
March 22, 2010

Process Monitor filter for High End Loft Stuff by Claeric

For those who don't know, Process Monitor can monitor your programs to see what they do. This filter will make the program see what The Sims 3 is doing.

Open Process Monitor and the Filter. Then, start the game.
After playing for a few minutes, close the game.
Go to Process Monitor and choose "Tools" and then "File Summary".
Go to "By Extension" and click "Package" to open it up.
Look at the numbers under "Total Events".

Read more and download at Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher


  1. Thanks, Claeric. ProcMon is a godsend. I know how to set up my own filters but it's nice not to have to. :)

  2. I've used the Process Monitor at Mod the Sims, and it saved my game when I was having slowdown and lagging due to custom content. I highly recommend it.

  3. "This filter will make the program see what The Sims 3 is doing."

    what? i know what its doing.. its playing

    this whole post makes no sense to me.

  4. Then don't use it.

    It tells you WHAT the game is doing. It tells you how many times it loaded or tried to load package files, identifying content that slows your game by being loaded too often, because it's broken and/or whoever made it is an idiot and can't make working files. (Like Newsea! 90% of the time, a slowed down game is a newsea hair! :D)

    By seeing how many times files were loaded you can see which were loaded the most. And if a normal one item package is being loaded thousands of's broken and needs to be removed. You can also watch in real-time to see what it does, and chances are at the main loading screen a file will be read hundreds of times in a row, a sure sign that the file is broken and should be removed immediately.

    Delphy seems to think his dashboard tool detects these files. It doesn't. Delphy does not know what he is talking about. This tool is still necessary for finding problem files that lag/slow your game, and that is why I updated the filter, since I hadn't seen anyone else do it yet.

    Successfully solved 7 problems so far that the dashboard didn't detect at all.

  5. Tha anon upper Claeric's post is funny) Procmon has some lags( It refuses to run more than once on some machines, moreover, it says there's lack of memory on your PC. I recommended procmon to people who needed help cause of slowdowns, but for some reason the program refused to work and even made the system reboot. Weird, but true.
    Anyway, for many people this is very useful, it helped me to find peggy's corrupted hair which made my game crush over and over again)

  6. Lol Delphy doesn't know what he's talking about and of course the great Claeric knows everything!

    The thing with Delphy's, Claeric, is that it is EASY to use for the people who are not computer savvy and it's very quick to cleanse your files of MOST "bad" ones.

    I'll stick to Delphy's, it does the job good enough for me. :)

  7. It doesnt matter if it's easy to use, it doesn't fix problems.

  8. Anonymous said...
    "This filter will make the program see what The Sims 3 is doing."

    what? i know what its doing.. its playing

    this whole post makes no sense to me.

    Colour me shocked.

  9. ^ LOL!

    I use the ProcMon regularly cause like Claeric said, Delphy's Dashboard doesn't always catch all the problem files. Also, DD gives too many false positives for bad files. I don't trust it.

    I have made my own filters for using the ProcMon, but this will help those using the program. Thanks.

  10. This looks better than Delphy's, does it disable/fix the broken packages for you like Delphy's OR does it simply show you the bad ones and then you can delete them yourself?

    Sorry...I'm useless with this stuff. Also, it's okay to have this program and Delphy's dashboard?

    :) Thanks Claeric, some people do appreciate what you do.

  11. I didn't actually make the program, just the filter, don't get confused!

    And it doesn't disable anything, it's not a sims 3 exclusive porgram. What it will do is show you a list of files(with a complete directory, so it'll say C:\ProgramFiles\ElectronicArts\TheSims3\Mods\Packages\Packagename.package, or whatever), and then you can sort by how many times it tried to load it.

    Since it tells you the name you can remove it to test if your game gets better or just plain delete it, but the program won't do it for you, no. It makes it VERY easy to find them, though, what with how it gives the whole location.

  12. Note that it also doesnt "show the bad ones", it will show EVERY file the game loaded. You have to use discretion to determine which are bad. I suppose for some people that's "hard", but it's more effective, so ;)

  13. Oh right, thank you! :) I shall give it a try.

  14. Claeric, a lot of people who play sims aren't computer savvy, or are still new to the CC world like myself. Every new program is a new learning experience, and can be confusing to the players

    I don't think you need to chew out everyone who gets something wrong about, well, anything. You're the creator so of course you're going to know what it does and doesn't do. Everyone else on the other hand isn't. No wonder you got banned..
    I respect you as a creator but not as a a person

  15. I'm not the creator.

    The only person I "chewed out" was someone who read one line of a post and hten shut their brain off and didn't bother to use context to understand what they just read.

  16. Kind of mean to say that Delphy doesn't know what he is doing don't you think? I admire Delphy's work and have used many of his things since sims2. Give me a chance to 'experience' your products before you dis another persons. Try playing nice Claeric. It's one thing to know that you have's another thing to try and remind others that you do over and over again while bashing other creators. And yes...I know you did not 'create' this...but you are a creator. Now...back to shopping on ms3b! :-)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. No, it's not mean.

    I had a big rant explaining why he does not know what he is talking about, but I don't want to sit here and slander the guy. Quite simply, though, his understanding of how the insides of a computer work is not very good. He thinks computers are running at full capacity at all times, that we're using all our RAM and processing power doing something as simple as using Word, and that allowing the game to run at 3000 FPS won't damage your graphics card or computer(which is completely wrong).

    He can program things just fine, but when it comes to the inside of the computer, he's basically a delusional jock. "Bigger is better" and "higher FPS is better", yknow? It's misinformation and it can damage your computer.

    And similarly, he thinks his dashboard is perfect and solves world hunger, when it cannot detect most files that cause slowdown. Only Process MOnitor can help you do that, and it's very important to realize that these are things Delphy claims that are just downright untrue, and therefore, we should not make a habit of blindly listening to him. :)

    The dashboard might be easy, and it might help find duplicates really easily, but it doesn't solve all your game problems, no matter what he says.

  20. Anonymous, Claeric didn't "chew me out" for not understanding. It's how you present it, if you present yourself going "oh claeric suxx delphy roxx!" why should Claeric answer respectfully?

    I asked nicely and I got a nice reply. =S

  21. "And similarly, he thinks his dashboard is perfect and solves world hunger"
    u really are arrogant Claeric. He's a creator, just like you. Why can't you respect that?

  22. I used Delphy's tool and it said that everything I downloaded (and use all the time) from baby blue bugs site was corrupted. So what exactly does corrupted mean? Everything works fine. Sorry for sounding stupid, but can someone help me here? Nobody at mts bothered to answer me.

  23. I'm no way an expert but usually "corrupted" means they are slowing your game down? I THINK.

    I think if you got rid of them you might find your game runs a bit faster but if slow load/save times don't bother you I guess it's okay to ignore it.

    Like I said, I'm no expert sooo, you should wait for someone with more knowledge to give you a proper reply. :)

  24. Corrupted usually means that the files are built improperly or have missing data. If your game is not immediately adversely affected...they're safe to leave alone. Sometimes it's not even a true issue. The dashboard might also claim conflicts where there are none, too. You really have to base it a lot on whether or not you think it's a problem.

    Is your game slower than it should be? Then try disabling the corrupted packages. Is it not an issue? Then, honestly? Don't mind them. Though it is best to check every time you add new mods, and remove them immediately, instead of getting lucky and finding out by way of playing the game that they aren't an actual issue :p

  25. God Claeric you are such a douche. Why can't you simply explain what your program does without bashing Delphy's program or him personally?

    If you insist on being so tiresome the least you could do is stop posting so much.

  26. Saying Delphy doesn't know what he's doing IS a little mean, and not accurate. And even if it's not mean, it's tactless. Okay, so you got banned from the guy's site, and some of his programs aren't 100% effective in every situation. That doesn't mean he doesn't know what he's doing. It just means he's fallible. Are you perfect? You might think so.

    I've always liked that you say what you think, but you're slowly making yourself look like a villain in the free content community, Claeric. Why do you have to insult almost everyone?

  27. For the purposes of how simmers use it, ProcMon tells you what files the game accesses, how many times, etc. So every single time that the game accesses a file (be in a CC file or whatever), ProcMon tallies it up. It also does a lot of other things, but simplistically speaking, it's used to see if the game is accessing a file a few times while it loads and uses the file, or if it attempts to access the file tens of thousands of times, thus gumming up the works and slowing things down.

    Honestly, it's not Claeric's responsibility to explain ProcMon because ProcMon is not his program. He just set up a filter that allows HELS players to run ProcMon without having to set up the filters themselves. "Don't understand it, don't use it" really is a fair policy in this case.

    That said, I don't think this is the appropriate forum to bash Delphy. Do that on your own blog, if you must.

  28. haha we both called him a douche^^
    -high fives-

  29. Look, someone didn't bother to read past one sentence before complaining that they didn't get it.

    So I explained what it does, and in the process, explained why it is necessary. It is necessary because, despite what he'd tell you, delphy's dashboard does NOT find these problem files. I threw in a bit about thinking he doesnt know what he's talking about, because I believe he does not know what he's talking about.

    Someone said it's mean to say that. And I explained why I said it. I backed up what I said with examples and reasoning, facts and information.

    He's a big boy, he can take it! He'll deny like crazy that he's wrong, but he can handle it!

    This was made to help you. It is here to help you make your game and downloads folders a better place. It is necessary because someone else is wrong about what they say. It's that simple.

  30. All the time Claeric, I think you do good and then you just act like a total douche.

    I thought to myself when I saw this "Oh Cool, I needed this."

    But then you run off your mouth and I just want to scream.

    YOU are NOT God's gift to the world. You sit here and bash other creators while not even looking at the flaws in your work. You don't give proper credit a lot of time with your work. You have the world's worst attitude when it comes to constructive criticism. And when somebody who might not understand asks a question, you bash them before you even try to help.

    Get your head out of your ass Claeric, you're not that impressive.

  31. I like your work. I like your honesty. But THIS IS NOT THE PLACE TO INSULT OTHER CREATORS. This is NOT your blog. This is NOT a comment thread about Delphy's work. This is a thread about YOUR work, so how about you stick to talking about that? You've made your point, but you ought to drop it before you make yourself look like an asshole.

    Sure, he can handle it. That doesn't mean that it shows maturity or tact on your part to do it in the first place.

    Thank you for the filter, btw. It will be very useful and I do appreciate it.

  32. Ok...this is it for me...I'm tired of entertaining for the night. :-)

    But I just have to post a few quotes that you made Claeric that are hypocritical on your part.
    "I don't want to sit here and slander the guy." here is where you,I guess 'Didn't slander the guy'?
    "He can program things just fine, but when it comes to the inside of the computer, he's basically a delusional jock." & "he thinks his dashboard is perfect and solves world hunger, "...Is this not 'slandering'? Claeric I know you just about as well as I know Delphy and I know neither of you personally. I DO now your work and nowhere did or does Delphy state that anything 'cures world hunger'. Why are you so bitter towards him...nevermind...I don't want to know, but whatever it is...just let it go. Letting anger brew like this is not healthy ok? Have a great night!! I'm gonna watch dancing with the stars now...why don't you visit my site and let your hair down? :-) Relax!!

  33. I really like ProcMon so this will be great! Thanks for it. But in my experience (which isn't exhaustive, admittedly), ProcMon doesn't *always* catch everything either. I've found that a combination of the Dashboard and ProcMon is the way to go; I have a *ton* of CC and I've caught a lot more issues using both programs than I would have if I'd just used one or the other.

    And as for insulting Delphy...well, nobody's asking you to say that he's a great programmer if you don't think he is. But it's very immature to use someone else's blog as a platform to blatantly insult another free creator, especially if you do it over and over. Yes, it happens a lot, but luckily most people take the hint and either admit that they are being tacky, or just wander away mumbling to themselves. ;)

  34. Delphy actually recommended Process Monitor at one time. His program catches most errors and has worked well for me. I have ran process monitor and found no problem at all. Then used Dashboard and found files that needed to be fixed because they would cause the blue lot syndrome if used after going on vacation. Had I not used his, I would not have known there was an issue with some of the items before I lost my games due to blue lots. In fact, I was able to check dozens of paintings in seconds and fix them with another tool in an additional second. Sure seems like a good thing to me. Even if it doesn't catch everything, it sure catches most.

    I think this look like a great addition. But why in the world can't this person tell us about his tool without having to kick someone else? There is room for more than one tool, especially if they both help people keep their games clean. You would think there was a competition here!

  35. is it possible to use this on a mac?

  36. ^I don't think so.

  37. "Delphy actually recommended Process Monitor at one time."

    Yep, and he made and shared a filter just like this one for the base game.

    Thank you for the updated version, Claeric.

  38. Thank you for answering my question about what corrupted means. My game doesn't lag too much, so I won't bother deleting anything. The only thing that really slows it down is loading patterns. But I think I can deal with it.

  39. "The dashboard might be easy, and it might help find duplicates really easily, but it doesn't solve all your game problems, no matter what he says."

    Please direct me to the place where he says that it does.

  40. lol I can see why claeric responded to the person the way he did, that person was being dumb.
    But then the whole rant about Delphy not knowing what he is doing could have been left out but it wasn't (and he has a bit of a point) so if and you can stop him from having an opinion about an issue.
    I just find it funny that Delphy can move around with so many people hanging on his ****

    I like Delphy but ganging up on people, I don't like that.

  41. ^Nobody's trying to stop him from having an opinion. Whether or not we think Delphy knows what he's doing, it's just not appropriate to bash on him here.

  42. I agree with you, but it only got to that point after some escalation. He was ganged up on and everything went way too far on both sides.
    It seems like everywhere you go these days it's like that.

  43. First and foremost, Delphy has never said he knows everything. Even in the download thread for the Dashboard he even highlights that it might red flag on items that have no issues, and might even miss items. In my opinion, Delphy usually gives a fiar assessment of what his programs do right, and what they do wrong.

    Secondly, Claeric, I always used to feel kind of bad for you and how you have somewhat been ostracized. But now I see why that is. You can't even have a civil discussion with someone without being condescending to someone.

    Thirdly, thanks for "creating" this.

  44. Oh and I love how your not trying to slander Delphy yet...

    "Some stupid people like to claim their Sims 3 tools are the end-all problem fixer of the century. As a result, some stupid people claim you don't need process monitor anymore. Well, some stupid people are pretty stupid, and as a result should not be listened to in regards to anything involving computers, no matter how smart they think they are. (Spoilers: They aren't smart, they're stupid. In all honesty, some of their advice will cause the slow and untimely death of your computer. Because they are stupid.)

    After struggling to get a certain tool to find issues, despite its creator claiming process monitor isn't needed, I figured out how to make a new Process Monitor filter. It was actually pretty easy! And it solved my problems. The problems that the supposedly perfect tool should've found, according to some stupid people."

  45. Okay, so I took a wrong turn at the fountain and ended up in kindergarten by mistake...

  46. ^Claeric is being mature enough to let it go, and yet you're still here.

    It is entirely classless to pick on Claeric, I agree; it's also entirely classless to pick on Delphy. It happened, LET'S ALL MOVE ON.

    I'm not just speaking to Rhiannon, btw.

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