
February 16, 2010

New FREE Stuff At TSR

There is tons of new stuff at The Sims Resource. Including cool patterns, excellent Sims, and gorgeous houses. *Registration Required*


  1. Georgeous? Lol

    Are Angelina Jolie Sims the new trend now?

  2. i'm sorry whoever this jess person is, but i really don't like your posting format.

    thanks for showing us 3 ugly but FREE items at tsr

  3. Jess please center the pictures. I fixed it for you.

  4. Could you please you spell-check before posting, Jess? It's kind of irksome and very easy to avoid.

  5. ^ lol fail. "use", not "you". Oops ;/

  6. lol @ spellcheck fail anon. bless.

  7. that sim is really pretty.

  8. she's only 15, give her a break.
    although tsr post loads of new crap every day, we dont really need updating on it.

  9. *facepalm*
    Lol, I'm still getting used to things I've basically had to figure stuff out on my own. Sorry for spelling mistakes and stuff.

  10. You seem very excited about TSR. I'd have to advise against it.

  11. *Sigh* I'll work on being less enthusiastic.

  12. ^ They don't have a great reputation, and are really disliked by a lot of people in the community (and on this blog, from what I've seen). Though I guess if you really wanted to screw with everyone you could fawn over TSR and Peggy and watch as lulz unfold in the comments. ;)

  13. Aww, leave Jess alone! I am happy someone is keeping up with updates, except TSR. <= could care less about that site.

    Keep on practicing and you will get there. Thanks alot.

  14. Presumably you weren't aware, but TSR doesn't exactly have a stellar reputation, and the rest of the community tends to have mixed emotions about them at best.

    We'll chalk it up to over-exuberance and move along. :D Thanks for taking over! It will get much easier, I promise.

  15. Trial and error, right? Just give me some time. And I'm sure atleast some people care about TSR... Maybe...

  16. i dont know why i saved this link lol but have a little read Jess, it explains part of the tsr hatred

  17. Being 15 is no excuse for not lurking more.

    But you can't tell white knights these days...

  18. I'm not crazy about TSR's scams but I do check there and download stuff every once and a while, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

  19. ^ I very rarely download something form TSR. And even when I do, it usually comes out of my game rather quickly.

  20. ^ I hear you there, since 80% of the clothing designers don't know how to make a mesh that doesn't trap the Sims' arms to their sides.

  21. Ah, gos. Conspiracy theory central.

  22. The only thing I've downloaded from TSR, is super tight skinny jeans, and a outfit of a tanktop with a cardigan with skinny jeans.

  23. The only thing I've downloaded from TSR, is super tight skinny jeans, and a outfit of a tanktop with a cardigan with skinny jeans.

  24. Yeah, I'm not planning on posting from TSR anytime again soon.

  25. Joe has posted tsr items and sims on several occasion. Jess is 15 years old and agreed to help Joe and some ingrates have nothing better to do than ride her on a few simple errors. There is a nicer way to let someone know if they have made a mistake...some of you have chosen the wrong way. You act as if you are actually 'paying' someone to keep this updated!

  26. You know after reading some of this crap some of you are writing I wish Joe would just let the site rest for awhile and make you LOOK FOR STUFF YOURSELF!!!

  27. ... Maybe we all should just drop this because arguments suck! Like sha! XD

  28. Your doing fine Jess! its nice to have someone optimistic ^o^

  29. I don't think I've been so disgusted in my life at some of the comments I've read on here.
    Someones doing you a favour and all some of you do is piss and moan. I come here everyday to find new CC and appreciate any effort made by those who work on this site.
    No wonder you complain so much about TSR, you carry on like two year olds when you get things for nothing.
    If I was this poor new girl trying to help out, I'd tell you all to piss off and do it you're selves.

  30. ^ You seem much more upset than anyone else in this thread... just be glad this isn't one of Pescado's boards, where you'd be flamed to hell and told to LURK MOAR (which is never a bad idea, really, but can be expressed sans fire). We like to argue and we definitely know what we like, but I think the MS3B populace is generally pretty reasonable and forgiving. :)

  31. Yeah sorry again about that. I didn't know it would cause so much fuss. :( I'll get it right sooner or later. but for now please just stop fighting. Its over with. :)

  32. Jess, don't worry yourself too much about the arguing in the comments. We tend to do it a lot, but it's all generally in good fun, I think, and I don't think any of us hate each other or anything. :) I'm sure Joe would be able to tell you we're quite the argumentative bunch. No worries!

  33. When is Joe back? 'Cause I'm missin him lookin at this? And who is this Jess to Joe?

  34. Hate to you break to you, but most of the community isn't anymore fond of Pescado and his outsized ego than they are of TSR. Most people wish the "haters" on both sides would shut up.

    Jess, didn't do anything wrong. There is no need for her or anyone to tow some sort twisted PC line to please people who only joy is to bitch about the efforts of others.

  35. Calm down. No one was trumpeting Pescado or anyone else. In fact, the impression I got was that people were attempting to warn Jess about this very thing-- that the subject of TSR tends to bring up heated emotions, regardless of where people fall on either side of the discussion.

  36. Hey Jess. I hope you didn't misunderstand my statement about not caring about TSR. That is my problem, not yours.

    Post whatever updates you want, be from paysites and free. People that appreciate that update will comment (although you will get the idiot comments of stupidity from time to time), most others will bypass. Take control and continue on, you are doing okay. :)

  37. What B and some of the others have said. Thanks for updating for us while Joe is absent, Jess. You too Brandon. <3

  38. People are such assholes...Jess, you're doing just fine. And yeah, Joe posts TSR content from time to time, so what's the point on jumping down a guest poster's throat for doing the same thing?

    Besides, I may not be a fan of TSR, but that doesn't mean I don't download from them once in a blue moon. It's still a Sims site, and a large one. Occasionally they might have something that downloaders will find interesting and useful, whether or not they support the site as a whole.

  39. Oh, and just to comment briefly on a little of that content, that Angelina Jolie Sim is a not-so-good likeness IMO, at least in that shot. It's a gorgeous Sim but the only reason I knew it was supposed to be her was because of the freckle.

    But that's okay with me...I don't download celeb sims anyway, and there are already waaaaaay to many versions of Angelina out there.

  40. Well I actually think the last house is pretty damn nice >>
