
January 02, 2010

New Elf by Moryrie

Download at Garden Of Shadows


  1. Well, to be honest, she doesn't really look like an elf to me, but I love her face! :D

  2. Just slapping pointy ears on someone doesn't mean you have a good elf now.

  3. I think everyone's perception of elves is different. Some think Tolkien. Some think Santa. Some think of Keebler, and Rice Krispies Elves. They can look like anything one wants them to look like.

    This elf is roughly based on elves from a specific, and rather obscure unfortunately literary series, that described elves as, 'Usually tall and thin (she's thin at least), with silver eyes (check) and silver hair (her roots are silver.) Pointy ears as well, and I preferred to give her less.. obvious pointed ears, and most artistic depictions of the elves for this series have had similar ears.

  4. I've seen MUCH better ones

  5. Where have all the good sims gone?...

  6. That thing is an elf?

  7. WCIF that huge fountain behind her?

  8. There's no need to be rude to Moryrie, she's taken the time to create her depiction of an elf.

    Just because your depiction is different, that does not give you the right to bash her.

    I, for one, happen to think this is a lovely elf-sim. Thank you Moryrie. ^.^
