
February 16, 2010

Listen to yourself, you're a hot mess - 15 Pooklet'd Hairs by The Fame

Download at Garden of Shadows

The 1st was converted here, 2nd here, 3rd here, 4th here, 5th here, 6th here, 7th here, 8th here, 9th here, 10th here, 11th here, 12th here, 13th here, 14th here and 15th here.

Edakraft peggy conversion


  1. Wow! Thanks for the links to the earlier conversions, Jess.

  2. the Fame / chadgraphixFebruary 16, 2010 at 9:35 PM

    Thanks for posting this...

    but it's "chadgraphix" - just one word. ;)

  3. the Fame / chadgraphixFebruary 16, 2010 at 9:38 PM

    Oh, and thanks for helping me realize I skipped a number. Yikes. Can you mention that in the post?

  4. Thanks Chad for the retextures! As I mentioned in your post, I really wanted a retexture for XM Sims' hairs.

  5. WOW!!! That is a ton of hairs!!!

  6. anon this one was posted by brandon, not jess

    their names are states at the bottom of the posts.

    thanks jess and brandon!!!

  7. yes! Finally, some retextures of hairs that I havent been using

  8. Ooooh. Very pretty, I use one of those hairstyles and I'll be snagging it :)

    Do these work like Abbey and Miss Bon Bon's do, replacing the original Peggy hair?

  9. chadgraphix / the FameFebruary 16, 2010 at 10:46 PM

    Yes, you don't need the original files, just these ones.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Ach, my bad. Ignore above comment, didn't read xP

  12. I never thought you would be the one acting like a slut when I was gone. Maybe you shouldn't kiss and tell.

  13. Umm.. what is 'pooklet' anyway?

  14. Nice! Can you try some EA hairs too? Like the Long Feathered or The Shuffle from the Store? I love those styles, but they are just so... EA. :(

  15. I would really love to see someone retexture the EA default hairs. It makes me want to cry when I see them mixed in with all my mod hairs.

  16. They are nice, but I won't download them. I've just been banned from using that, what was that called? Oh, "forum". Three warnings and nowbody bothered to inform me how to share something on that "site" properly. I wanted to start creating on my own. I've read all the guidelines they "provided" and must have misunderstood something since I'm not a native speaker. Now I think this site is not for ordinary people and only "the mafia" or those who just search for downloads are able to use it. Well, I'm not willing to use this any more. Sorry for the off topic post but I'm still iritated.

  17. Read the rules and stop bitching. That's what you should have done from the start.
    Also, is that the only reason you're going to post unrelated immature stuff?

  18. Another thing, I'm the anon from above.
    Don't come saying you couldn't because English is not your native language. It's not mine either and seems like you know how to write it. You even write a lot more than a lot of people out there.

  19. Hey chad thanks for the xm sims retextures, i really don't like their texture !

  20. Hey chad thanks for the xm sims retextures, i really don't like their texture !

  21. How on earth do you know my stuff is immature? You've never seen it, so please be so mature and do not comment on things you do not know about, would you? Another thing: I went through the guidelines many times (I'm not THAT narrow-minded and ALWAYS read the instructions) The trouble is that I do not exactly understand every single word, I'm not aware of the english computer slang sometimes. If you'd like to know I was banned for asking a simple question which I never expected to be seen as chatting

  22. The hairs look very, very nice. Thank you so much!

    As for the anon who got banned from GOS...otheranon is right. You should have read the rules from the very beginning. Since that obviously didn't happen, once you got warning #1 you'd think that'd be a good sign that you ought to have taken a closer look at them, hmm?

  23. "Also, is that the only reason you're going to post unrelated immature stuff?" please keep in mind that it is not a place to offend anyone.

  24. Woops, you posted while I was typing. :) As for the "immature stuff," they were referring to your bitching about getting banned, not your content (as far as I can tell).

    Anon: then ask someone. You got *three* warnings. That seems like ample time to figure out what you were doing wrong.

  25. I'm english as a second language as well, dutch is my first language, then french, then english. And I understand the rules there pretty well. It isn't fair of you to blame them, you should always ask for help if you don't understand something. That's how you will learn to communicate better, if you don't understand the slang terms.

    If I can help, using the quotations like that is sarcastic, but it isn't appropriate to call GOS a forum as if it is not a forum, for example. Whether you like them or not the format of the site is a forum. :-)

  26. These hairstyles are nice. I like them, but aren't they the same as originals? I can't find a significant difference.

  27. I've been waiting for the first hair on the left at the bottom for a long time!

  28. I'm ESL too. The difference between you and I, anon, is that I'm not retarded.

    The hairstyles look fantastic and I'm going to download them now! Peggy and XMSims have textures that I don't like. These are much better.

  29. Yes, I was waiting for some of these hairs to be pooklet'd!

    Awesome. Just awesome. : )

  30. Thanks for the retextures Chadgraphix. I like the Raon and XMsims hair better with these textures, didn't download them before. Now I will. ;)

  31. "I'm ESL too. The difference between you and I, anon, is that I'm not retarded."

    Ohh, I can't express how lucky you are...

  32. Here am I, the anon. You guys were all wonderful! Sorry for the little provocation I made, I really didn't want to insult anyone, sorry if i did. It was all a basic small test of mine. I'm a psychology student currently working on a project about emotional adulthood of young people in general(from teens to YA ;). I wanted to know how critical thinking they are and if they can provide good, reasonable and polite (sorry i know I was irritating, if I were you, I wouldn't be that polite myself when confronted with those silly things I wrote)argumentation. I used my own arguments from the times when I was a little spoiled silly brat commenting on another forum, not knowing exactly how to use and read English properly, (now I feel awkward when thinking of that, so that it could sound real (it wouldn't if I invented this for myself). Sorry once again I must say you did very well! Congrats! By the way I love GOS, they have many highiest quality and unique creations! (Actually I've already shared a few things there ;)) And the hairstyles are really lovely, I have original versions of them in my game, but those look a way better! It's late,going back to my studies

  33. chadgraphix / the FameFebruary 17, 2010 at 4:30 PM


  34. If you want pooklet'd EA default hairs. They are at GOS by Ja!

    They have already been done along time ago. Base game only, and MissBonBon did WA hairs. Okay? (=

  35. Is chadgraphix and chazdesigns the same maggot?

  36. Thnx a bunch for all the retextures :)

  37. chadgraphix / the FameFebruary 17, 2010 at 7:46 PM

    Sorry, no, last Anon, I'm not ChazDesigns. We just both have similar names, like Sims, and love Britney Spears.


  38. Anon here I am

    LOL. This is the largest load of crap I have seen since visiting the elephants at the zoo. Did you seriously think anyone was going to buy this story? Instead of the truth - which is - having regretted starting a flame war you were suddenly too uncomfortable to handle and needing a way out you have come up with the "Oops I never meant to insult anyone with this little ole' psych experiment" defense.

    Please. A *real* psych student would know some basic things, such as...people are not this stupid.

    They would also know that in order to gain any valuable insight into the human condition and "critical thinking" psych experiments are best conducted in a controlled environment, according to strict criteria...and a Sims blog in a thread about re-textured hair.

    And I expect they would also know that presenting a paper on
    "emotional adulthood" under these circumstances, based on this research, will likely result in the professor laughing his way out of the classroom.

    Good Lord.

  39. chadgraphix / the FameFebruary 17, 2010 at 8:14 PM

    Can we seriously drop this, please? It's gettubg out of hand and unnecessary.

  40. chadgraphix / the Fame said...



    Please do not use the lords name in vein!

  41. ^ No offense...but LOL! This is the internet. You're gonna read a lot worse than that, even on a Sims site.

    And back to the other anon, I have a psych degree, and I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about. I think you might have some flaws in your experimental design.

    And yes, I'm somewhat rude online, so hopefully you've received some interesting material for...whatever it is you are writing about. ;)

  42. Erm, it's vain, not vein, unless you want Jesus in blood.Lol.

  43. ^I do, thank you.

    I'm fighting really hard not to rattle of a string of God-related curses right now, just to piss off the bible-thumper, but I'd rather not pointlessly offend the non-oppressive Christians out there. You guys I'm cool with. ;)

  44. Finally someone pook'd hair 14 >.< I tried to get Missbonbon to do it =( but she never did. I hope the streaking is fixed as well, that hair had horrible streaking

  45. Anon said... some stuff

    Rhiannon said... some other stuff

    Do you honestly think some random anon poster will be concerned with a post they made? What would they have to be embarrassed about? Since they posted as anon I could see them ignoring the responses rather than posting an explanation or excuse.

    I did agree with some of your post about the flawed way the so called experiment was conducted. There are far better ways something of this nature can be carried out. It causes the reader to conclude the anon is doing poorly in the class. I know my former psychology teacher would have used that as an example of what not to do.

  46. These are really nice textures.. So do you have delete the orig conversions/textures first or can you have several conversions/retextures for the same hairmesh?

  47. >I'm fighting really hard not to rattle of a string of God-related curses right now, just to piss off the bible-thumper...

    Oh, grow up. Don't be so touchy about what offends other people. No one should be minimized no matter what they believe, even if that's nothing, God, or whatever. The frickin' disrespect in today's culture, I swear.
