
March 28, 2010

Conversion Rosesimsdonate0071-A by TumTum Simiolino

Download for teen - elder males and females at My Blue Book

File name: TTS_CONVERSION_Rosesimsdonate0071_1


  1. The hairs at the hairline kill it. :\ They don't come out at the right place...

  2. despite the 5 pictures I still have no sense of what this hair looks like...

  3. I was about converting this hair once, then I saw how the hair floats to the left (sim's left) and that was the big NO for me. Besides that we already have this kind of hairstyle.

  4. I agree with Claeric, I was like wtf :|

  5. I forgot to say! Nice conversion ^-^
    This is the original hair, just in case you want to compare:

  6. Well we didn't have this EXACT one okay? Which is why need 82 variants of the same floppy emo-style hair. Gosh!

  7. The original is better. It's shiny but not too shiny. Well, I still don't like the sim's left side hair swooping off like that. And I guess the stuff in front of hte face is pretty dumb...

    ugh actually just screw this hair

    The first pic of this hair mislead me to think it was cool and we were missing out because of the hairline issue, but the more I look at it the more I hate it. <_<

  8. Правовые любимые модели!

  9. Yeah I don't like the hairline at all. Shame cos it could be decent hair.

    I wish people wouldn't use Alys Memory Lane actions on their photos... or whatever softening action that is.

  10. I believe it's "diffuse glow". Gives a bloom-ish effect.

  11. Please give him/her a chance!!!!!!!

  12. I think the conversion is rather good if you compare it to the original but I don't really like the hair.

  13. My vagins chews tobacco and enjoys fine scotch. It also collects stamps.

  14. Lol I'm sorry your vagina doesn't exist, Claeric. ;D

    The conversion is FINE. The original hair just kinda isn't.

  15. My vagina imploded, which is why I'm always angry.

    As for the hair, no thanks.

  16. UPDATE:

    New Peggy Free Hair:

  17. Peggy just released a gorgeous looking free hair ;)

  18. ^forgot the link :P

  19. I think this mesh is horrible but the conversion is great

  20. ^^ Thanks anonymous. The hair is pretty. Finally, Peggy makes nicer hair nowadays.

  21. I dunno.. I kinda like it. I should try it ingame, but according to the pics, it's a natural-looking hair. That little baldness on the forehead looks more natural then those sharp thick hairlines out there, even if it's not perfect.. And it floats on one side, but what then? Not so radically that it'd kill it.

  22. Aw, man, I missed the discussion about vaginas.

    The hair looks like it's fairly well done, but it's not my style. I hope to see more from this converter, though. The more we have making conversions, the more nice stuff we'll see. :)

  23. It looks as if shes balding to me :/

  24. It looks as if shes balding to me :/

  25. It's not a bad hair, but the hairline does need work. That may or may not be the fault of the original mesh, though. It's bald and patchy on the (viewer's) left.

    The part that annoys me is that all but the last pic are heavily filtered; the flaws aren't as visible until you see it in CAS (although you can see it a bit in the second and third shots). That's basically false advertising, IMO. The first picture in particular is so blurry that you can't see any detail whatsoever.

    It's not my style of hair, but it's not a terrible conversion, even if there are flaws. Like Katana said, I hope to see more from this converter; he/she will most likely improve with time, like all the others have.

    And lol at the anon who called this "emo."

  26. Claeric said...
    i dont think that

    as my vagina does not exist

    ROFL! Oh man. That was good.

  27. using photoshop filters doesn't make your work any better...

  28. it just looks like a permanent wind is blowing so no not for me.

  29. too much streaks at the front.. :/

  30. The last sim looks like John Locke from LOST.
