
March 22, 2010

Make It A Home Photo Series - Baby Subset by tdyannd

Download at The Sims Resource - Free


  1. This is very cute. Candid shots usually make the best family photos. :)

  2. Initially I was confused about why the pictures didnt fit the frames, but when you think about it, it's actually very sweet and personal. It doesnt matter that the frames are too big, the point is to display the pictures and the memories, and the sims with these pictures have that unique little quirk to them that they just don't care as long as the pictures are there to be seen and displayed. It's a very sweet idea.


    I assume. *cough*

    uh. *punches a baby for good measure*


  3. ^Oh, thank god. I was afraid the Claeric we all know and love had been taken over by some sort of alien entity. ;)

    I thought the same thing when I first saw them. I think they are supposed to be "open" frames that you just sort of clip the picture into (or however it works). I've seen a few frames like that IRL. The fact that some of them are a little crooked reinforces that idea; I actually like the crooked ones best. :)

  4. I like the idea of these, but I think it's rather odd to post candid pictures of other Sims in my Sims' houses. I don't put pictures of perfect strangers up on the walls of my house...

  5. ^pretend they are distant family members or friends who don't live in town?

  6. The pictures remind of the sweet ways the parent/infant interactions were and how much I miss them. Wahhh!

    These pictures are cute, maybe my Sims 3 parents can get the idea of being sweet to their babies and not so robotic. Come on EA, give some aww moments to the game.
