
April 01, 2010

Blendable Overshirt for Guys by Claeric

Download at Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher


  1. It looks nice, and it's a cool technique. I love that patterns blend, not just colors.

  2. whats wrong with you people?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love it thanks so much Clarice

  5. Later tonight I will make some more, just a t-shirt, skirt, girl shirt maybe, whatever. Basic stuff, because it's so COOL!

    This is really easy if you want to apply it to something you've downloaded, or make your own. Granted, it's only REALLY easy if you already understand how to edit clothes in CTU :p

    You just use the CTU and export the Mask, then open it in photoshop. Use the selection tool to select the part you want to make a gradient- like, say, the red part. Then use the gradient tool to apply a completely red and completely other-color gradient(like Blue or Yellow, one of the Mask colors) to that area.

    Then load the new file in the CTU and change the design colors. If it doesnt work, you might need to enable another pattern (this shirt, by default, only has two. I had to enable a third to get the blue mask to be colorable.).


    And to make the patterns blend the way I did, I used TWO gradients- instead of a red-to-blue one, I used a red-to-transparent over the existing red one, if that makes sense. So then both blend all throughout each other, instead of meeting in the middle and blending there and there alone.

  6. Here's what you're going for if you wanna try yourself:

    By default, this entire thing is red except for the yellow part. The gradient adds the third color option(the blue part), and since the two colors blend together, they blend together in-game. Simple. :D

    Obviously I didn't invent this or anything, I'm just explaining it. I never saw anyone do it before LemonLeaf so I figure people might be curious to try it themselves.

  7. ^Woah, tl;dr. Post that stuff at your blog.

  8. People don't usually read pages of the blog they aren't linked to. But they do read the comments.

    Anyway, I'm about to uploda a normal shirt, a female shirt, and a dress. They are beautiful. <3


    New set of them

  10. Cool! This would be good to make a faded look.

  11. I love the colors in those pics, I'll make all my men where this in bright green! >:D

  12. "Claeric said...

    People don't usually read pages of the blog they aren't linked to. But they do read the comments."

    I can vouch for that, I've never felt compelled to visit Claeric's blog because I don't know what's on there, but I read comments on here religiously if I'm interested in an item that's posted.

  13. Thank you Claeric (:

    I absolutely do not get why a person thinks it's OK to come here and call each other [quote]cock sucking twats[/quote] but that it's not OK for the creator to post actual information about how the piece was made. Jeez, lighten up, "anon"s.

  14. I'm proud of you guys. 20 comments and nobody has made a rude joke about his hair color.

  15. Maybe because Claeric does that to people who make things he does not personally like?

  16. Mmm purple diarrhea hair.

  17. Aw this is great Claeric. You always seem to think of the things that make me go, "Bloody hell, why didn't I think of that?" Hahaha.

    Great stuff.

  18. It's funny how you can do something a million times with makeup and never think to apply it to clothing.

  19. What's with the pink hair, dude? ;)

    Teehe, thank you Claeric, I like this. :D

  20. Claeric you should post youtube tutorials then, just download camtasia and voila. I know its hard to get viewers/readers when its not mysims3blog.blogspot obviously lol

  21. Very cool idea, I had thought about something similar for some objects but not actually delved into it. However, I may have to now, just because it looks like fun lol.

  22. cute! can someone please tell me how to download the sims from ms3b? for instance the file says "sienna._sim" or something. what do i do w/ it. do i just drop it into packages folder like the other cc or what?

  23. This is fantastic. But at the same time, can't you let us decide that for ourselves? I mean, you call your own creations cool and awesome. It's tactless to praise yourself.

  24. Claeric, I know everyone bashes you and says you're and asshole, but hey, BREAKING NEWS: the ts3 community is on the internet and it's not damn fashion industry. Thank you, Claeric, for this shirt, and goodnight.
