
March 31, 2010

Peggy Hair 5280 ~ With separated accessory by Anubis360

Download at Anubis Under The Sun

File names:



  1. Imma download this but I dunno why. It's a really useless hair for the most part, but I'm so desperate for any new hair I'll download anything.

    Damn, the Sims 3 is ghost town


  2. Very cute hair. I love it for it's eccentricity.

  3. I'm rock HARD now

  4. oh look trolls already

  5. "oh look trolls already"
    I don't think you know what at troll is.

  6. That's so wonderfully eccentric and quirky, I love it! :)

  7. This is a peggy hair that is outlandish in a good way. It's very fantasy-like.

  8. not really keen on the style my self...the braid thing is really weird...but good work anubis your work is improving, keep it up.

  9. Whoa! This is amazing Anibus. I love it. Thank you!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I'm tempted to download it just because it's so unusual. It's cute.

  12. Mega-cute, if not a bit mental ^_^

  13. porklet textures look like hay, but the goth freaks love it.

  14. ^^^

    THANK you, seriously why do people rave over pooklets textures? I always thought they look so stiff and awful.

  15. pigtails on crack. AAAh! lol

  16. Oh perfect ! I love this hair ! Thanks !

  17. I love it Anubis, I love the red headed sim photo haha.

  18. Every time I see that dress in the last picture, I get sad because I can never have it :(

    This looks great, I wish I had a use for it in-game.

  19. It's definitely interesting. I would like it if both sides of the pigtails were like the one on the right.

    Your textures are getting better though! Seems better each time, actually, so well done. :)

  20. ^I grabbed that dress... I think from MATY or SimsCave. I paid for the game, I won't pay for anything else.

    I don't have a use for this neither, but I love it so much, I had to convert it XD

  21. "actually i do. but you would know if i do or don't right? because you know everything. you're a moron"
    LOL HAHA. Someone's butthurt over my little comment. The comments prior to your "troll" comment were entirely positive. Again, it seems you do no know the definition of "troll".

    Back on topic, I think this hair is pretty cute in it's own sense. It'd be perfect for my insane sims.

  22. Awesome job, Anubis! This is so wonderfully unique. =)

  23. There is definitely a lot of asskissing going on because of who did the hair.

    Anubis did a great job on this hair, but I think the style is hideous. If Peggy had just re-released the hair and Anubis hadn't converted it, I'm sure there would be tons of comments talking about how ugly and cracked out the hairstyle is. But because it's something Anubis liked and converted, it's all of a sudden "cute in its own way," "quirky," "fantasy that works," etc.

    I'm also sure that if Anubis went and converted some of the other hideous Peggy hairs that had 90% negative comments, the same people who ragged on it there would talk about how beautiful it was. I think Anubis is one of the best hair converters out there, but I also think there is a lot of hypocrisy flying around.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I both like and dislike the hair. The tails are way too wispy for my taste. I don't believe that's a conversion problem, however. Most likely the base design itself. I do like that the accessory is separate :D Your blog mentioned how hard it was to assign bone assignments, but it doesn't look bad at all. The only time it gets strange crinkling or stretching is if the sim turns their head a great distance. Most of the time it's not noticeable :)

  26. Anonymous up above is living in a dream world. Shitty peggy hairs get called horrible regardless of whether or not they're fresh or converted. This one just happens to be one of the prettier peggy hairs.

  27. "There is definitely a lot of asskissing going on because of who did the hair.

    Anubis did a great job on this hair, but I think the style is hideous. If Peggy had just re-released the hair and Anubis hadn't converted it, I'm sure there would be tons of comments talking about how ugly and cracked out the hairstyle is. But because it's something Anubis liked and converted, it's all of a sudden "cute in its own way," "quirky," "fantasy that works," etc."

    Possibly. I think I'd like the hair either way. I don't have that many hairs by Anubis. Nothing against him, I'm just not really picky about re-textures.

  28. Calicotiger, there was nothing hypocritical in my post. I post whether I like something or whether I don't like it, regardless of creator. It is willful ignorance to ignore the fact that there is a trend here. The most popular creators are almost always praised and any dissenting opinions attacked, yet if one of the less popular creators had released the same thing, the slew of comments would probably be overwhelmingly negative. People tend to follow the crowd. I am not a tard trying to get a rise, and whenever someone has a valid point of criticism against something by someone that most people adore, everyone is lumped in as a troll or someone trying to get a rise. Some people are trolls, yes, but not everyone who dislikes something others like is. That, my dear, IS hypocrisy.

    It is asskissing if you would only say something to someone expressing discontent because of who the creator was. If Peggy had released this same hair and I'd said it was hideous, I highly doubt I'd be accused of trying to get a rise.

    And why the need to go into specifics about WHY I don't like it? Would you say the same thing if I'd commented on a Peggy or Newsea hair that it was hideous? I highly doubt it. But I'll play along to highlight this hypocrisy anyway. I would like this hair better if it was just pigtails. I think the bone assignments look fine, but I absolutely think the braid is atrocious and I don't like how much space there is between the looks paperish to me. This is not Anubis's fault, but I'm sure it's the fault of the original creator.

  29. ^To those reading Calico Tiger's post and wondering why I am addressing things that aren't there, it's because the author edited/deleted their post while I was in the process of responding.

  30. I'll download it when Peggy converts it.

  31. It's ok if you find it hideous, hilarious, fugly or beautiful. As long as you don't despise my work, it's ok! You can have an opinion, and if you want to give some constructive criticism, it will be always appreciated :)
    I converted it because it's my favorite hair. This is the original:

    Don't worry anon, I know who is being hypocrite and who is not.

  32. Hmmm, this is pretty awesome. Very unique. I'm liking it a lot!!!

  33. I love this hair!!!

  34. I love it!!
    On a side note, has anyone seen whats going on over at MTS? It's awesome.

  35. ^^^ yea the name change of the sims to the serfs is interesting. lol

  36. Yes, its a silly hair. But this is a game and it supposed to be fun! Who cares if its a hairstyle you would not wear on your head, its still well done. Many people play the Sims differently and this might work for a fantasy or sci fi sim..or just as a silly hair for a silly sim.

  37. Sorry, Anon :) After I posted it, I realized it was just silly trying to argue a point that really had no reason to be argued and deleted that part :D

  38. I LOVED this hair for ts2, and I'm glad I can use it again in ts3! (Would it be possible to make it for toddlers and children too?)

  39. "Yes, its a silly hair. But this is a game and it supposed to be fun! Who cares if its a hairstyle you would not wear on your head, its still well done. Many people play the Sims differently and this might work for a fantasy or sci fi sim..or just as a silly hair for a silly sim."

    See, now how come THIS couldn't be said about any of peggy's other wacked out hairstyles when she converted them and only now when anubis does it? TBH, there is serious favoritism and double standards when it comes to who creates the hairs.

    good job nonetheless, I will be downloading. :) Thanks.

  40. i love your sims <333
    any chance of uploading them :)

    it looks really cute
    but im not sure if im going to place this in my game.

  41. Anubis, make it for child, pretty please? :)

  42. This hair is ridiculously elaborate, but it looks so well made, especially the way the highlights, tips etc. show up. It would be nice for a story or something but not everyday sims play. Thanks for a well made hair though!

  43. I love it! Thanks!

  44. Kinda annoying to say that people are liking the hair because Anubis converted it, Epifight. :P

    People actually MAY LIKE quirky stuff, that ain't news.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I don't like it. Just because Anubis put a prettier texture on it doesn't make it any nicer. It still looks weird, in my opinion.

  47. is it just me or is Anubis getting a little bit peggy? in this hair anyway.. cute though!

  48. I'm very much on the "if Peggy had converted it, no one would like it," train. Seriously, the people here aren't even subtle about it anymore.

  49. "Just because Anubis put a prettier texture on it doesn't make it any nicer."

    Uh, that's incredible logic. Maybe it doesn't make it nice ENOUGH, but if the textures are nicer, it's still nicer.

  50. I love this! Really cute

  51. I like it, its perfect for my new lolita sims thank you :)

  52. I don't like the texture that Anubis uses. I've noticed that a lot of his hair conversions appear... flat (especially with the darker colors). It lacks dimension. From a distance, it looks completely 2-D.

  53. It's simply popular to dis Peggy nowadays, didn't you know? Not to mention a lot of people don't like her because much of her stuff is for pay, and Anubis is all free. You're talking about hypocrisy? Welcome to life. ;) Hope that doesn't come across as rude, but I mean, what'cha gonna do? People are people.

  54. Not too keen on the hair itself. I do like the accessory, though. Will be interesting to see what other hairs it works with. ^_^
