
March 13, 2010

*free* Newsea Maple Male+Female Hairstyle

Download at The Sims Resource - First hair is free the other two are pay.


  1. The last one is for free on Garden of Shadows.

  2. Actually, I never liked these three hairs. First one is too goody-two-shoes and the others are just too much hair for me, idk.

  3. lol the blond in the last pic is cross-eyed

  4. Why is Newsea going over to TSR all of a sudden? It makes no sense. O.o

  5. maybe none ones buying there crap. at least uploading there hair to tsr there getting some benefit out of it

  6. "The last one is for free on Garden of Shadows."

    They're ALL free at SimsCave and PMBD.

  7. Newsea went over to TSR exclusively a while ago. For teh greedz.

    I kind of feel like these hairs shouldn't be posted... They were posted when added to Newsea's site, when they were new. Newsea got enough plugging for this (almost entirely pay) content then. It's just reuploaded onto a different site, nothing has been changed.

  8. I am glad she has them on TSR. They are fixed and run much better on my computer than the previous ones on her site. They should be posted here because they are now actually working! And yes, they have changed. They size is much smaller and all the junk has been cleaned out of the files. They work just as well if not better than some of the other hairs in my game.

  9. I wonder if Newsea will ever make any hairs that don't start out so wide at the top.

    They just look unnatural, which sucks because a lot of them would be pretty cool if they didn't have that weird swoopy waterfall explosion at the top. I want Maple Male, but without the headcrap on the left. :|

    People seem to really dig these kinds of hairs, though, so whatever

  10. I really liked Newsea's hairs but I deleted all of the .package ones. I can't have CC that is in TSR. I hate TSR.

  11. Funny...I think many of her hairs are more natural than Peggy's hair. To each his own, I guess.

  12. I don't understand why TSR brings out the inner drama queen in so many people in the community. Downloading free or pirated TSR files does not mean you're supporting TSR in any way. If you don't like TSR but you want to download somehting, go right ahead! Just don't give them any money unless you want to share your downloads with the booty.

    I'm torn here, since Newsea's .packages mess my game up to all hell; I guess I'll wait to see this stuff on the booty, then D:

  13. I don't understand why TSR brings out the inner drama queen in so many people in the community. Downloading free or pirated TSR files does not mean you're supporting TSR in any way. If you don't like TSR but you want to download somehting, go right ahead! Just don't give them any money unless you want to share your downloads with the booty.

    I'm torn here, since Newsea's .packages mess my game up to all hell; I guess I'll wait to see this stuff on the booty, then D:

  14. Yes, but all those old posts go nowhere now, since everything has been removed from Newsea's site. I was about to delete all of the old posts, but will not since they have the file names for people who might want to remove them.

  15. i totally agree with this statement:
    I kind of feel like these hairs shouldn't be posted... They were posted when added to Newsea's site, when they were new. Newsea got enough plugging for this (almost entirely pay) content then. It's just reuploaded onto a different site, nothing has been changed.

    newsea had their 15 minutes of fame, let other converters shine thru!

  16. lol, the last blond sim is crosseyed XD

  17. I get Joe's point by re-linking to all the new TSR Newsea hairs. Besides, this way Newsea gets twice the publicity and STILL nobody'll buy his crap :D

  18. Bliss has to be one of my favorite sim hairstyles of all time. Looks great in game

  19. I wonder if the hair really look the same through the TSRW crapper. I will wait and see.

  20. no need to wait for it to show up on the booty. i got all his hairs so far from the exchange.

  21. "newsea had their 15 minutes of fame, let other converters shine thru!"

    Thirded. The hairs are alright (for buggy and bloated paysite hair), but we've already seen them posted, what, twice? The first time on Newsea's original website, and a second time when their new website went up. I'm not sure we need to see it yet again, just because they moved to TSR.

    Of course, this isn't intended as an insult to Joe or any of the other udpaters on this blog. Y'all do great work. :)

  22. Maybe people should read the posts instead of rushing to comment! At least they would understand the reason for the new post of the hair on the blog! The files have been fixed so there isn't as much bloat in them. That means they work better in game and are not as bad for a computer as the original Newsea files!

  23. ^^ Maybe you should try using exclamation marks sparingly, like they are intended to be used.

    Plenty of people had no problem with the older Newsea files, myself included. Of course, now that they come from TSR they're probably full of spyware and AIDS. Enjoy.

  24. I downloaded the "Viking" hair from PMBD and the hair is glitched when the sims take a shower or bath. It changes to some weird short hair.

    Has there been an update to fix this?

    The file names included in the zip folder are this:

