
March 17, 2010

Jared Rio by Jennabray

Download at Jennabray's Sims 3


  1. he looks very TS2 :)

  2. Looks like the male version of the female that was posted before.
    Hes nice, the mouths too upside down for me though :) x

  3. Isn't this just the male version of the woman she posted yesterday? That's kind of obnoxious.

  4. Nah! he doesnt even look like the female version of the sim. He looks way different. And Acton why would you find that obnoxious if you don't know if it's the same sim or not? That's an obnoxious comment.

  5. He looks like Ben Affleck. Nice.

  6. I think he's gorgeous. Mmmm! Lovely man pixel.

  7. FINALLY!!!! A BETTER LOOKING MALE SIM. I like this one a lot. Most of the other male sims are so plain. This one is perfect I love his lips.

  8. i know its a sim but hes kinda cute

  9. The facial-poutiness reminds me of Sims 2.... not a good thing

  10. Oh, like it! I do not usually download sims, but this one is great!)

  11. i'd bang him. & by bang i mean dl... yeah...

  12. He is yummy. I think Gabourey Sidibe said it best when speaking about Gerard Butler. She said, "I'd hit that."

  13. He is a cutie!!!! I usually don't dl sims...but this one keeps calling my name!!

  14. I like him! The lips are great. The only part I don't like is the nose.

  15. The last pic looks like gravitys having a huge affect on his face.

  16. Your so rediculous. You can't come up with anything better. He's hot and sexy. I'd bang him if he were human.

  17. i just find it a bit creepy that the creator put blush on gloss on a guy yet.....he doesnt look gay

  18. i like him. sexy!

  19. "Looks like the male version of the female that was posted before."

    I agree.

    "He's TS2 like."

    Because He's photo is photoshopped.

  20. "Because He's photo is photoshopped."

    WTF were you smoking when you posted that comment? Did you mean his photo is photo-shopped?

    I find this sim very nice looking and downloaded him immediately. Thanks to AM I will be doing a body snatch to replace the fiance of my favorite female sim. He is much better looking than the current guy.

    Thank you for posting this sim! I hope to see more male sims that look this good!

  21. ^ Hey, Jennabray, Hou yow doing?

  22. I don't think it's te original photo, for me it looks as if a bit changed using som graphic programs. I'm not sure what I'd get

  23. I have to agree with the comments above he looks very TS2 like In which I think is a good thing, due to the fact sims 2 characters look much more people like then sims in sims 3. But if this sim actually looks like this in game its worth downloading.

  24. He's a good looking sim, but he'd make a skeezy looking human.

  25. Hey guys! And hey to they Anon who asked how I'm doing? I'm fine.

    I just want to clarify that the sims screenshots have not been retouched. This is exactly how he looks. Without any touch ups. I don't even have photoshop. And in my opinion he is not wearing too much makeup. I'ts just softglo with enhances features. Lipgloss because his lips were too grey, and the under eyelashes were made for male sims. It is not a copy of any female sim, I think that's being lazy. Anyways I will post a video of him so you can see that he looks like that in game. I think it's just my graphic card. But anywho.

    As I always say.
    Like him, love him, hate him, Whatever... Just enjoy him.

    Take care!

  26. he's good looking nice job lol
