
March 27, 2010

The Divas - Part 2 - Diana Ross by Audrey

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. I have never found Diana Ross (the Boss) to be attractive, but gosh, she is not this ugly. Now that sim does look beaten with an ugly stick. Ugh.

  2. Diana Ross looks great for some one in their 60s. I highly doubt i can say the same for your parents and grandparents.

  3. The thing that drives me the craziest about 'celebrity Sims' is the creators feel the need to over-exaggerate every feature that makes up the celebrity's face. Instead of trying to capture every detail, why don't they just make Sims that look like a Sim version of the celebrity?

    That said, this looks like crap, but I've never been a fan of Audrey's Sims.

  4. The thing that drives me the craziest about 'celebrity Sims' is the creators feel the need to over-exaggerate every feature that makes up the celebrity's face. Instead of trying to capture every detail, why don't they just make Sims that look like a Sim version of the celebrity?

    That said, this looks like crap, but I've never been a fan of Audrey's Sims.

  5. I don't really see a resemblance, but good job for trying

  6. eeh...who?
    Anyway, the sim, celebrity or not, looks ugly.

  7. Great job! I don't think Audrey over-exaggerates every features, I think she tries to make them precise. Good job! I knew who she was straight away.

  8. Some of the creators on MTS2 over do the celebrities, trying to have every detail match perfectly. In doing so, they lose the look of the celebrity. Its sad because they start out so well. This one is pretty good though. It looks like Diana, not when she was very young, but later. Very pretty.

  9. I think it looks like Diana, too.
    The sleepy eyes are great in particular. <3

  10. I'll tell you why every celebrity sim is over exaggerated on MTS. Its because if they aren't over exaggerated, then they arent approved. I tried uploading a celebrity sim one time, and it was denyed. So I asked why, and the answer was "her face isnt exaggerated enough". So basically MTS sucks :P

  11. "eeh...who?"

    Honestly, do you not know any pop culture references from before you were born?

    The sim is okay.

  12. She looks like a crackhead, especially in the second pic.

  13. "Delete this shit! I wish MTS would ban Audrey!!!"

    Dear Anonymous..... I don't know what I did to you to deserve that comment, but it is uncalled for and hurtful. I dare you to post it under your MTS username, as you clearly have some issue with me.

    Yes, it is impossible to get your sims uploaded unless you have every little detail from the source picture in your sim.

    The whole idea of doing celebrity sims is to make them look as close to the real person as possible, NOT a cariacture of a celebrity. If you check out the source picture, you will see she is close as dammit to the original DR. Audrey

  14. Oops, I forgot to thank those who have constructively criticised and those who support my work, so thank you very much. I don't expect everyone or anyone to like my work or think it is good, but I do think personal attacks on me, especially, anonymously are tasteless, tacky and cowardly.

    The art is in the detail.(; Audrey

  15. Please don't respond to the trolls, Audrey. It fuels their fun and makes you look whiny. We all know that such comments are uncalled for, so ignoring them is the best course of action.

    Nice sim, btw.

  16. I totaly agree with the last comment Audrey, and I have to say you are getting better each work. Cograts!!!
