
January 22, 2010

Toddler Layered Outfit with No Flowers by Nightly367

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. That's it? They got rid of three flowers? What's the point? D:

  2. how in the world did this get past mts quality judging thing? i mean, shit, they got rid of a flower on a toddler's shirt. not really vital to my game.

  3. lol i still don't get it. i must have missed something

  4. Oh yes! We DO have to see this. I think its an improvement, how little it may be.
    Anonymous: You can chose yourself if you want to download this. You can even chose to avoid this page so you don´t have to see what MS3B has put on her blog.

  5. ^lol. Telling someone on the internet what to do is like talking to a wall. When would people learn?


  6. @ anon 2 above:

    Why would the person avoid the page? They're putting out their opinion on what they like to see on the blog and what they don't. I'm sure MS3B appreciates opinions how to improve the blog.

    So the next time you post "I hate this" "This isn't good" or whatever, we can all tell you "Don't look at this page then!"

    People come here to find good things for their sims, they're allowed an opinion on if they like it or not.

  7. Awesome, I'm sooo tired of that fucking flower.. *downloads*

  8. To anon @ 2 above: You should read better. Its a CHOICE you have. I'm not telling anyone what to like or not, what to visit or not. But why bother MS3B? Its her choice what to put on or not on her blog.
    But what matters is all negative criticism and rudeness towards content makers. I mean what's the purpose for that? Telling someone I really hate this or that.... Yeah right.

  9. ^ What's the purpose on telling you like this or that then?
    It's the same thing.

  10. Well, it really isn't THAT remarkable of a difference. But, hey, it's good for those players who were really bothered by that flower!

  11. Well, it really isn't THAT remarkable of a difference. But, hey, it's good for those players who were really bothered by that flower!

  12. ^ You do realize that you were one once, right?

  13. This is exactly the sort of CC I love to find: stuff that takes the game and its original content and makes it suck less. All the rest of the stuff I download is just icing on the cake.

  14. "Its her choice what to put on or not on her blog."

    MS3B is a guy named Joe. Just so you know.
