
March 01, 2010

Hedges and topiaries set from the Sims 2 by TheJim07

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. I just screamed a little when I saw this. Never realized how much I miss these hedges. Ooo, thankies!

  2. yey, delfin is back in town XD more plant = more fun ;D

  3. Oh gosh, I wonder if the blog maintainers have any control over the adverts on their page? (Genuine question, since I understand if they do not.) Seeing images of bloody, dead piglets in an ad that 'shows why everyone would be vegetarian if slaughterhouses had glass walls' is not what I was looking for when I came in. x_x

  4. IA with the anon above about the adverts, not what I want to see AT all.

  5. Maybe you should get Adblock Plus and problem solved. I don't see any adverts at all in this blog.

  6. I had an "Is your man gay" ad one time.
    I took the test... he was straight as an arrow. :)

    Great to see slaughterhouse images while I'm eating a philly cheesesteak.
    Way... to... go. :)

    Glad to see the traditional hedges are back, anyone tried them out in game yet? Do the textures match up with the default?

  7. I love these shrubs, they look truly lovely.

    If you right click on the ads with Mozilla (sometimes you have to do it at the bottom of the pic in the "Ads by Google" thing that scrolls across), you can block ads from those locations. The ones I dislike, I generally block. Now I have lots of virtual puppy ads.

  8. I tend to prefer wilder gardens, but topiaries are a must in the more prim and proper landscaping for certain houses and community lots. I love these.
