
March 08, 2010

Male Facial Hair First Aid pack - from stubble to lashes and brows!! by Arisuka

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. I'm glad to have more facial hair options, but not being able to recolor them kind of limits who you can use them on.

  2. I think they're ugly because you can tell they came from a source photo and the resolution was not high enough. I'll pass.

  3. WOW, that writing is HORRID. If you're going to do a preview picture at least make it look good. Holy crap!

  4. the font is really annoying, I can barely make out some of the words. And you can't recolor them? eh, I'll pass...

  5. I think they look good, but not being recolourable makes them pointless. I wish EA had given us better facial hair.

  6. ong.. finally, some stuff for males.. i get so sick of seein so much female stuff..
    male sims need love 2! lol =]]

  7. Can't recolor? You mean I got all excited and giddy for nothing? *siiigh* Maybe someone can redo and make it recolorable...

  8. They will be recolorable soon, WA has just messed up the recoloring for beard category.

    And for the record anon, these aren't from a source photo, they are all 100% hand painted. :P

  9. Yea!! Recolorable is coming!! Thanks for sharing...can't wait!

  10. I like these, recolorable or not. ^^ I basically use black hair on everyone I make so it won't really effect me that much anyway. :/ .. I think I've made a grand total of... 3? non brunettes since ts3 was released? xD

  11. So relieved to hear that recoloring will come! I love these, but can't justify downloading facial hair that won't recolor. :(

  12. Thank you for these they look great in game! Can't wait til the others are finished so they can be recolored too. These do look better than any others I have used to now.

    To the people whining about the font or preview pics, GTFO! She isn't offering the font or pics only the content in the pics. If you can't comment on how something works or looks stfu! The comments get filled up with nonsense or bs from idiots like you that bitch about issues not related to the items!

  13. These look great! Can't wait for the recolourable option, though. :)

  14. Gonna wait it out for the recolorable option. Can't be too far off (I hope). The second these go recolorable I'm downloading!

  15. They look awesome, IMO. I'll be waiting for the recolorable versions even though I don't make all that many blondes or anything, but I can't wait to see them.

  16. Awesome!

    For those anons who make rude comments for no reasons, GET A LIFE!
    If you don't like it, just don't use it. You don't have to make nasty words on free stuff.
    To make negative comments show your inner negativity and rudeness.

    I know why you do that, because you are rude by nature.
    Demeaning others doesn't make you superior but PATHETIC!!!

  17. ^Yeah, well, bitching at people for sharing their opinions really doesn't make you any more mature.

    I agree that the pointless rude posts are just that: pointless. But seriously, get over it. It's going to happen. People have the right to state their opinion, and some people are going to do so rudely. Just shrug and move on, like most of the better creators have learned to do.

  18. Arisuka's sims always look great but the make up and facial hair she makes always looks a bit too smudgey for my tastes =/
