
March 13, 2010

Anthony & Steven by Lemon Leaf

Download at Lemon Leaf's Blog


  1. I know it's a bit stupid of my part to ask this but, is Lemon gay? I mean, his Sims are always softy cute-cute looking.

  2. All this time I've thought Lemon Leaf was a girl D:

    Hooray, this might make less random n00bs sign up at the Cave and beg for Lemon's models. One can only hope.

  3. All this time I've thought Lemon Leaf was a girl D:

    Hooray, this might make less random n00bs sign up at the Cave and beg for Lemon's models. One can only hope.

  4. " Anonymous said...

    I know it's a bit stupid of my part to ask this but, is Lemon gay? I mean, his Sims are always softy cute-cute looking."

    China, and Asia in general, is very into soft, feminine looking men and women. It's just their culture, it doesn't mean the creator is gay. Also, I think lemon is female? hm..

    on a side note, does anyone know if the earring in the first picture is included? Do want it :D

  5. Now if only Lemon Leaf will put his/her female sims up for grabs. A lot of people request those at Sims Cave.

    And the earring looks like one at Rose Sims. Not sure if it's included in the download, but if it isn't, it's on the seventh page of accessories. It's the Buffy earring.

  6. i really want to know what skin he's using :\ my current guess is subaxi's.

  7. her work is so Feminization,and i'd like man.
    so,all of her wrok are nausea in my opinion

  8. I like her sims, they're good looking, in my opinion.

  9. hmmm nah not my cup of tea but its nice shes giving them away I suppose..

  10. they look like one of those japanese cartoons.

  11. i thought lemon was a chick? meh on the models ..they arent bad but not my taste

  12. Steven is gorgeous. Anthony, not so much...

  13. Where can I get the jacket suit of this model??????

    Anyway, comic heroes in asian culture look like this. Asian female prefer feminine-like men.
    Some girls are into macho-type guys for sure. But feminine/Pop Idol-lookalike are more popular in our culture.

    By the way I love Lemon Leaf's crations, either she's her or he's a him.(Wink)

  14. "Steven is gorgeous. Anthony, not so much..."

    LOL! You do realize they are virtually identical except for slightly different hair colors and a splash of makeup, right?

  15. Most of you who are posting rather rude comments make me upset. Yes, he does look rather feminine and yes, he is wearing makeup, but please try to do some background research on cultures.

    Asians usually have softer features and admire the feminine look in both males and females, just like little bee said.

    However, I did think that these two were actually one sim. lmao
