
January 06, 2010

Gilded Butterflies Tattoo by Gillian Ivy

Download at The Rejected


  1. hey that's megan fox's tattoo cute!

  2. at anon above me: I think the anon above you cares

    And this tattoo looks nice ^^

  3. i was wondering which celeb has this tattoo and i just googled it, apparently its a shakespeare quote and when you know the meaning behind its actually quite beautiful...i might consider downloading this now lol

  4. It's original and I like where it's placed.

  5. ^It's far from original, but I agree about the placement. I get sick of the standard locations for body ink.

    Also, I love tattoos, but hate Megan Fox. None of which is relevant to this discussion. xD

  6. The shirt kind of sucks to show it off...

  7. Is Megan Fox the cheap Angelina Jolie knockoff?

  8. ^ Yep. But don't tell her that, you'll make her angry. XD

    This is great for Megan Fox sims; anyone else would just be copying Megan Fox D:

  9. MS3B, thanks again for featuring another of my pieces.

    Yup, it's a Megan Fox tattoo, who I'm very torn whether or not I like her, on the one hand, she's hot, on the other, my boyfriend thinks so too. ;P

    But I saw the tat and was curious about the meaning, which is truly beautiful, yet ironic for the woman who the ink is on. For she certainly would seem to be a proverbial "Gilded Butterfly".

    Yeah, probably wasn't the best shirt to show off, I just already had that sim and thought it still looked nice. I'd thought of hunting down a Megan Fox sim, but rarely do I play celebs in my games.

    Thanks for all the comments everyone. And sorry for my lull in creating anything in a long time.
