
March 05, 2010

Gothic Set by Elenka

Set includes: 3 coffee table, chair, sofa, sofa, chair, paintings, books, clocks and curtain.

Download at Elenka


  1. I LOVE Adele's stuff! I hope she startes to create sets like her TS2 stuff, because she made some of the most amazingly beautiful furniture for that game. In the mean time, I'll happily play with conversions. :)

  2. Adele? Who is adele? No adele is credited for this set.

  3. ^ Elenka converted this set MADE by Adele for Sims 2.

  4. ^ Yeah, I know Adele is the one who worked her a** off to make the originals, but Adele isn't mentioned at Elenka's -

  5. ^So are you contesting the comment or are you pointing out that Elenka didn't give credit? What is your point?

    Love the set, btw.

  6. I think she's just sarcastically pointing out that Elenka didn't credit the original creator. Which she didn't.

    It's a very pretty set, either way. I also hope Adele makes some of her own stuff, because she's very talented.

  7. OFF TOPIC : What happen to Einfach Simlisch?

  8. I was a fan of Adele stuff in Sims 2. I think it stinks that Elenka didn't credit Adele, but I guess it is whatever goes now.

    I always re-decorate the Goth house with Adele's stuff, especially the floors and walls. Made the old mansion look like it had musty, old moth balls smells. :)

    However, I am not getting that vibe with this set. Maybe I dislike the way the preview is set, walls are too bright and carpet looks meh.

    I do hope Adele start creating for Sims 3. I loved her floors and walls as well.

  9. ^Yeah, Elenka isn't as good at previewing stuff as Adele is, and it sucks that she didn't give credit. But I'm hoping this looks better in-game. It looks a little dark here, and you're right that the decor of the rest of the room totally doesn't match. But I loved the original set so I'm definitely going to give it a shot.

  10. Personally I think this set is a waaay better than that fom The Store

  11. ^Well that's very true. I just wish it looked as good as the original it was converted from. But like anon said, it might just be the pics since it looks very dark here. It could look gorgeous in-game.

  12. Love most of her stuff.
    Her clutter is awesome,
    just seems like sometimes her actual furniture lacks "depth".

  13. Here is a pic of it in game it has a few flaws though.
    1)The sofa's,chair's,table's and curtains are not re-colorable. 2)The sofa is cloned from a chair so only one sim can sit in it :s.
    Image of what it looks like in game!

  14. It actually looks pretty nice, but not recolorable? Pfffffft...deleting. Kinda sad, really.

  15. Yeah it is. I am working on trying to fix it to make this set recolorable and to fix the issue's with the sofa's being chairs hopefully I can fix it.

  16. aww thats rubbish :C it looks really really nice in the screenshots ahhhhhh :c

  17. It is going to be tough to make the seating truly recolorable and retain the detailed texturing... This why actually contacting the original creator is not the nice thing to do, it really necessary if one wants to a decent conversion.

  18. ^ oops! should read -

    This why actually contacting the original creator is not only the nice thing to do, it is really necessary if one wants to a decent conversion.

  19. Unfortunately, this conversion is no where near as nice as the original set... but it's progress. Another plus about Adele's stuff is that the texturing is sooo superb, that you cannot even tell that it's low-poly~

  20. ^Yeah, Adele is a genius when it comes to textures.

  21. oh my god i fucking love this

  22. WOW! I was waiting for this! Thanks!!!
