
March 17, 2010

Enhanced Wavy Hair by Kiara24

Download at Mod The Sims

File name: EnhancedWavyHair


  1. Ew ew ew. I can't do any better but I can't believe this was accepted by MTS.

  2. she makes good stuff but this hair is detestable either way. not her fault

  3. MTS, TSR, who can really tell the difference these days.

  4. I can't believe MTS accepted this or the one she did before it. Both look ridiculously bad.

  5. It kind of reminds me of diarrhea. Lovely:)....

  6. It's not hair. It's maggots.

  7. More like a "I didn't wash my hair for two weeks" hair.

  8. I don't know why this is called "ENHANCED"?

  9. WTF EVER. This looks worse than EA hair.

  10. Holy crap! This is really really bad !!

  11. I wish not every creation out there was posted. In all honesty, and not willing to diss anyone or be harsh, but it is common sense.

    I mean, it is cool to start learning how to create content for this game, but aren't they aware of the poor quality of their creations? What is the urge of sharing something you have done for the first time and looks, weel, like this? (i know this is not his/her first hair though).

    Some creations are awesome (peggy, newsea, liana and her alter egos) others are ok (tomislaw and her pregnancy clothes are very welcome even though the quality could and surely will be improved over time), but others are really noobish and crappy.

    I know there's not a way to stop you from posting what WE think is crappy or not well made, because it's our opinion. But it would be a good idea to at least filter a bit what's been posted, don't you think? We have enough with TSR, and MTS is becoming worse with time, i don't even go there anymore lol...

    I hope no one thought i was being harsh or something, it wasn't my intention.

  12. Has anyone of you seen vintage curly hairdo's that shine like they've been soaked in gel? :P

    That's what this looks like, and I'm loving it.

  13. seawead hair !! EEEW how could anyone want this hair *belch*

  14. I agree with the anon above me. Well said.

  15. Lol this hair is not that good but don't you think you guys comments are a little to harsh a few fixes could actually make it ok. Oh yeah to the anon who said some of peggy's hairs are awesome I disagree. I haven't found one that was worth downloading and MTS always have premiere content some shit that you have to have like...I don't know sliders. MTS creations make way for more creators so for you to say you don't even go to MTS no more..well thats asinine.

  16. Lol this hair is not that good but don't you think you guys comments are a little to harsh a few fixes could actually make it ok. Oh yeah to the anon who said some of peggy's hairs are awesome I disagree. I haven't found one that was worth downloading and MTS always have premiere content some shit that you have to have like...I don't know sliders. MTS creations make way for more creators so for you to say you don't even go to MTS no more..well thats asinine.

  17. Haven't you read it is MY opinion?
    I don't go there anymore EXCEPT for such "premiere" things, obviously. But i don't recall going there for anything else (hair, clothes, etc).

    And i don't like some of peggy's hairs, but since i do like a lot of them, i can say her work is for the most part quite awesome (not just hair by the way). Please, it's just my opinion, if you disagree well, that's ok.

    And i don't think i was harsh at any moment, i didn't say "THIS IS FLAT, THIS IS SHIT" or anything like that. And this hair could be improved as you said, and i didn't say the contrary.

  18. Honestly, thanks to the creator for their time, but this hair (especially the lighter colour with highlights) looks like bullshit. Seriously, GREASE!! I'm quite ashamed that this was accepted by MTS and after I saw the pics and the creator name, I was hoping this wasnt up on MTS, But its WAS and that annoys me. Im going to be a pussy and anon myself because I'm I creator at MTS. :)

  19. Nothing wrong with anonifying yourself. I'm doing it too.

    There ARE some unnecessarily harsh comments here. You can say what you don't like without being super mean about it. At the same time, though...there are definite quality issues with this.

    To the creator, I like some of your stuff, and it's nothing personal, but the textures on this really do need work. They are very harsh and, as people have said, give the hair a greasy appearance.

    In general, I'm getting pissed at the declining quality at MTS. With TS2 only the best submissions were accepted. Either their standards have greatly declined or they just aren't getting enough submissions so they're letting just about anything through. I'm scared to see what's NOT being accepted if this (and Deluved1's hideous bridesmaid dress disaster, which is even worse) ARE being accepted.

    It's a shame, especially considering the rate at which TSR releases furniture sets, some good and some bad; there just isn't enough at MTS to keep up, even if TSR sucks balls in most other departments. I hope it's just because the game is still fairly young and MTS will eventually return to its former glory.

  20. ^Oh, and HUGE EFFIN' LOL at the anon who placed only Peggy, NewSea and the Lianas in the "awesome" category. You need to look around more.

  21. ^Those were just examples! I like a lot more creators, of course xDD If i was to name them all... ._. well wow. And i agree with your comments.

  22. @anon with longer post(about 2/3 above) you are really great at saying what you want to say, but not being a bitch.

    I'm also so pissed at MTS declining quality. My theory is also that they dont get enough hair/furniture submissions so they let complete shite through, ESPECIALLY for hair. I've even thought about complaining to them or something, but I'm sure the mods would just tell me to go to TSR or something... Which is what they tell EVERYBODY who says they don't like a creation.

  23. I, for one, like anonimous comments because it makes things more impartial, and you can actually express what you want to (not talking about the really harsh comments here uh).

    And, i agree with the last anon above me, and the others who talked about the declining quality of that site.


  25. It's a giant fail for blond hair... but it doesn't look THAT bad for the brunette model in the second picture. I still won't download though :/

  26. OML! Perfect for a storyline where a girl accidentally dyes her hair green - for the shots where it's still wet :D

    Again, have seen this much gel in someone's hair in real life too.

  27. I actually like it.
