
February 14, 2010

Bedroom Set Conversions by MK

Set includes: bed, desk, 2 bedside tables, chair, shelf, flower pot, a rug, curtains and lamp.

Download at MK Stuff


  1. I love the whole set but i cant download it. I tried it 3 times and theres always a problem after 9 %

  2. tried to download but it won't even start...

  3. A little more country than I usually prefer, but very cute nonetheless.

    It downloaded just fine for me. I clicked the download link at the bottom of MK's original blog post, then the grey download button at the bottom of the turbobit page, then entered the captcha and hit the button beside it, then hit the lower link on the page that opens after that. All that opens a page with a countdown, which eventually turns into a download link itself, and you click THAT to get the actual download to start. For all I know, I'm doing it the hard way...but the file downloaded, so if you're using another method and having trouble, this way works.

  4. I am trying to remember what set this reminds me of... maybe the country set at 4ESF? Anyway, it is cute. Probably get it later.
