
January 29, 2010

Nizza Living/Dining Room by Stylist Sims

This Donation set includes: Aquarium (decoration), Sofa (3 part), Armchair, Coffeetable, Sideboard, Dining table, Dining chair, Ceiling lamp, Plant, Tall sculpture, Pyramids deco, Books deco, Painting with glass

Download at Stylist Sims


  1. I like the aquarium!

  2. I love the aquarium, dining table & chairs and the plant. I wish it wasn't donation, though.

  3. Wooooow... runs to get it :))))))

  4. MS3b, you forgot the Aquarium tag for this set.

  5. One of the best ever creations by stylist sims too bad its donation and i can't buy it:( but im sure it would be around somewhere to get hands on it because this set surely is very very tempting.

  6. This looks REALLY nice. I can't wait for it to be at the cave.

  7. I love the detail Norbi puts in his work. Very desireable.

  8. Aquarium and the long couch look great. I would donate if I had some money on me :(

  9. I hope Sims Cave will upload this *_*

  10. I love their stuff! The aquarium is my favorite too.

  11. It looks great in the game. I just love the whole set. Worth donating for.

  12. ^I don't care if it's worth paying for, I refuse to donate to any site that sold TS2 content. Just because it's not illegal to sell TS3 content doesn't mean that sites like SS weren't breaking the law for years before TS3 came out. SS is a FANTASTIC site, and I would happily donate to keep them running...if they were a freesite. Maybe it's just me, but I'm more than willing to financially support freesites that I love, but once they start charging for content I'll arr it all just out of spite.

    That said, I adore Norbi's creations. He/she is incredibly talented.

  13. "SS is a FANTASTIC site, and I would happily donate to keep them running...if they were a freesite. Maybe it's just me, but I'm more than willing to financially support freesites that I love, but once they start charging for content I'll arr it all just out of spite"

    I agree. There are many sites that are quite capable of running off of actual donations, there is no need to strongarm people into it.

  14. "There are many sites that are quite capable of running off of actual donations, there is no need to strongarm people into it."

    I totally agree to those 2 comments.
    I donated to great freesite like MTS to keep them running from my deep gratitude to the.
    It give you a feeling of gracious support, not money hunger.
