
March 29, 2010

The Heart Sisters by Jennabray

Download at Jennabray's Sims 3


  1. is this all the same sim with different hairstyles or what?

  2. ^If you went to the blog, you would have seen they are sisters.

  3. something like a variation of the same sim. they are pretty though. iv made some very nice looking sim family lines using her sims. those features look nice transferred down the generations

  4. i think they're all very pretty. i like her sims and don't think they look the same, she has her own style of making sims people shouldn't be rude even if they don't like them because everyones always talking trash about her sims

  5. I think they are adorable. Love the moles on the last sim, must go to the site and check them out. Thanks.

  6. I normally like Jennabray's sims - but these all look like drag queens to me. There is a very masculine look to them.

  7. The first and third one are absolutly gorgeous! Me love:)

  8. Ohhhhh Wow! I'm in love with all of them. They are all gorgeous, slighty different but all nice.

    Do they all have the same parents?

  9. Hey there this is Jeanelle, Jenna's sister.

    To the anon above me!

    I don't realy know much but I know they are all in born sims. I think that the first sim has a different father and the other 3 have the same parents. I know that the Father for the other 3 is Jared Rio previously created sim, and they have a brother so it was 5 sim babies in total.

    She told me she'll be adding more pictures later because blogger was acting up.

    Take care!

  10. they are very pretty - thanks!

  11. they are very nice


  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. There's always the edit in CAS option. You can change their features, It's a -somewhat- free country.

    Can you anonymous, smack-talkers do better?

  15. ^
    U mad that they arr rook same, Jennabray?

  16. Don't feed the trolls - point and laugh instead.

    I really like the first lady, she's very beautiful :D Oh, wait, maybe "tranny" is the new word for "beautiful"..?

  17. To the Anon

    I think they are all variations on the same crappy sim though, not just these but all the sims she posts.

    What makes her sims crappy? Back up your point. Let's see yours so we can judge. Your comment does make you sound like you're hating. But that's your opinion. It's not a fact. A consistent style yeah but the same sim, I don't think so.

  18. I think i'll pass on these They're nice though :)

  19. "What makes her sims crappy? Back up your point. Let's see yours so we can judge. Your comment does make you sound like you're hating. But that's your opinion. It's not a fact. A consistent style yeah but the same sim, I don't think so."

    Number one: My comment sounds like i'm hating probably because I am hating? If that's the correct terminology, I dont hate the sim, I just find it tedious comming on here and seeing MS3B ruin his blog by posting the same boring, no effort sims just like this "creator"s.
    Some people make brilliant, unique sims and deserve to be featured on a blog like this, Jennabray made one brilliant sim then reused it over and over again to the point where I need not even look at who made it because id seen it at least 3 times before.
    There's a place for this crap, it's called the exchange.

    Number 2:
    "But that's your opinion. It's not a fact."
    I never stated it as fact, im sorry i didn't realise i had to state it as an opinion for people on here to realise it was infact, just that:
    my opinion.

  20. Damnnnnnn! Atleast you admit it, You're a hater go get a life Hater.

  21. Ohhhh! The hating anon sounds butt hurt.

  22. Ok! Thanks all for the comments. And for those who defend my and my poor sims. But I just can't stand what the anonymous person said.

    "Jennabray made one brilliant sim then reused it over and over again to the point where I need not even look at who made it because id seen it at least 3 times before."

    I did not use the same sim and upload it over and over again, THAT'S A FACT. Why do you have to be the way you are?

    "There's a place for this crap, it's called the exchange."
    For MS3B showing my sims makes them crappy right?

    For your info I put a lot of effort on my sims. I do have a certain style in which I follow FACT. That's just me but to Hate particularly on mine makes you look bad. Why would I want to create something that looks like everything else? Why don't you ask to showcase your sims? Or the sims of other creators, that you think are unique. You need to do something about it if it bothers you so much.

    If you don't like my CRAPPY SIMS or wait ME because I create them... Or my STYLE... Well than that's too bad and I feel sorry for you. Other's hate them, other's love them.

    "After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him. The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut."

    Bull as in you talk to much crap... Just like my Crappy sims :)

    I respect other people's opinion because it makes me better, but yours is disrespectful. And I had to defend myself or my lovely pixel people.

    Like them, Love them, HATE them whatever... Just enjoy them.

  23. People hate on the nice things. You must be doing something right to have the anon so mad Jenna.

  24. Jenna, I sware sometimes you sound like me :P

  25. That's because you're my twin Zakkp8. I agree with everything you say. Love you!:)

  26. "internet people are so annoying"
    You included right? cause you are part of what you call "internet people", whatever that is.

    Last one is the only one I like. I won't be downloading though, she's not special enough.

  27. All are pretty downloading all of them. Jenna's sims are all special she's super talented.

  28. Also, it's pretty hypocritical to use the "let's see the Sims you created!" line when I'm sure the very same people make negative comments about hairs, objects, sets, lots, etc. they don't like and no one tells you "Let's see X you created." This is especially true when the overwhelming opinion on an item is negative. So don't try to use that line because it can be thrown right back at you when you're expressing dislike over someone else's work and I'm sure not all of you can or do make your own hairs, objects, sets, lots, etc. Hating for the hell of it is one thing, but criticism should be allowed, despite the fact that you seem to adore a certain person who creates things for the Sims. Not everyone is going to like the same thing and should be allowed to express it.

  29. Anon is seriously hating. Wow He/she Admit it. I wonder who it is curiousity is killing me. But I don't know why he/she would pick on Jenna, she's actually really sweet. It must be a vendetta.
