
March 08, 2010

Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett by Arisuka

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. ^So does Helena Bonham Carter. So it works out.

  2. ^I doesn't because they don't look alike. If you are going to make a weird looking sim, at least make it right.

  3. Sweeny Todd bears a good resemblance but i agree Mrs. Lovett looks nothing alike.

  4. Johnny Depp is so SEXY! he can eat my meat pie any day!!!

  5. I think the Sweeney sim is pretty good. It's not a dead-on replica but you can definitely see a strong resemblance at certain angles.

    The eyes on Mrs. Lovett are good too but I feel like there's something off about the mouth. I still like them both. :)

  6. I think they don't resemble the characters much I'm afraid

  7. They're not dead on but I think most people are going to know its them right off the back
    plus MTS has to approve them so SOMEONE had to think they were good
    I really like them personally, I don't usually download sims but I might have to slide for these two

  8. To add to my other post, sweeney todd has existed much longer then the movie, so theres the book to base it off from and the countless Broadway editions.

  9. "To add to my other post, sweeney todd has existed much longer then the movie, so theres the book to base it off from and the countless Broadway editions."

    That's what I said when I first saw these sims... But then I saw Depp and Carter in the picture, so that kinda blew that reasoning away. I would like these sims more if it didn't seem that they were based on those actors.

  10. well i really like the sweeney sim, the other one... bah

    although i do really wish i could make my sims as white as the original characters......

  11. Looks nothing like Depp or Carter. If the creator was basing them off a character description it would have worked, but throwing pictures of the actors in there killed it. Granted, people will know who they are right away, but the creator should have worked on getting a closer resemblance harder.

  12. I think that the Carter sims looks lika a lady gaga sim instead.

  13. They don't look like in the movie...
    I tried a Sweeney Sim too:
