
March 20, 2010

Newsea Dove Female Hairstyle by NewSea

Download at The Sims Resource - Subscriber only


  1. Not a fan. I like the clippy thing though.

  2. Hi newsea I can't wait to thief this and get it free.

  3. Same here.. Looks good, but not a hair I would put on my sims

  4. Cute! I cant wait to "steal" it too :D

  5. Love it, too bad TSR is a pile of dookie. I'll grab it ~elsewhere~ I'm sure.

  6. Damn, newsea is becoming peggy. man...i knew it was only a matter of time.

  7. Juice (or You?) used to upload at Peggy's so... yeah it was only a matter of time XD

  8. Ooooh I can't wait to steal this, this looks great!

  9. I liked it until I saw the back =(

  10. this reminds me of a rose hair.

  11. "Ooooh I can't wait to steal this, this looks great!"

    Yeah, by joining TSR it's easier now to get Newsea's hair, FOR FREE! :D Yay~

  12. I do wonder why Newsea was such a fool and switched to the easier and more accessible tsr especially when they'd gone out of their way to make things difficult.

  13. Except that the Cave DOESN'T share TSR files - which means we will not be able to get them there :(.

  14. But the Cave is about the only place they DON'T share TSR files.

  15. Well I think the reason Newsea switched as simple.

    TSR offers a steady income.

    With TS2 dying up and TS3 not really kicking off TSR offers a stability that I doubt the blog could offer.

    Keep in mind paysites are not doing it to make life harder but to make money out of it, if TSR offers better conditions why should Newsea not join then?

    Besides have we seen many paysites sprung out? no ... most if not all TS3 paysites have been TS2 paysites as EA made it much harder to create custom content.

  16. "Except that the Cave DOESN'T share TSR files - which means we will not be able to get them there :(."

    SimsCave isn't the only filesharing place. In fact, there seems to have been an increase for TS3. TSR files are among the easiest to get, if not THE easiest. Pescado and PMBD already have a cleaning tool developed to get rid of the trackers for TSR-- if anything, Newsea made it easier for filesharers.

  17. Garden of Shadows and the Booty host TSR files. I always wondered why the Cave was so hardcore against sharing TSR files, when other places do it, no harm no foul. Maybe they have more insurance, who knows? After all, a random Joe off the street could download from GOS, same as the Cave...

  18. I WANT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. The Cave wants to avoid all the drama and vendictiveness they experienced at the hand of TSR, when the Cave was Sims2 File Vault. (I think that was the name)

    If you ever read some of the problems they experienced, you will understand why they don't deal with TSR.

    I think this hair would look better if there was a different texture.

  20. Technically, the booty is the only place that HOSTS the files themselves. That's why TSR, no matter how many fits they pitch, can't get the files taken down at PMBD.

    On the other hand, GOS uses things like torrents or uploads at places like Mediafire, which are off-site hosts that TSR is usually able to get taken down briefly. Of course, the stuff usually goes right back up again.

  21. oh gawd, this is cute

  22. "I like the clippy thing though."

    I HAVE that clip in real life, oddly enough. I'm not sure how physically possible this style is. You would need an obscene number of hair pins to hold the weight of all that hair up in a top ponytail.

  23. ^Not necessarily. I have incredibly long, thick hair and I wear my hair just like that several times a week. I only use one clip and it usually doesn't fall down.

    I guess it just depends on the clip you have and the way you twist the hair. Admittedly, the clip shown here doesn't look large enough to hold all that hair on its own. The ones I use aren't much larger, though, they are just very strong and have rubber grips on the inside of the tines.

  24. You can get this hair for free, if you download a sim with the same hair from the sims3 exchange at That's how I got it. I would say try it.
