
March 09, 2010

Laundry Stuff by Sasilia

Download at The Sims Resource - Free


  1. Hahahaha the last object ;DDD

  2. what's up with the ironing board?

  3. Oh, TSR. I thought they didn't allow mature content, but I KNOW I see some nipple on that ironingboard.


  4. Oh, the ironing.

  5. What's with the beefcake on the ironing board? hmmmmm

  6. the ironing board is gross.

  7. I think the ironing board is hilarious, great idea! :D

  8. ironing board is genius. I would have totally skipped over this post if it wasn't for that one object, and now, I'm going to download it :)

  9. haha love the ironing board

  10. Finally a laundry basket for my laundry room. I also like the shelf to go above the washing machine. Nice objects.

  11. I always felt that my house was missing something; a laundry room!

  12. There is a naked man in the ironing board!!!

  13. "oh, the ironing"

  14. I love the ironing board XD

  15. Has anyone notices that the man has only ONE nipple? Or am I missing something?

  16. ^ I noticed the same thing, what the hell D:

  17. I guess I didn't look close enough to notice the missing 'nip'! :-) This just made me think of something that would be cool...bath towels...but towels they actually wear!! One for the dude hanging around his lower waist....and female tucked up around the breatises!

  18. Ironing... so hot and steamy.... :D

  19. Don't worry, the ironing comes with 2 retextures, if ou don't like the first one... YAMMY!

  20. Why do men have nipples?

  21. ^I always thought they were put there for me to play with. :x

  22. He has both nipples, are you all really that blind? LOL.

    Anyway, the ironin board is great, I'd so buy it if it existed in RL. Ironing would never be boring again.

  23. muahahaha XD totally love it XD fav the last object like 'wow' XD great and funny idea ;D

  24. lol it looks more like his nipples are two diffrent colors who would want that on their ironing board? lol

  25. ^Because of the shadow of his arm. Really people, use your damn brains, they are not here only to fill the space in your skull.

  26. I don't like the ironing board. The image doesn't bother me but it seems so random, and it's not the sort of thing you can have repeated in every house without it sticking out like a sore thumb.

    Other than that I really, really like the set. The drying rack is great.

  27. ^I agree. The pic isn't offensive or anything (although I only see 1 nipple too, which is weird), but it definitely takes away from the versatility factor. The rest of the set is great.

  28. ^^^^^^ @Anon(Six comments up)

    Actually this may seem unbelievably funny to some, But such an Ironing Board does indeed exist IRL!
    want a link? I'd be more than Happy to share it..Ah What the Hek I feel in a'giving'mood today ! here You go >>> Courtesy of Amazon! Nips included! >>>

    And just for the 'Fun' of it here's "BigBoy" in all his morning glory! ;)
    "We can only imagine that what is hidden beneath his towel has been digitally enhanced, but you will need to get some ironing done to find out as it is only revealed when heat hits the towel which then totally disappears . It leaves nothing to the imagination!." WOWZA I'm so getting it!..what? Every woman should own one of these It's so a Necessity!

    Oh yea and doesn't this look exactly similar to the one posted, leaving the impression the Mesher must have done some research!..Yummy

    Ah and "oh, the ironing" ha ha great play on words there!
    Oh the Irony Indeed!

    I really love this idea and the more I erm study it closely with my naked eye, the more likely I am gaining closer to clicking that download button and letting my imagination go wild via Simulated Erotica!.. ha ha

    Phew what a mouthful!

  29. @Anon Above
    That "BigBoy" link posted IS The exact Same as the one used in SimResources Ironing Board xD
    That made me laugh So Hard!

    Wow a real life Hunky Man on an ironing board and to 'top it off' (ha ha) He has a secret to be revealed!
    Can't wait to see what it is.. xD

  30. ^

    For anyone curious enough to take a gander! Yes this is a Real product! But as for the "secret" BigBoy is concealing well..I guess you'll just have to purchase him to find out! xD

  31. Oh my gosh, I am buying that ironing board for my mother. It'll make a great wedding present :p
