
March 03, 2010

Antlers Accessory by Claeric

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. lol I don't want to sound mean, but that Tarzan wife must be some really bad woman XD
    khem ;p ( yeah, crappy joke, don't hit xD )

  2. ^^^ ah i get it....cause he's horny right? lol not too shabby
    you made me think too!!! nooooo

    honestly im more worried bout the horny servo...uh oh

  3. lol they used the weirdest sims to show those antlers.

  4. I love them sooooooooo much, but I wish there was a smaller version. Although they are the actual proportion on a real deer, I find them a bit too awkward to put on my sims. If the creator sees this would you consider a smaller set?

  5. So very random. I like it. :)

  6. Ummm....I don't see how this could ever be useful.

  7. It's useful for gamers who like quirky stuff or fantasy or like to create animal-sims, I personally love them and will use them also a lot.

  8. Kewl! The last chick looks like a druid lady or something. ^_^

  9. I fucking hate Claeric. The only reason I go to MTS, is to see him get butthurt everytime someone counters him.

  10. the horney servo joke made me think of that episode of robot chicken where the robot falls in love with the juke box XD

    these are neat, not sure i'll need them but I still like :)

  11. "I fucking hate Claeric. The only reason I go to MTS, is to see him get butthurt everytime someone counters him."


  12. ps.Tarzan looks pretty ridiculous

  13. I <3 Claeric ever since I saw him tell the TRUTH in the thread for daluved1's hideous bridesmaid dress.

    Has he really been banned? It says so on his MTS profile. I can't help but assume that was because he told that bitch the honest truth (which is complete and utter bullshit). Could have been a totally different reason but I find it suspicious.

  14. @ Anon,

    LOL, I totally know what you mean. I always check the thread at MTS "TS3 gone backwards" Just to see claerics reaction everytime someone like Suzetter, or Charming Firewaller disagrees with him. I remember in the ambitions thread for the new ep, charming said something, Claeric replied, and HP deleted the post saying "The last fracking straw." He has been officially banned FOREVAH(YES) by HP according to this link.

    But, man, I will definitely miss the hilarity he has always ensued many with. )=

  15. I dunno, I never noticed him being excessively rude. He was usually just being honest, from what I saw, and it sucks that it isn't allowed on MTS. It's becoming more and more like TSR in that the only commentary allowed is from fawning sheeple. Quite frankly, I've always thought that daluved1 was very rude to people, but that's okay. So it's okay for mods but not members? Cool.

    I'm curious, though. Are there any links that might shed some light on this supposed "confrontational, abrasive, and rude" side of Claeric? I don't wanna defend the guy if he really is a dick. ;)

    MTS used to be one of the best sites out there for downloads, but lately the only thing coming out regularly are houses. I nab new utilities from there and otherwise generally avoid it because there's not much else there worth getting, anyway. And when the mods don't even allow people to speak their minds, I'm not all that interested in their site.

    This blog might get trolled a lot, but at least people here are allowed to say what they think...

  16. I've seen a lot of Claeric's posts and he didn't seem rude at all to me. A little blunt, sometimes, but definitely not to the point that a ban was necessary. Maybe I spend too much time at MATY, but I don't see anything wrong with honesty.

    Seems to me like poor wittle Deluved probably whined until Mommy HP banned the meanie commenter.

  17. ^Well we honestly can't know that one way or the other. But I'd also like to see some sort of evidense that he actually deserved a ban, because I haven't seen any.

  18. claeric takes everything up the butt

  19. D'aw, thanks for defending me guys.

    I hadn't even considered that my telling the truth to Dal might have had something to do with it. I bwould not be surprised if it had. That dress was utter shit and if anyone else had made it it would have been rejected, and that is fact.

    I've been considering my own site to upload stuff to but I'm not sure what site to use to make it. ;-;

  20. yup claeric is a butt pirate!

  21. ^^ thats a good one :D
