
January 11, 2010

Victorian Bay Neighborhood by ruthless_kk

Download at The Exchange

Thanks, Deestar:)


  1. OMG, this is awesome. ruthless_kk makes some of the BEST houses I've seen. I'm so excited for a full world created by her!!

  2. Looks rather too much on the small side tbh.

  3. I like very much, will check this out. Always on the look out for worlds.

  4. Have you people seen this?,3251.msg12181.html#msg12181

    It's big and full of great houses and other useful items like half walls.

    The creator said 'may even cause high-end PCs to "scream"' though.

  5. Ruthless is my favourite simbuilder. Her houses are lovely and very livable and cheap. And now she is making worlds!!!

  6. Do u really need WA for to make new worlds with the tool? Do u need WA to download new worlds from others? Sorry if i sound a bit "slow"

  7. It depends on the world. Cape Cavell in the post before this one only needs Base Game and the latest Base Game Path. You also don't need WA to download worlds-the ability to do that came with Base Game because CAW was supposed to come out at the same time as the Base Game. This world does need WA though.

    Anon 5 Posts Above - it really isn't that small- there are a ton of pre-built houses and several empty lots. Personally I think small worlds are better- less lag overall and less lag is good thing with this game,

  8. Yay Ruth! I can testify in saying that after play testing this world for her that you will not be disappointed! But don't you dare litter on Rob Road >:(

  9. Ruth here....thank you so much for the wonderful comments! I appreciate it immensely. I did make it small on purpose to try to avoid lag for people with slower computers. Still learning as I go, so I know its not perfect...but it is so nice to hear some good things after all the time I spent working on it. Thank you. :)

  10. I wish this one didn't need WA, it's a really great neighborhood.

    I love her homes.

  11. I have been trying to download this neighborhood for three hours with not luck. It's saying there is no server with the data I need. I will keep trying because I REALLY want this place.

  12. I would like it too, because it looks beautiful and I love Victorian-themed things for the Sims. Unfortunately, I also have not been able to get the download link to work. I think it must be broken: I get the same message as the person above; that there are no servers with the requested data on them. If the creator checks the comments on this page, could she please fix the link, because there are still some of us who would like to get your gorgeous neighbourhood. (I would have posted this on the Exchange but I couldn't see a place for comments on the world in question.) Thanks! Betty

  13. Ruthless here: there was a server issue with mediafire that has since been resolved. You should be able to download now. :)I also have an alternate link as a just in case. It is here:

    Thank you for the kind words. :)

  14. Thanks Ruthless! I was able to get your beautiful neighbourhood and have been happily playing with it for the last day or so. It's a very well designed neighbourhood, with very pretty houses and lots. Now I just have to move a few more families into it, and I'll be all set!

    Thanks again,


  15. Why is it no longer avaliable??

  16. That's probably because there's a 2.0 version now. You can find it here
