
January 21, 2010

Springville - a new Neighbourhood (only basegame needed) by himawara106

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Eh ... it's alright, not really impressive in any way, though I do need a change from Sunset Valley desperately.

  2. i kind of wish some one would create a desert town, these green valley are sooo 2009 lol

  3. Decent. It's blan... but...
    my computer will support it and its different from the default cities.
    Wish they could of taken advantage of the decor... seems like all it has to offer is plenty of lots...
    At least THIS person took note of not to flood the city with ridiculous amounts of trees.

  4. Thank God I finally can have a town with lots of empty lots. Sunset Valley and Riverview have close to none and I'm always destroying other sims' property.

  5. Love it! The other one everyone was moaning about because of the lagging was way too crammed, this is just fine, thanks a bundle!

  6. I need a world that looks more like a city. I need a place to put my old factories.

  7. Unfortunately the second screenshot on here shows where the roads aren't connected properly. The southern most crossroads for example.

    Looks rather nice other than that.

  8. do we need to update to 1.8 to get this to work? because i am to scared to update it, to many bad reviews on how it is not allowing CC
