
March 19, 2010

Makeup Blush N2+ Angel Tears Eyes4 by Lemon Leaf

Download at Lemon Leaf


  1. More tears?
    holy shit.
    I think lemon leaf needs some antidepressants.

    I like the blush though :B

  2. What skins are used for these sims?

  3. The blush looks nice from far away, but if you look at it up-close, it has all these little pink dots underneath it. Looks like my poor Sim has a rash. Pass :(

  4. Ew, the blush looks like redness and irritation from acne or something. DNW.

  5. it kind of looks like the blush you see in those manga/hentai cartoons where it kinda looks weird. lol

  6. The blush is really cute I think, but I'm not really sure what the point of tears for Sims is.

  7. ^ Story-telling purposes, maybe? I just don't like how the tear is stuck there in suspended animation. The watery eyes work better than the tears.

  8. I definitely think these are made for story-tellers, but who knows. They're cute, and I think it's nice that there is so much variety...although I don't need them for anything.

    I've always assumed these are tears that are ATTACHED to the eyes, so that could also explain why she makes so many. If they aren't attached to the eyes themselves (ie just accessories or makeup or something), I'd like them a lot more. Can anyone confirm or deny?

  9. well obviously the tears are for story telling lol. i dont think i know any one nutty enough to play sims that look like they were crying constantly lol

  10. She does attach her tears to her previous contacts, I often wished they were separate. :(

  11. Erm. There seems to be this misconception that the tears are for storytelling. You know that's not it, right...?

  12. ^Then what are they for? Even if they aren't specifically for that purpose, I don't know how you can assert definitively that they are NOT for that purpose...unless you were teasing because EVERYONE was saying it.

  13. They can also be for the purpose that the Japanese really gravitate towards the hentai girls thing, where young girls get the shit raped out of them, and they're crying and usually in their schoolgirl uniforms and whatnot. That's the only other explanation I can think of other than storytelling.

  14. ^umm nobody has proven that it isn't for storytelling...and you just came up with this all on your own, wonder what's on your mind?

  15. ^Actually, rape of young girls IS a pretty prevalent theme in adult Japanese media.

  16. How come when I download it, it comes up as a windows Gadget? D;

  17. this won't install in my game

  18. this is so friggin hard to download O.o
