
March 17, 2010

Abandoned Factory (Warehouse Rabbit Hole Replacement) by Claeric

Download at Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher


  1. I don't like his lots. He uses far too many windows...especially those windows. x_X

  2. This is the first time I've used those windows. And factories have a lot of windows. :<

  3. You should have used cyclonesue factory windows instead of those. It looks more like a red castle than a factory

  4. im sick of this guys creations, theyre not even good

  5. Yeah the factory windows would have looked good but I think they're TSR-Subscriber and perhaps Claeric does not subscribe to TSR or pirate pay items. :)

    It's nice anyways, keep up the good work Claeric. :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The rabbit hole itself looks like a castle. It has the same roof thing going on, which is why I made it look like that.

    And no, I use the booty and happen to have every Sims 3 Store item, but I try to use as little CC as possible because gathering CC just to use one thing is obnoxious.

    "im sick of this guys creations, theyre not even good"


  8. Cool! I'm always up for more rabbit hole replacements : )

  9. "im sick of this guys creations, theyre not even good"


  10. How could one hide criminal activity in a building with so many windows? If they turn on the lights at night, everything they do will be seen from the outside. The cops will have an easy time of it. ;) I think something a little less open would be better.

    As for a rabbithole replacement, the replacement is the rug, which is not made by this guy and anyone can use it in any building. So really, this is a just a building where he put the rug. He really should give the people who made the rug credit rather than write as though it was his idea.

  11. "I try to use as little CC as possible because gathering CC just to use one thing is obnoxious."

    Personally, I appreciate this. If you'd rather he used a different set of windows, it's not difficult to replace them in game.

  12. I never once implied that I made the rug or that a mini rabbit hole rug was my idea.

    The LOT is the replacement, not the rug. I made the building, I built the insides, I decorated it, I made the lot, I made the replacement. The rug is what allows it to FUNCTION as a replacement.

    I simply forgot the link. They obviously deserve credit for the rugs, but they didn't make the lot.

    And for the person saying it's too open: You're right. I hadn't even thought of that. I was just thinking it'd be cool to make the inside a factory.But still, it's off in the trees. Going there is just as obvious as going to the original rabbit hole(which also has lots of windows) :P But yeah, the open-ness of it is a bit odd for a criminal hideout.

  13. Claeric. I think you have adequate creations. I really enjoy your Tarzan, and your little avi guy is so unique without looking too out there.

    But I think you have a crap attitude when it comes to criticism. As a lurker over at the MTS creators threads, I have seen many times when people offer valid, constructive criticism and you shoot them down and act like a whiny bitch. You think everything you post is perfect and refuse to believe that improvements can be made. Even if someone just suggest tweaking a slider just a hint, you get all "NO NO NO YOU'RE WRONG, I'M RIGHT, IT WON'T WORK. IT'S PERFECT."

    You can also be a real dick on MATY.

    So unfortunately, until you improve your attitude towards other creators/people who just want to help, I will never download anything of yours nor will I recommend you to other people of the Simming community.

    Though to tell you the truth, I know you are just going to ignore this post as jealousy or just another crazy internet person.

    But I don't care because I really feel like you need an attitude adjustment towards people who are only trying to help.

  14. It looks nice, Claeric.

  15. Well, unlike the angry anons, I enjoy your work, Claeric.

    I do feel there are slightly too many windows, but that is something that I can easily fix myself with that handy thing called Build Mode. So no worries.

    Thanks for sharing. I'm a lazy building maker so your lots are great ways for me to continue being lazy.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. 0_o

    I don't know what I did wrong.

    I never claimed the rabbit hole rugs were mine or my idea. I explained why I did the roof the way I did, I explained that the windows were to imitate the existing rabbit hole, I agreed that the open-ness is a bit odd.

    What more do you want? >_>? I'm not gonna go alter the lot based on any and all criticism recieved. Especially if it's minor, like "I think there are too many windows". So remove a few, it's not a big deal. So I explain why I did it and leave it at that.


    I'm a lazy building maker so your lots are great ways for me to continue being lazy.

    This is the goal of all lot makers: To make their mark on others' towns, often by way of appealing to their lack of ambition to change them themselves >:D mwahahaha

  18. Making a replacement rabbit hole that looks worse than the original it's kind of pointless.

  19. Claeric, honestly, the only way to avoid being bashed and/or trolled is to ignore it when it happens. Responding to criticism is one thing, but don't take anything *personal* to heart. The more you respond to it, the more it's going to happen.

    As for the whole "too many windows" idea...I'm not sure how many old factories you've seen, but they often look like this: several stories high, virtually every wall covered in floor-to-ceiling, many-paned windows. It *would* look great with the CycloneSue windows, but since those are pay and not everyone wants to use them, I see why these were used instead.

  20. What Katana said.

    Also, I like it. It takes me back to counterstrike for some reason, and that's a good thing. I feel like I should run up into that room at the top and rescue some hostages :D

  21. I like it. :( .... I've liked all of your rabbithole replacement lots so far with the exception of the spa, which was too colorful for my taste, and I'm too lazy to redecorate it, so I'm just leaving the rabbit hole where it is.

    As for the too open business... I live near an old run down factory, and it has.. many.. many windows. I have no idea what goes on in there now, and it's frankly too creepy for me to bother investigating, windows or no windows. Lots of crap could be going on in there, but really don't know, and I'm not going to investigate. xD

  22. Personally I think the people who said the negative comments need to look over some factories this one looks just like the one around where I live and the shit they were bitching about can be yourself come on its a lot you know build mode you can expand on Claeric's idea personally this shit looks awesome and I don't think the hideout is spacious its just right. Good work Claeric your creations are fuckin awesome.
