
March 26, 2010

Erik Jorgensen Corona Swivel armchair by melanise

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. My sim made that pose today, I was like "How gay are you!?".

  2. ^ That makes you the one who are stupid. That's position is the way England Nobles/Gentlemen sits. That's a high-class way to sit back days.

  3. and sorry for the bad language, it's not my mother tongue.

  4. ^^ Im from England, what they hell is an English nobleman?
    Gordan Brown doesnt even sit like that. What century are you living in???

    I agree, sim guys look ridiculous sitting ike that.

  5. Anyway i love these chairs! Thanks alot, they'll go great in my house :)

  6. LOL secondanon is retarded.

    Unless "back days" means a few hundred years ago...I dunno. For a modern person, that's a pretty feminine way to sit. That doesn't mean the sitter is gay (whole other can of worms in that sort of comment), but hey, that's the first assumption most people would make, inaccurate or not.

    Aaaaaaanyway, the chair looks good. I'm not a huge fan of the shape, but the textures are excellent.
