
January 31, 2010

The Queen of Pop: Janet Jackson by DivoPly

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. That sim looks like a chihuahua

  2. I can see a little resemblance but don't understand how she's the queen of pop?

  3. Why doesn't her face color match the body? She doesn't look like Janet, either.

  4. Lady Gaga is the queen of pop! Period and end of story!

  5. Um, what the hell is that?
    MTS is slipping a hell of a lot.
    I know someone's going to whine about constructive criticism and the like, but I don't know what to say to this. No. Just no. Just start from scratch or...I don't know. No.

  6. Lady Gaga is the queen of pop! Period and end of story!
    Fuck it's already started.
    (How Gaga surpassed Madge and Grace Jones I haven't a clue.)

  7. "Fuck it's already started.
    (How Gaga surpassed Madge and Grace Jones I haven't a clue.)"

    who and who?

  8. I think that's a facemask, Krystan.

    And the Gaga stans need to simmer down already.

  9. I don't see Janet Jackson enough in this.

  10. I don't see Janet Jackson enough in this.

  11. who and who?
    Lol wow. Okay, seriously. Let's not go off topic, but I really hope you're being sarcastic.

    On topic: oh my o.o

  12. Ew.

    Also, Madge = Madonna. Please tell me you're twelve or something, there's really no excuse to not know who Madonna is!

  13. The main problem with this is the proportions of the face, oh and the skin tone, ok forget it, pretty much everything is wrong with this. I appreciate you for trying but this whole project needs to be scrapped.

  14. deffo the skintone!!!
    i think the creator is a little confused, ita Michael who miraculously turned white, not janet.

  15. That looks nothing like JJ.

  16. Janet is considered to be one of the queens of pop. It was more refereed to when she was bigger in the 80s and 90s, also because he brother is known as the king of pop.

    I can see it

  17. a) Do not want.

    b) In the last picture on the left side, you can see the seam where the facemask ends... it looks like a headband. Not exactly a high-quality product, eh?

  18. Hell naw! WTF!!

    That is not my Janet, Ms. Jackson if you're nasty!!

  19. All you fat computer nerds quit hating... I see Janet and she is the queen of pop...lady gaga is a weird new comer.
    And her skin is not white, its the light. Nerds go jump off a cliff please
    What. The. Hell.
    Please reserve your second grade insults for a blog without an anonymous function.

  20. Man.

    Maybe LeToya Jackson...
    But not JANET.
    Oh and for the earlier debates.
    I adore GaGa.
    But your smoking rock if you think she is the queen of pop and she just got into the game...

  21. Neither Janice and Gaga are the queen of pop.

    Queen of pop music, is and always will be Madonna, same as the king of the rock is Elvis Presley.
    They were the ones who build what we now give a name for the genre.

  22. Britney is the queen of pop!

  23. I usually keep my mouth shut on a LOT of things but this just does not look at all like Janet J. I saw this on mts and gasped because it scared me and that is no lie. I'm sorry to the really missed it on this... I actually thought it was a joke when I realized who she was supposed to be.

  24. ^^ I don't believe anyone referred to "Janice" of the queen of pop.

  25. Sue.Shi, please read the title of this creation. God, I know you're asian so I expected more from you!

  26. Ok. First of all....
    You obviously know NOTHING.
    You assumed I was Asian witch I am not.
    I'm biracial.
    What does my nationality have to do with what I posted?
    I'm highly curious.
    What did you expected from me when you thought I was Asian?
    Seriously. Wake up.
    Your ignorance and assumptions can be such a short coming for you.
    The name of the creation is JANET JACKSON.
    Pay attention to the post instead of trying to assume my race and/or nationality. :)

  27. WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCK WHO THE "REAL" QUEEN OF POP IS!?! This is about the SIM, not the TITLE. Pop sucks anyway.

    But...the sim is really, really hideous. I saw this on MTS before I came here, and my first thought was "I thought MTS was supposed to have some of the toughest sim download standards in the community?" She doesn't look like Janet to me, at least not more than a little. She's rather inhuman-looking, even more so than the real thing.
