
January 09, 2010

New Things at The Store

Download this and more at The Sims 3 Store


  1. Wow I really like the Blonde hair :D

  2. very interested to see the new male hair in game

  3. this was from yesterday, not today :S

  4. This stuff looks great :) Thanks MS3B :)

  5. I installed the Gothique set in my game, and I never installed the last patch. I tried out the new items and they work fine. I'm using Game version and WA 1.79

  6. Woooo, those arches, garden seats and table, and the windows are like the ones from Unleashed! God, that was my favorite expansion, I'm very happy to see these. Yay!!

  7. I'm hoping that since the Old Town set is called a "starter" that there will be more. I loved the build and buy objects from Unleashed. I love the whole New Orleans style of everything.


  9. really? I vcan't install it, the launcher didn't even show me the thumbails :S, anyone know why isd that?

  10. because the launcher has a new anti piracy on store items if you have the latest patch

  11. I like how the blond hair is very similar to one that's been converted recently. I got a couple items from the gothic set. They're very Adams family esc to me

  12. Ugh. I really don't want to patch, but I love the Old Town set :/

    @ Anon 6 from top: You need to patch to install everything other than the gothic set and the hairs/clothes.

  13. I have the version is that the last one? I don't think it is, because when I open de launch it tells me there a new update available.... so, I can't install them right? is not that piracy you talk about

  14. 2.3 with WA is the latest and most fucked up patch... not sure what number it would be without the patch tho. sorry

  15. @2nd anon above me: I suggest you NOT patch your game to 2.3. It will disable most of your custom content. Patch it to 2.2 then your game will be fine.
    Back to the topic, nice stuff from EA! Love the gothic things and the chinese new year set!

  16. where can I see what version do I have?

  17. u open the launcher and on the corner left of it u will see a bunch of number like etc...( not the exact numbers)

  18. how the heck does it have an anti-piracy anything in the launcher? what if you don't log in? i have the new sets installed and I'm on 2.28. I see EVERYTHING in my game but when I install it, it says success but then goes back in the launcher with no status. i don't think there is any anti piracy because I can't get the stuff i bought to just install like normally and a lot of other people can't either.

  19. lol, I'm back on patch 1.4 b/c all others F up my game somehow - I can't get any of the new stuff :(
    I really like to Gothic stuff too.

  20. Well the launcher is borked thats why. But also, the anti-piracy thing is real, because none of the store items will show unless you buy them (somehow it can tell whether you've bought them or not). Some folks over at MATY figured out how to get the launcher/pirated content to work but I'm just leaving my game at 2.2.8 to avoid the drama

  21. I really like the Gothique set and also I like the little cupid statue hahaha :D

  22. Do I have to have WA installed for this stuff?

  23. I love the hair on the little boy! :D

  24. I'm using Patch 1.4 as well. I'm too chicken to patch. I hear it seriously borks custom content, and I have too much at stake. Sadly this means I cannot get any of the store items. Which sucks.

  25. The long womens hair is not worth it. It is supposed to be long hair that is parted down the middle with the long parts cascading down the front of the shoulders. And the other one is hair that is supposedly sweeping across the back and cascading down one shoulder.

    In reality, what the hair looks like in-game is hair that got CUT short in the back and had long parts left in front to hang down one shoulder or both shoulders. It's absolute dreck and not really true long hair at all. And from what I can tell, the overall shape borrows heavily from the shoulder-length flowing hairstyle that came with WA. THAT style was pretty. These two are not.

  26. at least ea is trying to make different hair
