Sometimes it was tight to the head and other times it looked like a tiny umbrella sitting around the head - gaps from bangs to sides to back of head. In every case the placement seemed odd on the ears but perhaps high is an incorrect assessment. I think too far back(?) might be more accurate? It is as though the head is round and the hair is oval and it sits closer to the head by the bangs. This is subtle on the head but obvious at the ears. Hope this helps - I applaud your efforts thus far.

  21. can someone convert this to female?

  22. Simspack won`t install and the package makes my game crash..

  23. ^Well, since nobody else has reported any problems, I'm gonna guess this is a user-specific issue. If Simspacks won't install, you probably borked something. If packages crash your game, either it's tightpants...or you borked something. Solution? Stop borking things.

    Of course, it could be a problem with this individual file, but it doesn't sound like anyone else is having the same trouble. Go to MATY & MTS and start reading. There are solutions out there.

  24. Maybe it works without WA + patch

  25. This have no thumbnail when i try it in the launcher

  26. I installed the simspack, and it also makes my game crash too. :( I've had to remove it, sadly.

  27. who attacked this guy with a razor??? one of the worst hairs ever
