
February 04, 2010

New Hair by moschino_K

Download at The Sims Resource


  1. i think the stiffness of these would annoy me, but obv theres no way around this right now.... and its not the fault of the creator, it isnt real hair lol great job anyway :)

  2. Like the ponytail, nit the braid. Ponytail looks less stiff.

  3. looks like a rats tail :L

  4. He could've moved the mesh of the ponytail more close to the neck, it would avoid it looking like it's floating. But both are very well done, if it were not this, I would use it more on my sims.

  5. Nice effort. Does look too stiff. I like the styles though. I wear my hair a lot like the 1st one.

  6. I'm sort of wondering if there's a reason that the hair is only shown from the side. Usually when creators do this, it's because there's some flaw with the part of the hair that isn't showing.

  7. Nice, but the pony tail could poke somebody's eyes out

  8. The second one reminds me of BeyoncĂ©´s hair in the video phone videoclip.

  9. WTF at the first pic... is that ponytail on the left having an erection or something?!

  10. yeah. both are nice just need to be brought in closer to the body a bit. great hair for now

  11. The braid would be great for Martial Arts sims. Wahhhh! *slap them with the braid*

  12. I think the mesh has been exported from one of the more recent tomb raider games judging by the ponytail xP Probaly legend :D

  13. No wonder it's shitty, it's from TSR.

  14. In my opinion TSR has many more better downloads then Mod the Sims,it seems like all anyone ever has on Mod these days are either stencil done t-shirts,panties or just more converted hair,yawn......

  15. "No wonder it's shitty, it's from TSR."

    ^^ My thoughts exactly. lmao

  16. looks like a stiff boner in game

  17. ^I'm not sure how many "boners" you've seen, but by your use of that word I'm guessing you're 12, so not many. ;)

    But yeah, the stiffness of the hair is a definite detractor from the prettiness of these.

  18. The texture looks awful in CAS... But it's cute.
    The stiffness fade away, but in game as it doesn't have that much detail it looks kinda good...

  19. Yikes! Pressed the link of the hair and got a Trojan! I thought I'd ought to let you know!

  20. I've downloaded things from TSR for YEARS and have never once gotten a virus,don't listen to the propaganda....

  21. ^It's not propaganda. There are plenty of ads all over TSR that have been known to link to scams and viruses. Not to mention the fact that they share private information. That's not L&P. It's a documented fact.

  22. Ugh, why can't they use the bone assignments.
