
January 21, 2010

Free Hair by Newsea

Download for all ages at Newsea


File names:



  1. This is like a horrible Sailor Moon nightmare...

  2. Ok, normally I don't mind anime hairs, but this is too much O.o

  3. A hahahahaha!




  4. OH MY GOD

    I want to get it just to piss myself off later on for getting it in the first place, and i thought the peggyzone hair above this post was bad....i mean....wooooooooow........

  5. I think it sits a little too high on the head. Other than that, it's good.

  6. Actually, this works for my little ghost child. Who kills people. And is *superkawaiidesu~*.
    And kills people.
    And is a guy.

  7. No wonder it's free.

  8. its nice, not my flava though.

  9. I... err... have no words. O_o
    Seriously though, I know those are supposed to be bells but it looks like she got four arse cracks stuck on her head. Very odd. :D

  10. Those are enormous jingle balls o_O I imagine she's got a headache from the weight and sound. If those were toned down in size a lot, it wouldn't look so silly, I'd think.

  11. Is this inspired by those characters in Chobits?

  12. Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg!

  13. if i ever see this in real life im locking up the person in a cage filled with boulders and dropping them into the deep end of my pool. good fishy drown.

  14. Actually Newsea made this hair inspiring from a Japanese anime character named Kotoko. And this hair looks just exactly the same in the anime.

    I'm not a fan so wont be downloading.

  15. Even for an anime/a hair that's supposed to be unrealistic it's just too out there...... It's way too long and the bells are HUGE!

  16. I guess I'm on my own. I love it.

  17. It looks like anime sesame street attacked her head.

  18. Heh. Awesome. I won't download it, but thanks for the laugh!

  19. Peggy was my official supplier for my mariah carey sims until now.

  20. what is this I don't even

  21. let all break things

  22. ^lets all break things

  23. hahaha what the..F...

  24. Is there actually ANYONE else but the creator out there mistreating his/her Sims with this... hairzilla?

  25. I wanna download this hairstyle and make all of my sims wear it, just to fuck with people.
    Serriously, it's really obviously an anime-style hair, but it's not my cuppa tea. Even though I'm an anime fan, I like plainer styles.

  26. I've been sitting here trying to think of SOMETHING nice to say about this. Then I realized that if the balls and the pigtail things were removed, the left over bob with the bangs would actually look quite nice. But as is? HAHAHAHAHA....snort... wheeze... HAHAHAHAHA.. Ok I'm done.

  27. This is Kotoko from Chobits! :D
    I really hope Chii's hair is next.

  28. I'm an American and I don't even watch anime cartoons(nor have I ever been to Japan)but I knew that this hair had to be a reference to the fun and creative cartoons they create.Geesh,how STUPID the average person must be.......

  29. wow... i aint even goin to go there, haha lol

  30. Why are some people so stupid. This is obviously SPECIFIC hair for Kotoko from Chobits. It doesn't even matter if YOU like it because it is a close replica of the real style. God, this reminds me of when someone creates DBZ hair and everyone goes, "OMG lolol wtf is this fugly hair" when it is OBVIOUSLY not made for regular sims grrrrr. Stop stating opinions on how much you don't like it and critique on how true it is to the intended style >:( The only obvious flaw I see is that it does ride pretty high on the head. Otherwise it seems good.

  31. Id like this hair if somehow those pigtails and bells were edited off.

  32. no shit its not made for REGULAR sims but even for fiction, cartoon animé WHATEVER you want to call it its extreme and over the top!

    Newsea shouldve gotten the facial slider hacks and made a sim similar to the animé character he is imitating. Otherwise to the regular simmer this looks just plain RIDICULOUS

  33. Huge fan of chobits. I'd might want it if they came with a Chii hair and ears lol :D
    Otherwise, Newsea is a brilliant hair creator. It is a shame that he/she is a paysite owner. (;.;)

  34. What... in....the.... hell.
    It's official.
    Newsea is smoking rock.
    Big ones too...
    Aren't those bells supposed to be around somebody's cat?

  35. Like a cat could pry itself off the ground with bells that big.

  36. Ohhh ok so it's from an anime character. Makes more sense now, it supposed to look stupid. ;)
    Crazy anime.

  37. If NewSea ever does another anime hair, I would be very very pleased if they convert their Sailor Moon's hair. And for free, of course.

  38. Ive just opened the commentary window to read people's reactions & I wasnt disappointed...just want to thank everyone for their wonderful comments, couldnt stop laughing!!!


  39. what eyes are they using?

  40. Just why? I don't care what anime shit it is, just why, why, why?

  41. I always wondered what satan looked like.

  42. i hope this is for boys too

  43. This is beyond ridiculous!

  44. If you ever though: "Nobody will download this", just go to the Exchange, and surprise yourself! XD

  45. Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bell WAT?!

  46. nothing wrong withquality of the hair. the style is just no

  47. No wonder it's free.


    Why are some people so stupid. This is obviously SPECIFIC hair for Kotoko from Chobits.

    Oh right, because everyone immediately recognizes some obscure anime.

  48. "Why are some people so stupid. This is obviously SPECIFIC hair for Kotoko from Chobits."

    well excuse us if we are not anime freaks like certain someone.

    The hair is well done I guess, but not my cup of tea.

  49. Chobits... obscure anime? There were like 10 different sort of Chii hair for the sims 2... Why do people like to show off their ignorance like its a good thing...

  50. I love how the anime douchefags are getting all self-important off this crap. Some of us don't give a rat's ass about anime. So we wouldn't recognize this. To a person who doesn't have shit taste in entertainment, this hair is very wtf.
    It's nice that Newsea made it free, though. I guess they figured that like 3 people would download it anyways, so they'd make nothing from it.

  51. ^agreed....
    i agree with martine aswell,
    and im sorry to anonymous above plus one but there were 10 different chii hairs for the sims 2? do you realise how many hairs there were for the sims 2? you need to keep your ignorance in check!

  52. oh and..... this is awful.

  53. What the HELL is that?

  54. Loool some chobits nerds are forgetting that chobits doesn't appeal to everyone. (We all know what I mean.) Besides, this isn't even Chii, the most recognizable. Who is this? o.o
    Anyway, it's still lolworthy. I don't care which anime it was made from, jesus that's ridiculous.

  55. Looks the same like the anime,i love it!!!

  56. Lol China (and Japan too, I suppose).
    So eccentric...

  57. Not into anime but despite the 'style' its high quality work though.

    If peggy made the same hair, it would be fail :D

  58. fluffywhitemanju said...
    Why are some people so stupid. This is obviously SPECIFIC hair for Kotoko from Chobits. It doesn't even matter if YOU like it because it is a close replica of the real style. God, this reminds me of when someone creates DBZ hair and everyone goes, "OMG lolol wtf is this fugly hair" when it is OBVIOUSLY not made for regular sims grrrrr. Stop stating opinions on how much you don't like it and critique on how true it is to the intended style >:( The only obvious flaw I see is that it does ride pretty high on the head. Otherwise it seems good.

    Freedom of speech offends you?

  59. loooooooooooove!

    perfct for some anime sims!

  60. am i reading that right? does it say on the pics avaliable for all ages? if anyones downloaded, id love to see that!!

  61. ^ Ahahahahaha imagining toddler with this hair! XD I'm DL'ing now!

  62. The people who bash anime fans are just as bad as the anime fans who get all angry when someone doesn't recognize a certain character. Everyone needs to get over themselves.

  63. I knew this was Chobits the moment I saw it. I hope the creator makes some persocom ears, Chi hair, and while she's at it Sailor Moon hair. Even if you don't like anime, if you don't know what Chobits is you've been living under a rock for the past eight years!


    In-game shot! I only took one with a toddler, but I was surprised it actually looks nice in-game, I was expecting the pigtails to be the same length for the toddler as they were for the adult.

  65. kids of past generations played with each other, climbed trees, splashed around in puddles, scraped their knees, had social skills.

    Kids of this generation are engulfed in amime, text each other from across the table, are socially retarded.

  66. Hmmm I would like it better if the bells were a bit smaller. It looks a little kinky IMO.

    Also to the anon the pic you posted, I covered up the pigtails and that bob looks really adorable on toddlers! I wish she'd upload just that.


  68. I could see if you were talking about Pokemon, "Living under a rock" anon, but Chobits isn't exactly an anime everyone knows about.

  69. I think its neat for you super anime sims

  70. "Kids of this generation are engulfed in amime, text each other from across the table, are socially retarded."

    Only a select few are really like that. You should get off the computer more ; )

  71. Am I the only one who noticed how ridiculously high on the head this is? Look at the 3/4 shot! Her forehead is the whole length of her face and then some!

  72. this a freakin joke? i mean i had to do a double take..if you like anime then your in heaven if

  73. I'm with Nicole. WTF is Chobits? I'm relatively aware of various anime/manga, but I couldn't identify Chobits if it was dancing naked in front of my very eyes...

  74. agreed!!!!! what the hell is chobits, i dont know anyone who knows what it is, maybe its like popular from whatever country your from but its not in england.
    now, pokemon? thats popular anime, alot of people know what pokemon is or have atleast heard of it.... sailor moon, ive heard of it. chobits, iv never seen or heard of it before.

  75. I could see if you were talking about Pokemon, "Living under a rock" anon, but Chobits isn't exactly an anime everyone knows about.
    Exactly. And it's one of those misogynist animes with lots of fanservice - not exactly everyone's cup of tea.

    "Kids of this generation are engulfed in amime, text each other from across the table, are socially retarded."
    Wow. I pity the people you know.

  76. These comments are so rude. I personally LOVE the hair. Is better than peggy's long pigtails anyways. O_o

  77. WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!?

  78. Oh, and Chobits is a very popular anime.

  79. Jesus, take the wheel.

  80. ----------------
    "I could see if you were talking about Pokemon, "Living under a rock" anon, but Chobits isn't exactly an anime everyone knows about."

    Chobits is an anime most fans of the darker more adult themed anime series are extremely familiar with. It is a very popular series universally. If you're prone to getting your anime fix from CN or Nickelodeon then it's understandable that most would not know anything about it. Chobits appeals to anime fans whom delve deeper then cable networks.

  81. While my sims would look...odd with this hair, I'm sure it would look lovely on an anime-themed sim.

  82. ^^Not all that deep. I haven't watched more than half a dozen animes in my life, and I am more than familiar with Chobits, even without having read a single manga or seen a single episode.

    But your anime-related pretentiousness gave me a chuckle, so thank you.

  83. Chobits is an anime most fans of the darker more adult themed anime series are extremely familiar with. It is a very popular series universally. If you're prone to getting your anime fix from CN or Nickelodeon then it's understandable that most would not know anything about it. Chobits appeals to anime fans whom delve deeper then cable networks.
    If by adult theme and 'delving deeper' you mean creepy robot girl panty-shot and garden variety romance exploitation anime, then yes, you are the upper echelon of nerd and a true connoisseur of cartoon. Excuse me while I actually find something worth watching.

  84. "Chobits is an anime most fans of the darker more adult themed anime series are extremely familiar with."

    So the anime is for perverts, I see. And lol@you trying to sound smart over something so stupid as an anime series.

    You are not that cool.

  85. ^^Oh, and Chobits is a very popular anime.

    Obviously it's not THAT popular when 50% of the thread is unfamiliar with it.

  86. Ooooh, I can't wait for Chii's hair too <3

  87. Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bell WAT?!

    ^^^ LOL!

  88. ha! why not this hair is Donation?!

  89. People, this is an anime hairstyle. I don't see what's so stupid about it or what's so fail; this hair was created FOR Kotoko, and it does looks LIKE Kotoko. It'd be fail if it looked nothing like the character it's based from, a character that didn't even come out of Newsea's imagination. Kotoko fans will be happy, the rest of you can look elsewhere for your hairstyles.

    As for Chobits popularity, anyone with a minimum of REAL knowledge about anime (just watching what your local tv airs doesn't count) knows what Chobits is. I haven't even watched this anime myself, but I still recognize the characters because they used to be very popular in anime circles.

  90. ^^Oh, and Chobits is a very popular anime.

    Obviously it's not THAT popular when 50% of the thread is unfamiliar with it.
    I haven't seen it like the anon above above me but if you like anime, is hard not to know about chobits. I love everything Clamp does.

  91. Looks like the antenna thing on the cockroaches'' and I love anime too

  92. ...those bells, I don't even know what to say.

  93. Wow. Wooooow. I'm scared now.

  94. @Rhiannon & @Martine

    No, ignorance offends me. The file name even says Kotoko. If you search 'Kotoko' on google images the 5th picture is of Kotoko from Chobits.

    p.s. I'm not even a big fan of Chobits, it's just all the ignorant comments that are STILL being posted annoy me beyond belief.

  95. No, ignorance offends me. The file name even says Kotoko. If you search 'Kotoko' on google images the 5th picture is of Kotoko from Chobits.
    Actually, no. Considering that Newsea is in another language, the word 'kotoko' doesn't constitute a 'hm, that's an anime character i don't know' google search. :) A person with no knowledge of the hair may as well assume that kotoko is some sort of name for the hair or thing. Not necessarily ignorant.

  96. ^
    "Ignorance is the state in which one lacks knowledge, is unaware of something or chooses to subjectively ignore information."

    I expect people to at least read the comments before they make their own. Antonella already said that this hair is from Chobits yet I read many comments afterward along the lines of, "Wtf is this? it's fugly." I'm frustrated with people who judge before they even try to understand. I'm not angry at the fact that people don't know this is chobits hair. I'm angry at the fact that even though someone has already stated that it is a SPECIFIC hair, not just any old anime-styled hair, people still make comments like, "WHAT THE FUCK!!! dam asian ppl have the stupidest shit."

  97. I expect people to at least read the comments before they make their own. Antonella already said that this hair is from Chobits yet I read many comments afterward along the lines of, "Wtf is this? it's fugly." I'm frustrated with people who judge before they even try to understand...
    So you read the comments, every single one, before you comment? I applaud your tenacity, however, not everyone has the time to do this. That is assuming, however, that most may not have already knew yet decided to make a joke of it. You honestly need to calm down. No need getting angry over this - who cares if it's specific, it's still odd, even by anime standards. Oh, Clamp. And beside the point, most of the comments here were jokes - people probably already knew, yet still wanted to take a crack at it. And face it, it is pretty funny. Chill out, things aren't always as white and black as they appear.
    And why in the world did you quote a definition on ignorance? o.o It's a common word, not some convoluted epithet.

  98. ^ needed people to understand the "subjectively ignore information" part. Yes, I read through every one of the comments and that's what made me so angry. I should probably just not read the comments anymore (especially on peggy hairs). *sigh* I'm not going to bother commenting after this, it's just making me more exasperated. 3 more points and I'm done.

    1) This is not strange by anime standards. (Pretty Cure 5 anyone? lol)

    2) I knew people were trying to be funny but they weren't imo, just rude.

    3) I'm sorry for getting all worked up over this. I realized people over the internet aren't worth it.

    So just keep on calling things gay ass shit or insulting other people's cultures and preferences, whatever you think is funny. I give up. I shouldn't expect empathy on the internet.

  99. So just keep on calling things gay ass shit or insulting other people's cultures and preferences, whatever you think is funny. I give up. I shouldn't expect empathy on the internet.
    Sorry about the internet. We're not all bad. But yeah, this site attracts trolls and whiny people due to the anonymous function. The superkawaiidesu~ joke had me laughing, though. Sometimes it's just best to ignore (the trolls anyway), like you surmised, they're not worth it. Take them with a grain of salt :)

  100. This is like Newsea stuck two sausages into the girl's hair and let them develop their own personality. ;P

    Seriously, though...what was she thinking?!?!

  101. What gets me when seeing this (and some other hairs) is, how awesome this style would be if it was just the main part of the hair without the jingle bell ponytails - but no, why make that? That would be sensible.

  102. well i like it, that's because my Sims are animeish and i like anime, but yes in real life this would look ridiculous although i would kudos anyone who manages to pull it off well in real life, and to those who start going off saying its from anime, guys not everyone likes anime so your just giving anime fans a bad name and people who dont like anime should just not say its "shit entertainment" because what you like and what someone else may like are two different things, i would just said anime is not my cuppa tea


  104. The Bangs are way too high. It looks sort ridiculous. Oh ya and the Giant balls. Anime just doesn't work on Sims.

  105. ^^^
    agree with you. o.o

    and hey...

    dun like it, dun bash it.
    Those guys acting like a total ass are probably trolls with nothing to do in life. Heck, there's a bajillion other people in this F world and you're not the only one living here.

    trolls be trolling. :)
