
March 06, 2010

Antony by Darko

Download at Darko Sims 3


  1. I have a sim that looks like this in my game. I forgot where I got him, maybe it is one of Cece's?

    Anyway, he is handsome.

  2. Wow! He's cute...he does look alot like one of mine...the one everyone said looked like prince of persia *sp* I guess we have similiar taste in design!! :-)

  3. ...Awww have one of my babies?! You treating him right? Lol!

  4. omg he does look like the prince!! but the eyes are a bit off.. he looks possessed.... but i think i shall download him.

  5. Darko, your sims are sooo hot!!! Thanks for making more male stuff. We so need it. Please keep it coming.

  6. Yeah, Cece! I have several of your babies. Giselle, whom I named Cece is a grandma and elder. The one that look like this sim has died and had 3 kids and about 7 grands, 2 great grands. Garrett was a terror in his youth, but now he is an elder, retired from being the Evil one and passed it to his grandson. Garrett never had boys, but his daughters had all boys, he loved the evil ones. LOL!

  7. Wow! How cool to hear what's happening to my sims in others game. Giselle/Cece an elder! Lol! Seems like you have had a great time with them all!! I've got so many ready to dl...just trying to find a spot to download them to since SimNational is on hiatus.

  8. Wooow, he`s hot ;) I love the eyes and hair.

  9. yes, he loks like prince of persia XD damn hott one ;p totally wanna download XD yey

  10. ^
    I sincerely hope "not hot" and "looks gay" aren't the same concept to you. I've seen some very hot gay guys.
