
March 24, 2010

Sailor Moon and Japanese School Uniform 2 by Lemon Leaf

Download at Lemon Leaf


  1. Those sailor moon clothes look so much better that the ones that were posted before.

  2. Definitely.

    Too bad the download link is broken. :|

  3. Where is the links to download??? I tried so many times and i can't download nothing!!!


    The one labeled download.

    But like I said, it's broken anyway.

  5. Man I am a HUGE Sailr Moon fan. I really wont these but like everyong said ..... broken link T.T

  6. These are so good :)
    I always loved sailor Saturn as well
    I wish they fitted into my game but I guess I could find a way

  7. Is there any way to contact her and let her know the link is broken (someone that speaks Japanese maybe?)?

    I ADORE Sailor Moon and I love these schoolgirl outfits...hope they can fix the link soon.

  8. If I knew lemons email, I'd let her know.

    These are pretty cute! I remember when I was younger turning on the T.V just to watch Sailor Moon ^_^

  9. Cute outfits and sims!
    Lemonleaf's Chinese. Someone posted a comment on her blog to let her know the link was broken, hope she'll replace it soon.

  10. Yep, mostly all the links are broken. I'm using Safari (Mac's Web Browser) and they seem to work. I use Firefox too but not Internet Explorer.

  11. Yea the file has been moved to rayfile and the link works I just downloaded it ^_^

  12. "What a bunch of shit"

    Seriously? That's pretty harsh considering the fact that the download works fine, you're just either doing it wrong or having some sort of connection problem.

    She posted instructions on how to download, but since people are apparently too lazy to follow the IMAGE INSTRUCTIONS she gave, here:

    On the first page of LemonLeaf's blog (where MS3B links to), click on the link with the ">>" on the bottom righthand side of the SailorMoon preview images. This will take you to the full post. That's probably obvious but since people aren't seeing the directions, maybe it's not.

    Scroll to the bottom of the post on the page that opens. Underneath the directions of what to do (LOL), click on the blue link that says "Download 1: Rayfile" (the first part's in pink, but the Rayfile link itself is blue).

    This will bring up a picture that corresponds to her first directional image. Click on the button that has the little sideways green's the part that she circled and wrote "Click" on, in the image. I know, what a crazy concept.

    This will bring up another page which corresponds to her second image. Click on the top button that has the big downward green arrow, which she marked "General Download" in the picture.

    It downloads. Wow.

  13. ^And to be fair, the directions might not have been up earlier. But really, Rayfile has always worked this way, and green arrows tend to mean "download" no matter what language the site is in.

  14. Except there isn't a green arrow. It takes me to rayfile's main page, and when I copy and paste said download link, guess what? No green arrow, just the homepage, therefore, no download. :/

  15. ^Then there's something wrong with your connection, or you're clicking on the wrong thing. It works.

  16. ^^Why are you copying and pasting anything? Unless you're either clicking on the wrong things or there is an issue with your computer/connection, the download is just a couple of clicks away. There is no need to copy/paste.

  17. 'Due to the recent change in circumstances throughout the network are more likely to be off in parts of the temporary network, please refresh you later visit for the inconvenience, and we apologize.'

    See that? It. Doesn't. Work. So nobody else needs to try to talk to me like a baby, with how to get the file. Obviously you're getting it from somewhere else, and not Lemon Leaf.

  18. It doesn't work for me either. When i click on either rayfile or GS in takes me to login pages. Do you have to login or register to download them?

  19. Some of you are probably doing something wrong. I have crappy internet and it works fine for me, just ignore the "Due to the recent change in circumstances .... and we apologize." it shows up for me too, but I still see the download button.

    here's the download link

    then just click the one with a green arrow, it should work just fine. if it doest work, try using google chrome, thats what I'm using.

    If it still doest work, then don't try anymore, its not destined for your CAS.

  20. These clothes look great and all, but they're flat compared to the others... as in the bows are painted on rather than attached. I like them attached as 3D accessories than painted on.

    Also, these do weird things to my sim's body shape. I can have a more skinny sim put these on and they suddenly have more muscle and fat mass. ALL of lemonleaf's stuff does this to my sims. As pretty as it is, I don't like it when CC changes the preset body shape I've given my sims.

  21. I downloaded the file, and went to "The sims 3 game launcher" in "downloads" and installed it all but when i play the game, it doesnt work. Skins and hair cannot be found anywhere
